Ghe Weeklo Cribariey
Commodore William W. MoKean, Unit
‘Staves Navy, dicd ot his realdenco wear Doglnmte > = _
NY,, ot o'clock a.m, onthe Si. Io was Styearsf a .
of ago last Soptomber, and has been in the cervicef WOH" KKIV ...N% 1,233, NEW:
inco 1613.
‘Tho Black Hawk, flag-ship of tho Missiasipp
Sqnadron, won acolivutally destroyed Ly firo on the
2M ot Mound City
tos carried toward Knoxville, on the ity {© oR Tato Prosiden, subsoripttocs to be limited te on i
tnde\alitoat all of tham dled 10 mor ono dollars. The movement fa by oitieena of all purifies, Ss f
a When the news of Leo's surrender reached One of tho most remarkable cireumstaices | ‘The bil) amendatory of the Registry law, SENATE, April 18—Tho Senate wet and hd-
SHixcetinneous, ‘A mob collected and mado an onslaught upoo fconncoted with tho assassination {4 that all (he which provides nddftional enfegnarda ogainat feaudulont|{Joorue! aftor adoyiting a fesolnifon that east Sijato:
In tho nt battle for the possossion of ul taining commissary stores. In ono of boses in tho theator bad blen engaged by unknOWE PSI rocistration und y ing in tho cltles of Now-York and {jani officer of the Sonate Wear mourning of thaleMorm
In tho recent bat te io possossion of qnautity of gunpowder and perons-Bties on tho mornlag of Friday, They wero unodd) pied Brooklyn, has passed thy Souato, and is now pending in § fer 30 doys. 5
Shoe,» tulnyh Of OD 8 hope imrlament of war . whieb, acoldontally becoming ignited, ex-dsring tho night, eo that whiou Booth Jumped o}t854 Assemply. Assiuny:—Tho Governor's Private Secretary pre.
SET aR ED chee eam Ons, WueanralaR Bo. abel fo se a li tds < ena Bae clack eo See pisgo after tho ountesion of the. oof he MURMUR TaRay. Dr.c williait Ofelghton;. formerly) eented'tlasetopciteaniUimetiE e AueRRE STS
pialemente, “waa «soft © dratensting a arrest frum any partes who might nro osonplQAHO3. Hector or CHrlet Qhateh, laanped) eecrtom Y,, f terosa to Susquehanna Rivers also. tk6 bill togteor-
2foArtbur bad a ‘balddeon, mortars made of tho wood fs Rebel P This Is vot another, and ono of tho atrongeat MRL aod ea reslisaca ced Gertie ne Sanday Dorota Father Mothew’s Total Abstinence Socaiy of!
‘ef tho'gum tree, and they wore wsed during’ the wh golng (0 «1 The aS r New-York; also the bill todgcorparate the Kuna son's
itack, “Ono shell from a woeden gan Is known to} , Political. Father Mathow Tota! Abstinosea euler So
Sy recat F ae aoa nabs I'xetarn of the-votes of tho eoldie Senora eae BU iasrea i a
. ounaated with thie thakt A ot Naw Hawpulitto, for tiembors Of Congress, show tuo f'°4* 40 Erle, Albauy and Ronnssolaor Gul ,
SR aes Caroling, that evon iff wore rented and Fel not occupledt Events WMO towne Hs ae Sees, April 19.—The Joint Sslect gom- Pee te
ne COREL DeaL AAT fat ee seo z iltlenal eubiicelog bo {dotermine these mysteries, sf Democratte, unltteo of tho Scunto and Axsomby mastntsl ola. County, Maryland, to Garrett's farm, near Port
SRISE ERT. Gone elea lt tojeps Woveanuat shay poi enone ua of sncopditionn! aabmilssion ha” aiatanoos which have cometatia ketal Yan Maange ions in relation to tho ascoaninion OF there font. Royal, on the Rappahauuock, by Col. Baker's
wore fH from ogo af thess: moras . All restriotion’ passes to Richmond wero re-f[“s0 of tho Government, render It neurly eortala Sha bam? ehiok wero nuaniziously pessed by bolt brat D
All restrictions upon domestic comp: mored yesterday; any parson can now gro there pr
a Binghain..:
Booth's boraofoll with him on Friday night (14th ig4t), iui Arce aBtdnon Jeuromenta to Friduy tmerning taking place tv
4 and, Sto belloyed, caused a fracture of ono of Melons, The late munivipal cleotion in. Chiengo r Moly therentter.
feade, excopt as to articles contraband of war, iu thef{ vide do not travel ou Government transporte,
Stato of Virginlo, an Insurgent territory, are, by Ad Richmond state that Gor. Pier-
told were chased from the swamp in St. Mary’e
sulted fn tho choice of John H. Ree, tho Republican The barn in which they took refuge was fired.
jo reported that hoe haa divested bimeckiof hieg*™) ees i . pri 21.—Dills we aed TAI
[rstoobe. ‘be couutes of Prince Geccee, Ohaleeand =2dldsthy Gols aaloris, aad idea otto auisrsoa Sanaa, April 21.—Tills wero phased Talne
authority of the Presldeot, revoked in reepect to allff pout will probably coll a mecting of tho loyal Legisla. St May's, fo Marytand, have during the whole sear *Te aloo carried by tiie Ropublicana by largo majori-f'? : = i ee eiaien over tho Bérdant's he
parts and counties of tho State which bavo duly submit- taro by the first of June Hicon noted for hosttilty -to the Gavernment alld@iel fUS% ds alea'woro tefRloaudidates for’ mombor off the! seeped NeW Fark. To alter tho Comsiojtnérs ¥
fed to tho authority and ai military a y direetion. of the War Department, all fproteotton to Rebel tlockade-ronyers, Rebel spiasimnif29Fl of Public Works, ‘Treasurer, Collector) Attorney Eee an one "2 ue ae oe ‘E04 Booth's body and Harrold are now here.
Sian RET + jlo cay 5 7 oteo! e 13, Rebels land Clerk oj 06 Cé slong tho Hndeon Kiyor from tho Harlem Fier t: ss .
af tho United States. Arms, nitions andl! art! Harattee mou of ths District, who wore in barracks andflovery apecies of publle enculen. ‘tho mardenehs off 4 Clerk of the Police G in. Alany, To continue in force thé St, David's Sareve Epw1x M. STANTON, Secretary of W
Slesfrom which ammunition is mapufactared, all 1000- not aetusily iit tho field, have been released, tho President wero barbored thore before tho,ngider,}, The Uition papers of Now-Jersey are of opin- lent Soclofy of New-York, inc ie te site i
arpaeere a ake ane recok fl telegranh wire and” "To'Army of the Potomag etill remaina in thé|fand Hooth fed inithat Urcotion, te ceaagtf On Savtba xcice tsk Sorina fee Opt Bur erOuNAT srodtost Collegelat Now-York. fon tub) mpterGUGh otf Speck Disilch e'tbe nF @mens
Spparatus, alt Rebsl aviforins ani gras cloth for mi Inity of Burkesyille Tunctlon, i owing to Lwbel accomplices in that roglate|, (fer hope that thero will oo a triumpbaut. viotory over uyct part of New-York lying between ‘Tonhit, aad Behe arene rari Aprll 27,
Se ae oe Tho woported; eapture ‘oF Aion aoa } Fogerty ae cantst Ma aapoizhores Hrigna dom ruse (ui Rena ee ATOR de port bas jost been received in this city
CE pare NS ho Union forces, $3 rt . i jdont oconres, 1c! Ree enor boa eltuer,beea wistorions os. thel Aaa si ho nbly umendaxts tof b i 5
It was reported in New-Orleans on tho 18th, f'Y {he Uslon forces, ts fully coniirmed, i Seas alingnt TS ea rrealt oda of Ulon maforitios greatly inoroaved, PRR a ee sete aes Rom ous of the conductors of the Baltimore anil Olio
that Joi. Davie crossed the Missieaippi Riy 1 i ae Hine perpetraiton of tho’ tragedy, andy couscMGehtaf HON Louy Georisa HY. Naautn fina heent re. owing bills wor o in; Incerporatls¢ tio ff Railroad, to tho offect piss wu = He tha
: Lear a Tist Regiment Arwory Association; the Picwet., at Litieo
er’a Bond, which was occupicd by tha Texas cavn G ERAL NEWS. Heowld uot have been coi Jromtnuted for Congress in tho ITd District of Kentugky. Brooklyp, improvement bill; the Cornell Ualwrelts Phouco in Bryanton, Charles Couuty, fMd., where ho
the 16tb, cxcaping the obgervation of th Newa from Washington. blo Booth has orafd everlasting tums, MrsFbordf 0 fovore tho Constitioual Awendmont, and woraverf vi, ‘The Seenta be sy te respon pass the Dry {bad been conccalad slace the commission of tho crime,
Tt fs tho optolon of well-informed g untor Harlan, who bad been nominated Sec- Haass Booth hod not boon a mombor of bia company. for bin. Dock and Hast Broadway Railroad Extyusion bil not- It le enyposed thet in bls oltamopt tw reaah the Potes
that Jeff. Davis will bo able to rc Lincoln, to take ua to the commission of tho murd
S Withstouding the objections of tha Goyernor, moo F po h stook th
vf about 40,000 troops in Yoxns, her cat tuates _ Bomestic MisceHany. Fee Ga ane ae © © murder he mistook the
moro into Mexico, in tho evont of boing pressed by tho, deat gable at Ne dete ice Me.sts ipfontind by Ula Rey. ALD. Strieby, af eneaescore Seana on rae mone Ig x hin he fled to and
Unlon armies, sor cartieil out, and that hoc: JScrctary of tho Amorican Missionary Aveoolation,whof (ymin nt& munlojpal’ authoritios of atheuy, ; See et Seattaape ah
Tho steamer Massachusetts, which left Wush- r'upon bla dutles at. the time designa 5 fust returned from Richmond, thot proparations |. eae res Conoty, buving strong suspicions thatthe aur
: fectlng arraugemente for tho reception of thi smains ident waa © omaw hore in
fxgton! on ‘Sunday! longed wiin’ feodha Tok the er a ovecudegesozed #todhun tnt ells ou iris meeeident at ka Canine HARPER ieee somop pars ia iho,
When abreast of Dlackstono Islaud collided with the
tie 1th inst. Twelve hundred scholars wero onrollcd. J otto ts0 Chey Sinmpenen cen aEMricverstce A rained 26 alscoe eae ig and doter-
Gorernmont tog Black Diamond, cinkiug tho I Baten tekohers) ard) Jon's tho, graandy ropreecotH ivy to dschacgo lit doties Bao ae {0 whl ii wa {to bo concealed was
wtantly. ‘The soldiers upon the lig Courrier dex tate’ Uaig' Of thie sa jog tho Boston Freednien'a Ald Socloty and tho Ateri-A rity Dorartmeatof Nowy, ii toliepeliaeases ee o days pre (seaptire, His de-
eae ores tl 1 erie Bi ts Unis of this f ity pre fiergons asslating in tho gnceslmont of sled Lonay Asecatos, ‘The great exponen gre ears of Now) es ee York ftormincd re resulted in his
Saar Tho Ceses te ara fom outhentle ecorces that Mr, Adams} will be treated as accomplices in the morder/d fo. lebmond will tax theso secon f peatuauale Howl fom tation; fora alc from
Massachusetts moved on down tho river in a disahloaf@o® 224° & demand upon Lord Trussell to closo all Eog-H{ President and the attempted assassination of the iy f Brooklyn to Calvary Cemetery; to, establish @ Capital
Se TGcRE enlie Sonn aera > clsshlos Hiteh porta sgalist veascla car Ying the Confederate fag. tary of State, and will be subject to trial before o pomne Dieter in relation to the contrac! by
serra Tt is said our Minister bases hia demand upon the fact tary commission, and tho puviehment of death, Ss the Street Commlasioners of New-York Wita
ties recently from Ric: nor ory - yore 7 2 and eduention, shionld promptly and Liberally aid the at poria, Se ae ce
Par Pets aly f m Ti x . port a very Punt tho Confeterates have not a singlo port left, and fA letter w ritten by J. Wilkes Booth bas RECA Ia ys ve piikeeterraaE 8 terry from GaSia ay ta cba *
es : at ¥ at : i a here, fib ee pee oe rate ve cla can no longer claim the Hinto possession of tho Ualted States authoriife Pua lial eee theta as rere
orm Ake Gen.Bal rights of belligers 5 authorize a eu wT ate for ena |
Goadly axeaults have been m In answer to an address by a delegation of Fao crea nygriny Daxtlos and prasengers from Missoor! FRochester to Eake Oatarioj fo amend. te elter off OMfictal Account of Iis Surrender.
‘Daton citizens, and ond of assassinated whit tn9 Sous of Vermont who waited on him om tho £2d Diieoneariaisteces care ummation, thel) Bt everything Js trangoil overland and that no fears the Now-York Lavy Tnatltnte; to incorporate tho Ma- ot
Sn guard. Gon. Dent, lato of Gen. Grant's Stall, basfiny president ealde Sino Ta thy Nomsoc ene are ey occurring for. {ta cons iimite Sa Maa Meal atlanta by tho scason's emigration fromHacnio Hall Association of Buffilo; to incoxporite the SSS
Urallor, you ual pay ius penelly OF Cac Rea aE Dee ceo JOE taf tiara on the throngh Platte ronie, as eufigiont forces4seadoute’Aid Association of New-York Kreo calemy, om
on the other side, to the miegulded thousande whe have fs rhe NESE Re informa ae Uff the military are now being stationed at orery point fio prevent eucroaclimenta ‘upon the harbor of en Wasursorox, Wednesdoy, April 26, 16
‘The military authorities ‘at Richrhond haved beon deluded and deccived’ won of cian bree nid far dichnonds One ok Uae cenit Caneda cndayare-t] whora necessary to defend tho trayel.on tho line, andl ork. wad to completo the Battory; to authiriz thof’ ‘The Navy Department has received tho fol-
Booth was shot and killed, and Harrold o} op
th, tho a=
returned the appointment with a
President Johnson from any ombar-W\. Arzeroth (einco arrested) ond David C. Harrold
Booth’s accomplices. Ho also aunounces that alld
Been assigned to duty os Military Gorergor of Rich
mond, relioviog Gen. Shopley.
ended : Yo! Richmond, One of tho assassins, now in prison, Who} mit) Dol ematized that securit F t
Gemmenced isenlng bread to all citizens at Gb coxts perf tho ponaity with thelr liver and limbs: eouslaven, hall Mf as Rat or at cing poepstem st scoaTit PSopervisors to hold spectal mectings toloyy taxes toll jowisg,
Foaf of 18 ounces, and are assinting tho pour and « ental cond elamten a fcitempted to dull Ate.) Seward, is, beliavoait Boone} will be amplc. It Is positively known that thero aro no pay bonday to amend the act to incorparate companies sr GUL 4
fate toa very groat estent, Tho Powhatan Hotel has 1 at Washington, as paroled prison-f° tha St AOS oy San fmiansnecarer than the North Fork of the Platte, up} navigating Inkes avd rivers; to provide for Inying oat 4 ayotis lees. §
Deon designated as a place of entertainment for sl) Con-ferg, of largo uumbers of for net resideota who did all infpyOu, ue 9th there was a procession § San {there toward Datta AD ec ae pom ee a MERE OL TG He etre Yokt atavatak ot Ue Je lnek x tad tho
Fabidde athe dealers. The Spottswood Hotel lef theie powcr to serve the Rebellion ia te Inept ean PEPER, threo mite Tong, coutaloing 1,000 poeple Upon tho receipt of tho nows of tho Prosi- fork; to amend tho charter of tho ‘Trapalt Lilo In A nowbr basataees tatieavarlmantasat Gee Giancer cay
forbidden all ch, and thoeo now stopping. thoro ara neg Romy. terre the Hebelon fae fing. tbo: tom fe cemmemoration of tho assassination of the late PP" tent's death at Green Valley, Solann County, Cal. afsnauce Company; to opsa Priase-et. tn Ysooklya; M000 t2 Saform the aquB aeeeala Geet haneat ans Gaake
qvired to immediately vacato their rooms and Joayo.f “ail SECT ees ee megan BORE y - e i event.fto aathoriz of Di enge lands medeuande on pprocne Han
rogoired to immediately irr I loave.Hper of lsat citizona that itis thought somo sotlon ‘wil Tavestigationa ito the conspirnoy ara prie/immber of ecceaslonita mot to rjoioaovor the event. to unthorizo the city of Brooklyn to exahzore anda "T#l bd Jews Sur sraumel att ete oe tae
A genoral order published in The Richmond have to be taken be th a gree, 2 POUT of troops was sent to break up the mecting, but for lands belonging to tho United States: (o change E x
4 general order pablished in The Richmond have to be taken by tho authoritics, jeceding vigorously at Waablogton. Col. Tom G1 fos thoy approached the ringleaders of tho scccaslunista tho Boarie of Prespest Pork a Bracken sve th doubtedly be accorded, as the city wes ot our mercy,
Waig, of tho 2th, directs that if om 9 parole h on Minister had a very longthy eon-fn-law of old Father Ritchle, has beon arrested, Their pcsives inniidieoen Gets pronerration of Optatone ithe Gossett orca ion of tho oufeide forts.
Frisoners of the Confederate army aro any wee sald, most important privato interslow 8 tho y y Vashipgton 1). 4 4 Speen tetris) bk : rt
Oia Stain ne coe mean borteat privato interview with It is thought by many in Washington t) wounding two of them, ‘Tho firo was) retarned by thiol awend tho act to extend the Croton waterworks, rela.f is eat ae ae tae
feud farintra pecan Gent on Tuesday. Gen. Ortegn hos been cent fBooth, the assassto, is atill bidiug in that olfy, | soldiers, atid scveral of the secession\ats wero wounded cs of this Wore met Pye aie ee een ean Ah
Purpoco of obtaining employment, and ison the way to Washington from St. Lonig ——- a's gf CotFance of the city and @ demacd for its s
Berna coh ising feuployiial 8 disonthe way to Washington frow St. Louis, The whole party then aurrondered. State, The bill to incorporate the Motropolitan Guslf r{7@2¢
‘al boing hoarly expeoted, a clroumstance im. Now-Xorks a
Portation to Philadelphia or Boston, as they muy de-f dicloval algnitieance to the affair, Tho signs of mourning in this city have Bea
Tho tmding boats Sylph, Paul and The Deputy Commissioner of Internal Rev- feo goneral that it s hardly neccesary to iva déser ‘Exporlonce having demonstrated that a/Jasting peace f 40d adwinlstrators, and providing for clog} cn of dole-| MAvou's Ore,
Smother, name unknown, were captured and burned by °U® 8 decided that no Income tax can be asseasod {tions of tho different points. Although there are th ‘ean only be obtained with the savages whon thoy shall satea to a Constitational Conyeation, 3 Crrr or Monier, April i, 186%
Zarton's guerrillas at Helchle Hivir, near Afouphis. f 78 8? Ferson to whom eueh, snoome Se ae ANREDPAY ee learned to fear and thus to respect tbo po Sars, April 22.—Bills were se aerate cnaiareutestianrati oer teeaesiea
Be encomtahy egy came fa wataity of Island No,q Such Persun dln tetas oa Nand pal iusto acseription of fw tho same che nD gee Go 2 a skivo| G. Longhilin of the staiF of Major-Ge:
Heard a quantity GPHenFa HME amazed, Iosif eis murder of President Lincoln, it has {certainly apply to another. ‘This is probably tet PAnjorGen Bele de Span fe arent (1 Migizrr error ada etc
: ca aie eer a: Ip ti ‘ajor-Gen, Burbridge was tho recipioat’ of eeedinge UT ta
@rowned, She left for New-Orloans vv yee dizeotct Us Gea, Augor that noone bo allowed tof me that the clty of Now-Tork has ever boon so ennf.,, MuonGen. Burbs ‘ from lina oul de in seeued te salaine ROG
‘A temporary blockade of Boston harbor by iets or forte enclroling Washington, unteea tly and universally draped with the cwbloms of gor-Je™0eword a fow dass since, a preseot from thof author fe SN its wunivipal autuorlty is wow within my control. ¥
nporar wl eee pi tse cnclreling WY esta gion, unto | Se paren oP eg extensive f Utlted States Colored Cavalry at Camp Neleon, Lonis mending the Brooklyn Pablic Park act, demand tus lbeen peanteds otdgtitenteee eae
‘Dnited States y js occurred on Sunday aft 4 por-O ® Written pass from headquarters, or when person. e eet = ey A rille. In bis response to’ tho presentation address, h SEMBUY.—The following bills were’ passed unless] tho cako of humanity, all the aufeguarde you can thro
and per- Jeity which have not in somo way or other been draped : NB L g and [otherwise noticed: To amond the act to. supply Brook- around opr people will bo: secured Yo thea: “Veen rec
Pak 20 phair the ronae of BereaTaniOat Wee eee Tae ene Revels was now oor, and fothermise noticed: To amend thoact to sapply Brook. round aur people will be secure
hearts of alL Some houses ware bedecked with black f ttt e expected and hoped soon to sve our colored si with water; to allow the Manhattan Gas Com-9'P°°" af) Suoton, Mayor of ‘tho City of Mol
snd. whlto o maguidcently as to preeont rather the ap "0°03 marching into Mexico, _ pans 0 chesgo 8820 per 1,000 fost si relative to Tp, Major-Geo. Gafiox Guexcen," Comuander of
Pearaneo of rejoicing than of sorrow, Tho majority aff Of the Chicago conspirators, Buckner, Morris “vorees; to anthorize the goon Bren elisond Coan lacs 2 Commanding Weat Gulf Squad
va be fslonoe Davo ta very pin and ene dacrationg fad, Vincent Maruaduke haro hon acquit, and MPs 10st eis ask; tora the amcadcat
Fcoreia, have fallen nto one hands, ‘The Rebel f ft? proposed 810,00 of 81 subscriptions which show just og plainly the deop fooling which ItsJCharles Walsh and It. 7. Sommes found guilty, the *° Coustitation of tho United Stat
Gea Tyler'wea Wiled and 142 mien captured at West About 12/per'eent of the War Department Hinmates wouid express oa if the soft aac aa formes bolo eesteaced Gy ceommee fa Jutter to three aihad oer anlage
Se SEA Ee a sptured in Colagbaalf clerks, bith as upon their balding. | Tho sbipping now within ow sears’ imprisonment and bard labor in tho Obe Pont. Public 5 The Provost-Guard being cstablished, the workd
Frain tte eee or Georgia bas callgl Gui([ havo been, dimissed—a, boginning in the way of gov, port bas been imbued with the same spirit which thef{tentiary. Xork Pier asd Warcouso Company; junds thev’oliyWomhioh Tarovoe ianieuse eaten tial
aod parsledsy GOT) fn the ogee of 16 and Go Or thelf ¢ramontal retrenchment. lelty contains, and bas also been dressed in the babili] Go Rochcater and Brighton Railroad. ciiniNisrerslthentaareiaon
a Ee ar bee s Mr. William Hunter, who is now the Acting ments of snourning. Camdon and Amboy Railroad, and a leading man inf, SENATE, April 21.—Bille were passed anthor-f "ene Vand tar been weleed te hobalfon thanny
eee pirat Pag lace howe t + fs.agon of the late William Hanterf Betweon 12. and 1 o'clock on the 19th, while the State of Now-Jorscy, died at bis roaldenco in the Mariposa Company to issue preferred stoct most of its contents hed been destrosed, except
ACES CED Bae aaa Ate the former Mipister to Brazil. He hos for f some oftizens of tho Fourteeth Ward wore firing minute boken on the Slat Inst. from typhold forer, la thé Gath fopaneing the bonudarles of Pruspeot Park, Brook ome lomber and a quantily af soft c f
Set atten ca ia) ran away anqeollsted in Many yearsbeen Chlof Clerk in the State Departmont guns on tho plor foot of North ‘Third-st, Wiliame $year of bis aga, Goo. Cook was a craduato of thef Mureing the name of tho Marinors’ Savinga Bank eabhe Getorors aud threo river Movitors aro now at
Rae een ead OkReee Bier Ttisnow known to tho Government that the burgh, an accident of afoarful nataro ocourrod, More Uaited States Military Academy ut West Point, Meena former ond ovo of tho iron clade will bo sent ap the
Fe ete : ho Prosidont's assassination bad reached Gen. than aif tho nnmber of discharges intendca were made, Col. Baker's detectives, by tho aid of “stool-f °°?! er a + Tombigbee River, wharo the Ketel ironclad, Nasbvilla
are blag organ Sherms:rrrnl Roars peor to bis setog pon bia ben a prenaturo dscharge ak raee: Me Wack olgcsra™ Mee eae aid oF 300 Serenthat, Now-York, Cootract; ameodiog {an Sa See oa
Shs quote crs listing. terms of oupitalation, Fas attending to tho priming, and Mr. Androw Valley, Hereenbacks, s0 well excoated that none but experts can FEE Teeeane Walon Theological Sominary of New River beforo the bracuatlon. ‘i
a Aialon Get Hancock reports tH ncarly alll) ‘A guard Has Veen ploced arounditho rostdonosotiNa 20 Nets Bese Hing RSE a eats | eetch) Wiens The partion dealing in thom haval beau cserstas phere ccoe oe Ban Ber eel Cancer bonlly chgaced ig owing
Breiok Gor mantieven AF; noludiog|f of Seustor Sumner, evidonoo Phaving beon adduced toffbed ecrved three years in the United States Artilery, arrested, but the plate has not yet bea sconrod. rad Queens Caan Pensation of the Sopervisors of Kinga op and reoving tho. ob main ». Pz
SEE ae iepre,cxed Moshy himself Wsuow Wat be was {one of the partics intended to be Wore ramming and ewabbing, when, it ia supposed, i Silas Carrington of Bristol, Conn., was com:
anil Queens Counties; legalizing the procoedings of the eounncl, Which have. proved an
ie of Commisstoners of Pilets. A communication ll, of torpeaoce, altbuugh ng them
eariy oF qo. for 4 ico of boing overheater 1¢ discharge] e rr 0 Son
Some of Mosby's own men are buntiy for a reward of ated anence of the gun beng overheated, the dlacherrel petied by a crowd to bavl down a scocssion flag andfl won received from (he Attornoy-Genoral, declaring the
A formidable expedition against the Indian} Company in the City of Now-York was defeated. Tho
Jtribes is being organized ot Fort Larned, Kansos, Assembly also passed billa in reference to executors!
e channel,
teamers beiug auchored in the channel,
+ Siifusgne vessels to poco ont. ‘To all ingulies they
‘responded that it was “'by order of tho Navy Dopart
ment.” The cause of thia singular prococding bas not
transpired :
West Point, Columbus, Griffin and
y tothe oflicer in cbargo or command of a fort.
The family of tho late John C. Riyos bayo
placed £1,000in the bends of Jay Cooke & Co. us a trib-
Jute to the family of Preaident Lincoln, It is suggested
Macon, tbat those Gorernment bankers be made tho repository STAT NRG tes Maker
City Hall, and a portion of the troops immediatoly «
Public Conveyance Compan:
Providly. “Tregrot to Joforin the Departaunt thot ae
82,000, offerod for him Ly Gen. Hang'k, who hes been Soculary Soward is convalescing rapidly, andft0rk Place. Both men were ramming at the samo time, hoist tho American ensign and bes ieetieaney legal Buffalo Potioo Till unconstitutional in ate work, oe well etnedch Crees eee
ington. f Fredexck Seward is aléo bottor, and both were thrown by the dischargo into the East Proceedings against somo of those who thea waited Assramuy.—Bills wera passed logalizing town boun ‘Althea was destroyed in dragging for tor-
River, their bodies boing terribly mangled. Hisaifea) sscaies thie vai non ks Pf pedoes in Blakeley River; alzo that tho gun-boat Solota
leaves a family. Mr. Crosby wos unmarried. s , 4 Dlork of Brooklyn: to magne che Clerk and Deputy f was gunk yesterday whilo under way, Fonalne sores
A ar f Advices fi Texas state that there is a (Clork of Brooklyn; to amend the East New-York andfltho bar in twelve fect water, Thevel prospect of
rae sa [Soot eee enie Of Repre| urement on foctfataong. {6S |peoplel to deeters, al Jameion Rested Ate izing the consolidation ising this last vessel and repaising her damages
Antrov Atzeroth, supposed to bo the assassin fscotativen of tho Now-York Firo Department, held on mintcten mes alopendent, propazaters to secking re fof tho Attantioand Great Westora Rallzead ith other qty, Peon of tHe enmmanding viors ofthe ves
of thas € State, or ut least an accomplice inf Tucsday ovening, 18th ivet., a serios of reaolutiona wero admission {nto theiUnion. Proads; to provide for tlio paymont of certain be forced ee cent oe Meyer ee
the Vasbington villainies, was captured on tho 20thadopted oxpressive af thelr abborrence of the crimo
i dns soon as rocelyed. Very respectfully
Capt. Laws, two 43 and five seamen off oury expenses of the City of Brooklyn; ¢ pend tho Four obedient servant H.K. Tuatoner,
‘afallegiance Ik, presented 19428, a scout of Company D, lat Delaware Cavalry, f which had rosulted in the death of tho National baccn , C2Rt- Laws, two mates and fi AE ey i ay snemendi th
Capt. Ford, @8th w-)rk, presented Coptas Solomon Townsend, under tho command offftive, doploring tho ocourronce of so dire a calamity at
Acting Rear-Adiniral, Com. West Gulf Squidron.
Fee er: Tom New, Tore wero arowrnéd Maoh | ina rlativa to tho eatates of lnuatter) ole; insorpora-4 ae ene cre Gooes hoes ee eT
= on Monday. At ; ¥ 0 boat caps ho bar at the mouth of tho ting the Harry Howard Exowpt Firemen's Ascociation# Wasblogtc, mi
Rebel fags to the War Depgaeat on Monday. AP afajoririmao, 213th Regiment Pennsylvania Volan-f the present peonliar fnctare of public affatra, directing Suny boat cepa ena am eere muouiar acta Maweeark), tol neni psraie Aishycion rsrigatica fy Pedic Go far os asceriaived, tha memtathereaste op
Aofclock Col, Sherman preaefl SI—soven of whol iccry tu place called Germantown, in Montgomery tho draping of tho houses and apparatus of tho Depart arson ny cation has beon estab-{ Company; the Qoarautine Amendment Lil; to tavern,
wore captured by tho Ist V cretary Stanton y Count, Bfd., while in bed at the house of his cousin, finent in mourning for tho period of thirty days, andthe, Telegraphic communication has been estab- ee 5 corpo-F many of them now aud of tho heaviest caliber
thanked the brave buys int]
tured by the army and oary will not fall. short
tho President dtween Si ow-Westmln rato Masonfo Hal’, Brookiyn; to amend 2 foc of teat uted a hy heaviest. al
ofthe President eho dy aio eon arrvsted and held as a witness, PhOtating of tho flags at balfanast until the conolasfou off Sbed between San Francisco aud New-Westminister, amend lnetrras of them Dove ris beaviatalt
and tho nation for (hoir valol
sfou of = Bridge act; to incorporato the Uni y Clab of larg Se
Aterth isa villaigous-looking map, and a German by fthe obscqaies, and indicating their purpose to uaited British Columbia, Gano AS ila tolaltoatar Caster on Speelal Se eS of th = +
orf Lee's army who aref birth, He has been in this country about twenty years, f with tho city authorities in demonst: The Wilberforce University, Green Co., 0! hio, ig etx J ESL Rene of the ATA 7 NY “I i
All the paroled officerf fe y y years, ry authoritics in demonstrations of respcot , ” ) Peace in New-York. i np )
wee taictaaa, aad. wisp? 6042 Eteope, will! by [and Mw soutdad most of HAMM tee ‘Tobacco, onff for the illustrious deocased. was destroyed by fire on the 14tt, Loss, 850,000, Sunar AGRISS mills wore teed fos tb PROCLAMATION BY THE PRESIDENT
Aircotion of Major-Gen. f- be furnished with pass- {the Powac. Ho is on intimate torms with the Surzait! Tho Albany delegation to accompany the Fare snap oe fromoral of certain female convicts fom Sine eH A Day of Fasting aud Penyer—Tho 25th
ports and passaje to Hes on 0s 3th end there is but little doubt of bis oriminality. fins of President Lincoln through the State, consisted, FORBHIGN NEWS. . Prison to tho Buffalo and Rochester Penitont, le a . Appoi
Wiice of tho Provost-Maal-Gene nt lo Lieut Ronkles, who oxamined hia, for Gay, Fenton and staff, he Hou, Wiramt Deole the Australian papers contain full accounts of the ccrporating. the Paris Pace amgENyl ot “Noscl Lec Bahar aan |
Virginia. raeyail' «pha lf 2° Waeduivocating and unsatisfactory, He takes his I tow. Chauncey BM. Dovew, Gon, Aloxander W, Har J Precedings of the Government of Victoria with regard York; amendivg the Act for Raulwe arenes Whereas, By my direction, the Acting §
w military dio, which embraces tho] coptar yin porfoct sang frofd, and manifesta but littic AGoree RUT 7 . 5 BEF en tu pn Tacee H SEES) Farms # tary of State, 8 to the public on tho 17th
Anew 2 ney, GeorgoS. Batohelor, Col L. L. Doly, Georgof{to the Rebel steamer Shenandoah, Rumors of a formal (1 Morrisania; amonding the charter of the L y Q
Depariaend ofay fle Army of tho Votomac,fconoer pHs was forwarded to the Relay Houso by b y 6 Hho charter of the Lorillard! April, requested the vari us religlous denomination:
pan ond Wisin Cassidy, (ho last tyro represcoiigl{tolzuro of tho ehip proved to bo untruc. A Tritish aub-f{ re toserance ‘Cansae e fitoa 5
and such part of Ng Carvlina as may not bof Mojor\ytmen, beavily ironed and guarded. It waslfine sevopspoe prose Jeot having enlisted on board duo Sheuandonh, tho police or (dio and trunnt children in Drckhey d Caeosttf ans me epee eG
. Abraliam Liuooln, lato President of the
3 ec comy! Of Mojor-Gea. Sherman, #with)jmonity that tho soldiers ‘ood bo provented Stuy " : is armst, and whe
See ee Tae ee onan Heck Want oe ee NEA Vaaalones round tf Tee Old Stuyvesant Pear Tree, which magistrate issued a warrant for bis ormat and wheal Assismix.—Bills woro passed anthorizing the formac4 (ote? go). nd to obsorve thesumo witha,
hag been created, andPJ9r Toei igs PL amMNmR Fae Rae conse as tate eo acer foun) by A Sts aan che eorsen oe LIN erat Gud Thirteonthst, [tho oftlccrs of tho ship refused the warrant to beHtion of a company for the Durpose of ervoting ware. ¢erewonics; and r : vais
doits command, | ‘ wnt diffe Paha * a ee ed Which Las borno fruit more thun 200 yenrs, is vow infexecuted, tho governor ordered all British workmen pouces and decks in tho port of Now-Yor for Quara: IWhereas, Ont country has becom: house of
as e at Mavoused had como from ington a day or F iis) of tho abip (o cease working i ! ca of euaraa-f mourning, whoro the bead of tho faruily bas becn taken
GATE On Lay two Bbdband at th homder onevot ae peta Hloom. Tho first blossoms appeared on the doy thatf|°mgaged in the ropnir of tho ship (0 ccase working. Mino purposeay tho Now-York Contral Railroad bil» flawuys nod beliscins trea qpeclal log ok ;
(Pe dinoor, ned, upon tho assasstnation of thoft dent Lincoln died; and on the 17th of April al! Tho Robel cruiser Tallahassee arrivod at Li — signed for again Lumbling cursclves. bef
Tee teat LBRO opped cating, an afer’ out. ‘This is the carlicat me of blooming that wofferpool from Bermfs on April 9. Sho bos boon ro-f Spcelal Dispatch to tho N. ¥. Tribune, God, in ordor that the bereavement nay b
mmadlg of tus following langunags He neg ov rane femomber. fbristeved Aelia, and will wbortly be pluood ia tho] Atnant, Wodnosday, April 96, 1665, the nation; now, thorefure, drove toe
madgjo of tl following languaz o } A monument is to be erected in Washington-f ea q No bnsiness was dono in tho Legiala oe eae tae atch cam only be “assaoge
is @@ March toward Montgon Dm raeis purr, ¢ D HAVE WEEN PIXED, to bo erected in Washington-fmcrebant sorvice, ong in tho Legislatur
directed to cstablish bis headquartd ot Wea:
A delegation of the citize
dave arrived ot Richmond with afauest from t Mio Washington aeaseay:
to Railroad that th
ors of the Richmond aud Dany
petition would be granted provifl they took the oath
Afr. Ballsy{f upon him,
aiege, in a Munioa with the Fathor in Heaven, and luc
Smith's Corp eae Ge Bay SIGE square, Troy, iu honor of soldiers from (hat of Tho Russian opidemio is now on all sidosf J beth Houses having becn eogaged with tho Gea with the wraes vp Senators and | Fi
NotwithstayS the fuct that nearly all o1f7 eat nen cartliteetine fiave fallen in battle, Tho um’ of 19,500 bas tecuf pronounced not to be the plague Accord ing to thof{ Or and Stato officers in paying tho List tribute to the s poumumnn ested eave Dy. Xe
{ered to Gen. Hancock, thero ‘are! Lle,-Goy. Bross of Ilinois, in the absence already raised for that purposo, re ibeas dduatdorauly Acolining, remains of the martyr Vresidoot, The d Biot thosUaitel Sistem. aon
at mon ai nt of tho United. State Hereby
Capt. Smith, of tho brig J, Titus, from Ber) qq
nerrillaa along tho Lowor Potomaof f GoWalesby, i a proclamation in reference tof
sats of the Rappatannock, near Fred. the afesigation of Proaldont Liocolu, recommending
< . grand and impressive boyond an: Thursday, the 25th day of Ma; to bo
the French Chamber of Deputies. Mf 3 u wherover in tho United St
andon the by i ss muda, reports that a plot had bean discovered. by thi mabe Satantee 5 of Albany. Vast throngs of peoplo from Now-En Saute &
ial burg. doubtless belong to Kinokeloo's ay is zelelgual wnryess tureah at bs Stato, Fry's Cousal there, to send rete net Tae co gy ae of Spi Ca ropelled th Pond tho north baring poured lato the city sige
paar ah and Mod supplication of divino favor, Its open toaprond Wes sleet bing to anticlpations of war with tho United Statea, fi avd this morning to join in ik Forty teen ee
tlio foils i8 tho officjal account of the} ing was are these: “Abraham Lincoln’ has falie, Fen eS tla fetereiaong ons clans Wo learn from Mexico that Gons, Cortinasy wow led throng the Cagiva gen asad Tten aud pn tele respecivy
anmber of P24 wrms surrendered by Lee: Paroledf by thoand of tho asseasin. He upon whom the uation ‘ov. Fonton very narrowly escaped sorious| and Afenzas, at the head of 9,000 Liboraliste, intend at-f and wany thoueautl a Caine forwanl whey f Sed man w
prisoners, {5 Small arms, 15,018; cannon, 19; eol-# has rei through all the dark hours of tho rebellfon—f!0Jnry from a stono thrown by a lad, whilo seated ina lashing Btatasssres {tho doors were close eeldent oF disorder of any porcupied at tho | contemplation of his
ory, 71. GUrant has been olficiully notified that tho exed patriot, tho wise, the vigilant, tho iueor-0ar on the Harlem Road, on Friday evening last. The Tho nows of tho full of Richmond reached England onff Tax Levy was discussed, oe 1" Me Seuato, tho City yyw; f, Chavo horet Dy hand and
Leo's arnp’ been completely disbanded roptiBstatesman, has beon stricken down, whilo Stet Was promptly arrested, Apriitryiah dl proauced na latadssloxeldaiene? Ye wa ze ot caused the ad of tho United States to t alixed. oe
0's orn Ferns a i u alent: * % 4 h duced an Intenso exeltome a] fee Doe at the City of Washlogton, tho 25th day c
Amoy® trophics of Gen. Stoneman’s ex-filledlery hoart that the Couatitation aod the lawell Aentiue Mott, M.D., tho celebrated SW funiversaliy admitted that the end of tho Rebelion was) No vessels are permitted to Iand on tho April in tho Year of Our Lord, 168%, auld of tho Jud
pedition'? betHe Doge and banners, ‘Tho famous fled ba (riumpbantly waintaiued. In the moment off geon, died on Wednesday. Roar at hand. Tho Confoderato Loan fell fo 23 and western shore of Maryland, This order is rigidly on-ff Pe=Ueu00 of tho United Stat Joa tho €9tb,
peleon f* Salisbury wus burnod fo the ground, and fviotor, Yiiyois mpuzgs the loss of Lor noblest soa, | It is proposed to raise 8 monument in thisf rive-Twenties went up to 6 forced to proyent the cscope of Bi aad VJ ORNBO.
ng Sec, of Stare,
a yo oy we - 4 ot — . a wha ——— - DRY VUCTS VE OR uy er - — Oe V1 ih Carel pba! pes irae
Reb Sept? attad ery alwart shoulders of the guard whien Taq nocvm-y 5 jeidGots auch ag these conld Vo WMLIpGY, Doryeuay aun uy od nd powerfal mon, the poarpe™y' 4 Joces with tho \wubsnks, W.j ith North Carelion Babel yi
ssl oupavrpmsse oun ene AS T2TTARRe et Peer ouhise tore vaelackimsnt af tbe VaC] SARS RTA b grand, # colomilWene, ‘Thof{ children, delicate women, Oud Poel (ogenber iad Epooplq, 3e expotea himself b publlo places w
Rane te ner te ee [eons ratve Compe, Zhe prelislonry. proyeusion jraal oelemouies of Ye-day wil fxoved jin aot Wa and in optgauk and tbo
8 woo cot wntil long afr midnigh} thoy the cofiiall eran Reserve Cory ocd |
becoming sottled, and barriersharder and harder) Sold Aand will plerce his heart wich dagger point for tht
to break are arising. If you contomplate coming f P42: #274.”
to Now-York or any othor crowded city, dow't} Tho beat and passion of a politi
Like Free. 084 neither excuse nor palliato th
whoroin ho must insist that the law shall take
fits course, there will bo a vory goneral disposi-
Hrion to acquiesce in his conditions and limita-
tions in the firm belief that ho Knows what is]
also suecced inmaking money; but they have
no more influbnes on publio opinion. tban the ffamofs yolomo of the most odious and imperti-
\wenthercock has on tho dircotiow or force of the comparisons, compiled and published afcomo, Fortune is in broader fields,
She Weekly Sribane.
eal campatgn
o utterance af
NEW-YORK, WEDNESDAY, April 20, 1805. Joe essa the. premises, andwill bo os rigore|vind. ‘They may bo conculted as evidagee of|ffow spars ogo, under tho most exciting of difB-|dom, ‘bor broad van socks unplanted Jands,"{*° atFosious wish as this, though doubtlass thas .
, SE DAD NOT SAX, fouass ho must, and no moto so. Huot is popular, and moy, inthat.view, have afoultig, by ono Hinton Rowan Helper of North{ Emigration is o natoral law necossary far the f Vill bo the apology which the editor of The Le
Fee eae cae ate President Mi Jonson's rqpouse to the address of the fouria yalvo, Unt in no ether are they Worth a} Cunajna. Viowed in te light of this Spring’ perpetuation of boman societies and poltioa Crosse Democrat will offer. The universal
hava presed through our City and aro still en Britith envoy io ndinirablo alike ta anbrieaal EN img, malate addresel bya poregn nf mong: eeems to hove Yeon sngyestelfeystomsy oboy It, ‘Pho war hs oponod tho de aaa Sa a Sa ie
Baye Passe clr Guat vest, tacoma, theo, aft aniifiouner, ond wllyWalrond with eateFioGOWY Toy veen takongonrpanerAtéen or ratty | ut SPE of prophesy... Blow fndlguontly Jand bs shown Northern enterprise anew Ca-§ ho ony punieimens rene
¥ ing atte 0 abroad, If the bores of all sorts will but gi 4 . rs =) faverof-he ideas of au irrepressible conflict and offinaan. Southward Ho! ple should offer him. Should he retire forey
CORE een torte i EP fd fost Pim foal a ttondily growing confi couwiraray RAC os a ing crisis of the South spurned et from a profession to which ho is a disgraco he
and patriotism evinced by our loved and lost} him s chance, wo fe E g confi-} iggotia tho Bo eon . Re aetTs
1 Nab in bis reserve aud silenco—in what he took fence that his Administration will pfovo ofl Hi ourso of eo many yents, Wo must have Veen Yet tho crisis imponded none the GRANTS yroToRy, pil ann shat He be) sult sanespse ler
caro not to say or do doring bis occupancy offcieut, successful and popular. jJmany times wrong, and you ought to have de.) nd came, and bas ohiofly passed. Com-§ A Washington correspondent recently tele-4 Yt 18 due to on outraged andy fs
tho Presidontial obinir. For many afvol bas the F tdotedlsomd of the errords (HO ond) and Bin juepee Bich wore wdions) thou can‘offend'no-Fgraphed us that tho number of men actu z ; = a ane
re eee ny vc SEERRIKAN — JOHNS TON — SOMNBON — fC ae body}now, ‘Tho secrets which Helpor 60 im-]surrendored by Lee to Ge } The suggestion of a National Testimonial o
credit of clever or smart sayings—perhaps — TS of this jonrual are, not to moko its renders think adm 01 he character and gratitude for
5 7 RECONSTRUCTION, F i Pertinently tattled of have been thrown open adlwiration for the charac m3
Juatly: but to rffoin from follis that aro our-] 5 sao cntealy. reported subrendor of John. fin all gusey nso doy but to teach Wem top fie io gaze by tho keopors of tho prison tis cacvices of ousdala President in the ora al
rent and popular, steadfastly ESE: to! lond | es eigen turievouh on full development, think forithemteolyossy’ SVo stole ourownopinsti ye. In toaring down tho barriora a paymont of $100,000 to hia stricken family—
them any countenance W baeay, evine "Hn queer bit of diplomavy, whence you can}ions freely aud frankly we ask for them 8 fair breoted for their own protection, in order that » porgon to give more than $l—scems to us
found and invincible sagacity rare among © | bardly guess whotber Johnston was to sun endorf consideration and a candid Jadgment; bub we thoyhnight spread Slavery and let it pass ont, appropriate and timely, Abraham Lincoln bas
the nblest of public men. E Poe eens eremaato Juboston. As it yas ever dreamed that ovory ove would make tome ee aen et tecdom stood died for tho conntry, precisely as if ho had been
I. Mr. Lincoln, throughout his arduons term} In fact, if wo supposed very one i Thay “invited wnd/dofled Materia hot down while serving in ber armies, No on8
of servico of President—in foot, throughout hich Fo cowaliat Washington, it has of course jou, Wol ie irrepressible confict sass extatanoa they ae rae {8 abundant evi-f io now gives his dollar can bo euspected ofseek-
ending puuligy career =utterly; .elubboralys test jee a aoe, av Ghat Gianvaent dian Abia ore cotta; Talitho ‘qicatfon; which: two gonora- Bib of Leo's army, apd they to ingratinte himself with tho powerful oria
Wan ar a tau—the words with which inet! Nowth Cnrolina and preclude any miore blun-j°"¥ ‘ettled in four years, : veo abe 2 Badan citgete ao by ons of Gen, tit x Uineola bes ald. $25,000 8 Yoana essay
decided tho'Trent caso—vwere| the koy-noté’ off (°° Alene i J) Ora singlo point, we insist on being better} The topegraphical atractura-of # Gentine satrap ergata Uhits uo donne ayers ho would have recoived in tiie of peaco, while
his entiro official career. Ho uever proposed, Dm ihis misstep wr Hen eae understood. ‘Several have written us, protest-lesrly shows that it sap th pa eat tns Bently corscceson FO eee alg le’ labore: abd'Tauxiotien’ But éhe,
the ddes, ales corpopalartor gottiag “Out of eurg LEE rts necessity, tho urgency | by ists (OFF ing ayainst Mseutimentality,” "tendorness to sation, iuasmuch us all the natura ugundesies ~ Holaims on bie hospitality, the cost of his house
domestic slragele by plunging the dispersion of the well-dresses ER i ret crimivalg,” &o. They entirely mistako our posi: thorirors and monntain pbeinpcad on or ‘| den sei avo hae donscnauslyincreessagTuat
European power. Nono of the liogus " Monroc °° eaah other, into tho audience-chamber Offtion Tessin tho intorost not of tuo eriusinal}'® South, and no artificial line eau over destroy i Tees tail theldifinelticafob hipped
Aootrine” bravado, which so tickles the eara of President and there insist on spoutine ly ys ofthe yet undeprayed that wo resist poual} tiem. But the unity Of aRoliticall existence yee Cagatry (hive divlalonn)=. sacsecetnecoe es ‘ tof botter times bofore
Seton ies ; “Hat bim ond making him talk to them in roply.f}. 9. iint tend to barbarizo tho communi-f'bich these natural and incffaceable boundaries Htion, and had a prospect of botter tix fo
most groundlings, ever escaped his lips, Heft. 1) Hi. ors ek eae infliotions that tev ni ui pene Baas pada ete ‘on dead by an assassin, and the
qvas of courso annoyed and embarrassed by thei! 'eroqever’ wera) tin Tor exeT-Hey, It is in tho interest of Human Liborty that} ieolare a necessity bad been unknown until th e aateaailara that tie People bad
French invasion of Mesico, and he never con- s and exhibitions, thero surely is} ist all that tonds to inveat the defoatoad Wabvamo. ‘The Ohio was o veritable barrier, Aes ee Sesh gaat ine ae
cealod bis dislike to thot Napoleonio blunder; 4202 Now. The people of tho rebellious} 1, spionsof Slavery with tho Honors of mortyr-nd North and South wero more truly forcign od men. : at esa Pe mts
at ho’ felt that it ill) beoamo tho chiof of apSt#tes aro ansionsly) awaiting tho Age dom. Wo cannot well agroo with those whof?tions than Tu nd Russia, for the This makes tho tot gth’ of Le that iat aie meee ear without
great nation to induigoin warnings and monacos¥°! Petco and Reconstruction which it i@ Toth 4 thot a great criminal oseapes: pnnishment{™t only not tho ara, bay not homogeneous; fe7/o90 mon, inido tho dofenses of Potorsbureles sara to th ae ie han ¢ know
which bo was notoriously unable, dur President's imperative duty to prescribe avdt, ie.¢the luw takes his’ life or inflicts on bim}%t ouly separate, but diametrically opposed inf. Rictinoud. Oficial statements of his losse paca ibn eh RAM BAER crore
Sivil War ape Paint annonuce. ‘They want to know which among. je kind of physical torture: ft er stem and interest. line of tho . 1 wish to know nothing, Wo trast no dollar
Ciyil War, to back by material persuasions, a Tie cad tg tho Gatallies oC UEERE souffe kind of physical torture: for our respecti i ki ean infurmonntable anaf are the eleven days campaign which pret will bo given to this fund by apy but thosa
would havo been easy and popular to plunge tho} *e™ sre to be axpoced to tho p + ro-fStand-points are not, within boil of each other no River, us along au insurmonntable andy, carrender are lacking, but if we put them atl vn would rather pay it than not—who feel It
country into a great forcign war; but that{ {Tense and which may safely return to aud T-Hine sq ean possibly muko students of history ftupguetrablo wall, the stream of emigration fi, targo figure of 40,000, there will remain), privitego to place the family of our great and
would havo been to insure its pormanent dis¥u; inacith their families, Tho sowing and} ong oF human waturo comprehend, that nof WR rose in Great Britain and Continental yy, oo9 carrondered by Leo as prisonora of wor.fucod lender beyond tho possibility of wank
tion and overthrow. Mr. Li aw the right f Planting senson is rapidly passing, yet Industy} ost, triumphant ina great civil war over yotfampe rolled to tie West. But this was not4’. 4 if wo stop thoro, it ie an extraordinary feat wv» hope soon to hear of somo ono haying been
from tho outset, and had the j and patriot-|7™4iNs completely disorganized, apprebousive, | gored from treating its vanquished opponents} cane wostward is any moro tho natural moves o¢ seneralship to compel the surronder in avy } . ae tS recuive Gontetuutiona®fa this Ollps
Fira Gaye ss Aistrosifal, tnxiously awaiting deliverance orf itt top much leuits. The danger is all tna] Milatemigration au southward; but bo-g 5. aia) ast Ty email ae air eaiisceecinite GENO ERE Ton Gate
Il. Ho vover tallied vindictively, nor threat-[{400m- ‘The Freedmen are deserting the plauta-] sino way: for there will always bo a bundred{‘auso ono path was open, the other closed. Wy army go largo as that, See Later bublacan iestinay GOL dane
eued to hang or shoot men who wore notions whero they aro necded and buddlingy oicgs orying Smite!" for every ono sed | Emlgration seeks to exchange the hard for tho “p01 tuis is by no means a ¢ Eatin : : |
in/his ipower. He probably hadi as clear and]. tho, cilies)jiwhero they. are © already Spare!” In’ fack, they who would} *Ss¥, tho stubborn f generons soi. I4fy foots, Ibis not the oun aie latest ne
Keon a perception of tho wickedness of the Xcess: and), where there is little} once the ono only e y con-ffrossed the tains om tho Mississippi be ‘ed at last lit the on nately allays tho fear which ob
Blarcholders’ Rebellion as any other mang°? Rothing to do. The Publio Debt ia) stil thot their sido of the question can {cause Slavery guarded the way sonthward With 5 th6 pogiunivg of tho campaign that PAE inboieuoat the wand ix cor
could have; but he eaid little about it, and noverfSPidly accumulating; our armies ore DUMINED 4s gyide discussion. Bottor lot all bos fairly |# Laming sword; vow it wil he agiga pupértor geuina. Gt) eniiaire dineatetinTiket ec
barked at thoce who were not within reach off@04 otherwise destroying millions’ worth off} .acg, and beliove that they who ‘boar the} Wo will not repeat the compar 09 138t 40,000 ime leven’ daga'ts IP cal Ralieesek Beamrea thal
his bite. Mrs. Glass’s initial direction for bare-(PFoPerty, that iasoroly needed, and which, woy in such acrisis aro most unlikely, even} mado botween several Freo and nati, colo SATE A lory of bis f not tho plague, but only a somewhat al
cooking—"' First, catch your- hare”—he was} tall wish unborned A Cowrantss eae ppt uupromptod to rigor, to hearit in vain." |Sfates, but merely note at querer dimioiched by that fact? In what par. vind iof w fever wellknown’ in other: countries:
never tempted to violate, And if wrath andj (™26 caloulnted to olarm and disturb the South —_—_— ostent to which oivilizs i ticular was it less {eat of orma. to put 40,000 Th9 bygionio condition of St. Petersburg is lox
Bitterness, with a fenrfal looking:for’ of judg: ees beomgzne += die) words) fitted Lo cuit {REWARDS FOR TEE MURDERER. is it wos—hns ponctrated tho prominont Stat 1 hors du:combat’ in elevon days thanito havell eatigfactory than that of tho other larger cities
t, now pervade the Rebel breast, it was notg!e2s*™e ber yot remain unspoken. When will “41 order from the Secretary of War thisfof tho ex-Southern Confederacy. Bi availa portion‘of” then fox ‘chat analdopltala‘L'g iaoees audits beliggsd. ta. be, thetdlseol
incited by anything over uttered Ly Presidenty "0 8¢!Cappointed delegations -bavo done Mz-torming published offers’ a roward of Fifty givin, tho oldest of all, hed in 1860 b af tian #Onviauslp: Leo'e losses "all "Ubrouuh thal cetco of the, iagreased fratoioffimbrtallty, The
Lincoln! uilying their office and give the new Presidenty ry oncand Dollars for tho arrest of tho murdarer} millions of | ncros of /~—_ improve mpaign aro to bo counted as the succe corvdottieeg of tho firut Stullstion! reports of the
TH. Ho always kept us clear as might bo off pportumity to think and speak on the one topied §¢ \irnhom Lincoln, in addition to any reward{against | niucteen millions unimprot W crophieso£ tho.yiotor, and it mighboven be sold | sccast sf Meleaces (acd deaths is denied, and the
the tanglo of premature “ Reconstruction."Jof greatest imminenco and of transcendent} iir.-54 yy municipal authoritios or State Exeo-fgiving only round number uro- | copa’ Leo! hadi-to surrender oil iene caccut actarastese wot calculated to enune
He instinctively saw from the start, in this as inf importance? : utives. This makes the total of all offered re-flina six millions against seventeen mil-f ry, siiiteni-aanalioatereaied was thal see wines mise :
othor respect, the folly of quarreling over the} Tle tusk of reconstruction is at Vest gravey -sc43 moro than Ono Hundred Thousand Dol-{lfons; Georgia cight millions against cigh-} ciquph of Grant. ae
disposition of the fox'sskin while the fox was still {and difficult, ie will tax the loftiest statesman-H),7. sum which—if any sum wore teom millions; Missouri millions th Canna Wakaue Oe tha Ualou ams felacit From a gentleman recently arrived from Hae
uncanght. Firet, break the back of tho Rebel-{hip. To resettle society iu the South on v necded—onght to stimulate tho _ best thirtepn millions; Arkanens ono million ozainst] \.ocstatod in the samo way and to the samcfvana wo learn that serious but cautiously
® Hion before you underteke to pass sentenco on sof Freedom for AM is an ardnons undor-} rvtectivg talent aud tho oountry with#seven millions; and so nd of reducing the credit which a gratéful na-{ guarded ap, sions exist thero of an insur
tho Rebel chiefs; vonguich and disperse the The dilficulty ever-present to themind |, omitting esoctious, Twenty-fivo Thousaud {two millions against aniliions. | tiga eivoa itovits firet gonéral! Groth f coctlontamion gatue elave snid that lorze
Rebel armies before you quarrel about tho termsgef & practical mau—which wo tako Andrews ojars axe offered for tho arrest of G ‘A.fOuly: Delawaro and Ma bad it is said, wero 123,000 men, BR osits of arms have been found, and that
of admitting to our counjels States not yot} Johnson eminently to be—is, How to reconciled stzorot, alias “Port Tobacoo,” and the same) proved half their land; but in tho ranaader higteimediate com shave been arrested. Tho plot
" ready to come back on any terms. Tosettle fthe fundamental democratio rule of government} ain for David C, Harold, both accomplices offofgho Freo States the comparison ick, &o., included, that AY she ives all over the Island,
| questions gs they severally arise, and not tog hy majority voto with the necessity of taking} pooh. Liberal rewards will also bo paid forfply thesame difference turned the oth a Mea bCLiesoaresd on iden of his ac- the Government is fearful of au outbreak
Givide the loyal strength on topies not yet in} care that the loyul people of tho ox-Robel States} .., information in aid of the arrest of either off OF onrse cach man bad the wilderness for tna} available force that she ting of f notwithstanding its promatu overy. Should
order, Were among the maxims by which Presi-gstall notyho put undor the feet of tho clara theso criminals. Persons harboring or assisting Byearest neighbor. Missouri—a Stato Jargor than CAMPOIBNMET ba c ponder quoted the precantions taken preyent a rising, wo skell
Senta elms et SReseeeay geile ee Se aa Hy ae ie inept will bo decmed accomplic 5 puts that foreo at 75,000, with which estimatef provably, as is usual in’ euch eases, hear, Little
“Reconstruction” became “practical was LY) promp! a itizenk 5 Titi coats 0. s intone nreltn tic ore about i otherwise it may lead to
a es cacesapoms essa aaafear ras : ane era A A age sume SS Baca cy TSN tho He Neo aa] eae ndemalion aud oninion_prtts uearls | more about it, TE otherriss A eat eae
Vased avowedly on this principle, And his sne- s os may bel” ye has already been suggested that municipal}7343, this maximum lessening downflyroy must be reckoued, eines fies See nae <=
cessor will find Ais task lighter in consequence. | Wherefo| fe authorities all over tho country should offer rv-{through ‘tho list, until tho inbabitants} pororsiurg amd Richmond fh cored (mere a atoms ela LCCC |
Our country bas had greater statesmen, ablerfand del : wards for tho. arrest of Wooth aud bis. accom §fToxas and Florida shouted to thofr noighbors, froneus wc totrar coos Rita Pee in pers We would: abinothing
speakers or writers, more efiicient adminis-| Jo pines AND @HE PUBLLO, [plices—all such rewards to bo cumulative, audfovery ono of whow had moro than oue-third off yaq yas and must ‘have ji aa ee NER eter eC
frotors, than Abraham Lineolu; but which off “Guy of many lottors-of similar tonor recently f be paid in caso of au arrest in any part of tho}. square milo of tetritory to stretch Lis lordly yyith a numorieal euporiority of ibout 19,000fof catching kim or thitof suttiog tence,”
Blom over svinaed 4 talent for silence} ccived, cays, in perfect simplicity, 1 assurapCOUntry. Here iu tho North perhaps no addi-jlega in. Yet in so sparsely sottled o Stato asf mon Gen, Grant forced bis enemy out of the Robellion. If wo bod Meet
Where speech was porilous and the events of too tnat what you soy in favor of Penco and{tional incentive to vigilunco is required,{but{ Vermont, solely agricultural, and lacking a sin- Gat lite: Gautiawui outtemrimvel OE lin ersaldibe cosans ORG MCn Soy
morrow very likely tho wisest Jndg-[or tonity to Rebels doca not represent the sentie{Mrgv stuns will Lo likely to tempt the pooplo of fla really largo town, thera were nbout 35 por- fy, . SRT SOREL oes er Rieter ne rats conde
ment of to-lay ? While his wise aud noblo acts «its ct sour aubsoribers i this quarter.” Wet tho South to seck and surrender these Woody vil-ftons to tho milo; and this crowd hed its eESicet ME aL GNESI Tae oe oto ee rere ere
are duly honored, Jet not his equally boucticent oat the least doubt of its Reproseating—-f !0it!s—and it is.of courcosomewhoro in Sontheru filimax ia Massachusetts, where 1 persons a il Tahal (SARS ete Se ee akg
sien cline conforming tothe shauekaghlertitory, if auywhero in America, that Booth([hnd but a milo to themselves. Yot, litlo“BEas-[ pire captains oreated tho art of war as itfoul of counting chivton nee eee the Wie
= (opinion of the honraghay not be dificalt; but{i® Row seoreted unloss ho {s still in conocal-jrachueotts bad one-seventh moro wealth thanfoxists to-day in E | BOS onsinok yet Ustohed. )
OUR NEW PRESIDENT. it surely cannot Uo achicved by those who dof Ment in Wastington, Probably Jeff. Davis}Virginia, and one-half moro than Missouri; and} erick and Napoleon, niror” aaks if wo are opposed to the in:
pai 7 ate Res ae publi uot try; and we never attempted the task, find-fuight hesitate to givo him shelter openly, butffin the aggregate of what aro tonmed products ities hin to rouk with either of the t¥0 iu eny case of Death as a penalty of vio
n uy ne in: ing it unadapted to our mental habits and tastes. fe Wonld facilitato,his escape, or cover his re-fof industry—a looso but expressive word eudlinhcerera AGapnrranthetements site nan law. Answer.—We have bes:
dono to the country ax well as to him in com-Hq might, boo cotton for a peck of com and aftreat, if possible, Evory incident of tho assas-ftho way—oxceeded by 60 por cout tho product] sroatness places him ona leyel evea with the} °PPOPE\he Death Penalty o re
Fe ae ee eee paguree ott couple of pounds of bacon per wook, with a few sination ‘shows with what ear the whole alt th avo States combined; and her mann-H rent Prouch captain. Wo trast webare heard Ist twenty years, and are sun Sadi t
aborate addres day, intended | oats of a horsewbip thrown in at intorvals, wefstheme was clabornted, and it seems idle toffietures of boots and shoes exceeded in valuef the last of efforts to belittle kis fand and his XQ whether wo mean what we
' to onligbten him as to his duties as well a°f van cortainly chop cord-wood or dig potatoce forS¥Ppose thot tho arrangements for escape wore} the total product of four and mol of th entire} services Nean anything ol ee ;
with regard to the importance and influonce off, iving, for we havo tricd; but to represent Bot equally complete with those for'the murdor. fSout! = a ;
thoso who make him the turget of theirorations. Frubiio opinion in tho editorial colum Pet a{Wo baye never doubted that Booth might] But the Norther swords that havo gone uRvGUA d some timo ago the establish
Ho was so recently inducted into his great trast] |, wspaper is a task quito outside of our ca-fcrssin a boat the negligoutly-goarded Potomao, {South during tho war will very speedily return We have already announced the end, after a of an associatio the aboli. i
that he must bear theso inflictions for thet mnojty, ‘The physical possibility of doing i at onco on the Virginia shore ho would thithor os Northern ploweshares. ‘Tho West—fduration of about two years, of the dvi war in in the Spanish colonics. We q
Moment; but wo feel confident that bis com-Winay or may not inhero in our faculties; tho} hurried away into. enomy’s torritory by|that part which ia now the West—is not theythe Republio of Uruguay. Tho ion nd to Leth that'tho sovicty bas begun ite \
Plaisance is very nenrly eshuusted, so that hel oral doca pot AO s skulking near for that purpose, It isp bust portion of the Continent. ‘Tho Territories headed by Gon. Flores, tho chicf of the party JoPeTations, an\that the ion meet:
will very soon ask his baranguers to givo him af’ Wo are sometimes inspired with intense dis-{Southoruors therefore, loyal, neutral, and bos-fnow undeveloped bave their mines to attractfof ‘* Colurade bas beon suc ‘al, The fing which bns tor been he Id in Spain yas oon- ye
chance to attend, to his business by minding} gust for a yocation whereof tho popular estimato| tile, who aro to bo tompted by grent offora intof cttloment, but they aro not the richest lauds} Cily of Montevideo hnviug Lecomo antenable, j¥ened at Madrion the 2d of April. Tho um 5
their own. He is finn though courteons, and appears to be so sordid and low. Wo haye quite surrendering Booth, We presume tho spirit offafter all. Slavery seized tho best, and might] President Aguirro, at tho instance of the repro-g Ds was most orded § austin
will pot allow tie that belongs to the pablief{ often received opistles gravely informing us that] Mr. Stanton's offer would include a delivery off have kopt them bad it been avilling to cultivate] sentatives of the foreign powers, resigned his} Qle708% 06 Of jo | °
to bo bored away much lou; what wo think and say on a certain topio is un-} the body of the criminal, dead or alive. aswell ug to gathor, The war has loft very}ollice in favor of tho Vice-Prosident Villall ¥, bas been dcted Prosidont of the society, f
Mr. Jobnson has como raro qualifications forf popular, in the ovident presumption that we ————— litho but tho nnked soil; but that is enough. f who, on Feb. 20, agreed with Gen, Flores up Tho President h = Fr
tho vast responsibility so suddenly thrust upon ouly need fo know this to make us woot ship ot{ PREAIDENT LANCOLN’S FUNERAL Virginia hos beon literally onriched hy sloin.| tho following conditions of peace: Full td et-f sinting tho 23th\ arene easton aD ,
him. In the first placo, it will not bo easy toflonce, and come short ronnd on tho othor tac IN CANADA. ‘ri rost of tho South bas boon viewed, and thof tiro amnesty for all political erimes and offenses; JP" pn on in eon ean a aeY OE Penting .
expose him to projudico a3 a“ Yakes." He isfTho notion that a writer should ever undertake It fe, we bollove, tho common boliof of all thofregion traversed by Sherman, formerly al-frestoration to their ownors of tho confreated istion at the ashen not the Rational 's
8 Soutborver boru and bred: be never lived in af to resist, correct and improve public sentiment} Curopean residents in tho United States, thatfimost as much terra incoynita as that wherein] property; confirmation of tho rank and off eae eta : n of Mr. Lincoln, b
Free State til] he made ono feeo for hinself; and suoms as inconceivable to our mentors as that ano country of Europo has ever witnessed any-{tho Nilo rises, is marked for tho barrowpcvnferred npon the officers of each of the two! [rom agentlemabno arrived fi A
{t will be diffienlt to make the Poor Whites off man should practice law with a view to the{ thing approaching the exbibition of mourninglalwady. Tho Tennessee and Cumberland, a general election within tho ebortestl ton on Frid + that neaaeear, cusrles: 7
the South belfoye'bim their natural, implacablog promotion of justioe rathor than for tho sako off throughout tho United States on tho death offthe James, the Alabama, and tho Mis- ible tine. just a3 Gaustesciked leave aria :
foo. It will be up-bill work to diffuse a belicff the money ho might.earn by it. President Lincoln, The faneral services inf souri will becomo the magnificent water-ways Tho Governmont of Brazil is not folly satis-f complete success of tex paditiv at oso 4
that he is keeping up the War on purpose to en-f| If the public is to be anade any botter, itf British Amoricn are no loss remarkable, Therof Natare incant them to be. New-Ev fied with these stipulations, and has déposed itsJont by Gen. Gillmoh dor J ae aan a
rich Eastern mavufacturers, Having, always must have instructors who do not “ reprosont” fis probably no precedent in the world’s history nut hereafter bo tho exclusivo workshop for thof minister at Montovideo, Pavanhes, fof baving} Potter. Gen. P se HF zs c
been a Democrat, it will Lo a job to inducolf its avorago views, but are wiser, Dotter, pro-fuf a whole country paying such tributo of honor South, but bor own streams will turn her own] guaranteed the execution of tho treaty "A part} Manchester, ar za Brea °
any bat Irisbmen to oppose him in the interest founder, than thy are. A journalist who uni-| to the memory of tho head of a foreign nation, spindles for the partial supply of Ler wants.Jof tho Brazilian fleet which was block4ding the} oounceting railroad bril, pte ea) P
of “Demoeracy." “Since ho has always voted] formly “ represents” the popular opinion may In almost overy town of Cannds tho places off Baltimore Will bocomo a great entrepot, ad Nor-f port of Montevideo bas been withdraw, and Columbia aud Floren Tho exped getter i
agaiuet Protective duti¢s, it will be burd to in-f inako his nowapapor profitable to its publishers: J business wero closed on Wednesday from 12 toffolk may find uso for hor magnificent harbor, fwill be employed in tho war agaiust Para-fstroyed 1,000 bales of\tton, 7 | eee 0
duce 8 general belief that be is fighting ‘to se-f but what con he possibly have dono for his read-}2;, the churches wero thronged for the colobra- while Kentucky shares with Ohio the benefits off guay. and 43 passouger-cara, a ve ae *
oure enhanced imposts. Having always till nowfers? As ayobiole of news, his sheet may bof tion of tho funcral rites, poblig buildings andthe river which scparates them. Miesouri is - 4 10 liberated ov ahcne r.
voted and acted as though Blacks had no rights} valaable; but his editorials, considerod as lomps{ private, houses wero largely draped infidiretly upon tho natural, highway of nationsf We recalled to mind recently o PANgraphy or, of tho samo class aland
which Whites are bound to respect, it is vof along the publio highway and guides to correct mourning, and all yoicoa united infaoross tho Continent, and cannot escape beingf Which appeared come months since tBIThe Lae as our informant |
2 ight task to convineo tho public that he is thinking, can ho of no uso whatover. tho manifestation: of griof at tho loas sustained Uqoded to other States by the Pacific Railway if] ©7288 (Wisconsin) Democrat instigathg inake notes of these partich, st foe 4
\ lured from the path of peace by “‘nigger-vor-] Tho {dea which ecoms to lio at tue bottom offby the United States aud of horror at thef/she would. Eeouomically considered aloue, the J “assnation of Mr. Lincoln. Wo hawt since} sivto to got farther dotails\'g rosult. of che i.
ship,” “nigger on the braia,” or anything out} the degrading concoption of our calling which} work of, the assassin, Previously, the town} war bas paid its cost; discounted in advance, by received from 4 gontleman of this qty the expedition, however, 83 Cored gatish at 4
of that shop. In short, ho Ja in a positidn tof wo find provalont seomis to be not far from this: Jcouncils with a very creditable unanimity bad breaking down tho artificial barrier erected byJ™°Mber of the paper containing it hat off,7 Gon Gilmore, Wa yee lo
August 29, 1864. It is the closing paragaph of — —— we fe
stand woll with a majority of our people, and
Wo trust ho will.
But more: he knows the Rebollion, egg and
bird; ita incitements, its protoxts, its leaders,
their objects and their hopes, He knows how
An editor is an intellectual gladiator, whom wejfpassed resolutions of sympathy with tho family
hire or pay to find or invent reasons for thefof tho murdered President and with tho people
course which we haye predetermined to take.fiof tho United States. Woe have had, in tho
Ho is like the lawyer who, boing paid bis fee,f{conrao of this war, to register many acta of un:
does his bost for his client, whether that olient’s} friendliness toward the United States on the
Slavery against tho passage of omigration to- :
i ical leader and is as follows: mri i
‘its nat p 3 a fierco political PensonaL.—We cannot Unda, 49 rofate
ppordlla neinel and neyitable)}erol ~The man who votes for Lincoln now la traitor. feng falachoods we pd aflost; bi, > meas i
© concerning ‘
Yf any young man, therefore, within thoreach#ysacoin ig 9 traitor and murderer. Ho wbo preenditle ig gon of Horace Grecley,” int
of this article, is burning to come after his ccr-}ro war for, wars agalnat the Constitution of oufcountry I ,yatry, in Louisiane, bis opinie >
tain fortune in Now-York, wo entreat him toffisa traitor, and Lincoln Js ono of thoe men. |Ho who} i364 auch gonoral circulation)
t it
far the South has been perverted or tainted by cave bo good or bad. Ho cannot always win;Jpart of a considerable portion of the proas and} keop away. This conntry is fast assimilating calls and allares men to certaln botebery. ya rderer fe sy tnat Horace Grocley i
that Rebellion, and wheroin it is safe to tonf-f but be must ascortain what his clienta want andthe poople of British America. It is gratifying} in its older portions to tho coudition of Euro-} "4 cae sone apt aa Git a eae Tele pand’ther this rallew. cise, Oe Oem
por Justice with Mercy. Ard when ho—in af '* represent” it ag woll as he can. to acknowledgo this oxpression of sympathy onf pean countries, whore it is continually becoming | “yar desinter of the Nation o# Lincoln has, le would swindler. A nopbow aud nomosch ry uns i
Been Aurled to perdition long tinea dnd f he Gr iso private in tho Army off, .
Proclamation or otherwiee—sball ect forth the
over for another four yesrh ¢ truss somal but ig po such porson'ss this cavalry |
extent to which ho will grant amnesty, and
Now we know and conld namo Journals that{tho part of our neighbors in our groat national
alwoya moan to ‘go With tho tido," and gen-aflliction,
hardor for a beginner to wrest: success and for-
tuno from his lifg. Classes and conditions aro
Obsequies at Baltimore, Harrisburg,
and Philadeiphia,
Leaving Was
At6 o'clock Frid
morning tho members of|
aGlioted citizens, ‘The Philodelphisus have done every- Gen. Dix ond Sif of the roma‘: j
0. Dix and Sal (domaine cannot be described. Under ordinary fsido of the buldisg occupied by the Coutzoller aud W asked
thing posalble to show their respect for the distinguisbed f Gou. Sesutord end SIAM clronmatanecs’ tno proceasion Of yesterday would bef Kouister; and wo are eoupleiped to say thot the eo-f "Bir. Pres for you thos to Jeopard
Axceased. The countanancos of the peoplo best express oy ertaminad Sonaered ing, bt toe of the Oe oat eee throughs whieh tuowsande upon slonrants as Prolae CS a Jor
Whe eadnces of tholr bea ool taste of tho} never! nex Proccomeute of to-doy, It rinks into nothin Hae rae Moa cok mora thon eight feet wide, fSOnre? - =
Re Se Ge Judge David Davis rive Coup ©. wf Baton wo go. Largo streaniors of black and white propio. passed was, SOLARrD tone ee ele [uo epliod: “ea, T have already been wot a
Among the most prominent wore tho reslionces of
ir headquartora In Girard-ut., ond they are beanth
and thp faco thus forever hid from the
citizens of Phlladelptia wan Alaplayed {n the mourntie
Latilitaents of tholr diwalliugs aud places of business. f
KIMUSE, eboye which was farled tu folds Sergent ngbos of the 201 Precinct aid Sorgeantd ft rf
sana Geant and Meade, which wero covored with Jone Celuabls times eta fico of uncramions,wbove which ws ered clda| Scrveant Mushy of hee Uist cis cbareafotaerlpoloy willbe wie, bodes Ie tereice ey
I nod wlth craps. Nomoroua wiitary oflleors have ore aay imRor: nt frum the windows In the vicfuity, while tho crosrd {uf the police force at the entrance, and they parformed feountry, ho fs 0 directly anbject to the Judgwent and
the Cabinet and many distinguished individuals nict atffolly drapod. ‘Tko ladies appeared with mourning
fe Rotunda to pay their Inst respects to tho tate Chiot
gistrate. ‘The Ney. Dr. Gur
prayor, and at 7:40 tl
and followed to tho d
Giafz, and Ma). B.D. ¥
sonalsting of Secretaries Stau!
Postmaster Goncral Deunlson
carringe cootuiuing Liout ant. On ae tentatte ed. 1 Se
tbe ooriagnoontluing ASR M F 3 5 [ate itepresentative Frederlck A, Pik, ee the Cle tall have boon described at lougthfeamo out thon departed from to park on thenort! i tad ani atemedyio
ig at the dopot, the ln was pheed in the ear es-}Recoption of President Lincoln's Remains. | eulotive Edword H. Rollins Beforo In those columns, A repetition pow wereffon Broadway. At7 u'clock the umubor of fersun al ~ des 1 a
e1 Y i declared, onder the aolemnities of an odth,
Bigned. At preciscly So'clock the train storted. Th j Portus Gaxter. nocilea, Everything around testified that vounted wha entered tho City Hull, and fousd. to be SH, nay ft 1
ee M ‘tative Samuel Etopets motto above its main eptranee, The Nation Mourns." for 10 minute at (fall the reat of thy arwy loft, he would remain
members of the Cabivetand others who were on the! <2 my spel wi - i Tae n with his four Mhldle Tennessee rocimenta, defoud the
‘ 5 ey es itor davies Dixon. Waa oot mere sound, but th upivereal feeling of th\ ‘apt. Churlva Brackett of the Pwenty-sixis Pr ty £08 Sa TE itare I Ht
platform, as well as tho crowd gathered in therearofl The Body im State at tho City Tall, } ator Henry. B, Anthony. Dood connor wherever the (lug of the Union to-day f/superiutonded tlie police arrangements aroued t ity, ta, {n ite aslies, before St shoal
fhe dopot, outside of the Une of sentrios, stauiliug un: f New-¥ tor Tro Herre, Rilvots balfmast, ‘he goft Apel sunb aaenolon in ite had a forcoof 4d men under bls control, coming | Wen then ten =
Pojusylvonia—Senator Egat Cowane ved bmi sean th amsrahone 2a Wieser tal + os Tuell then lefts carticon, whlch, thouch weak, proved
Sar At Uueigntn pasted ak'efivins N0 re ii SNS ich} Senator Edge Cowane, ie bale mnt ane won tho trees, evon. boro in the Hirom the following Preciuts, threo sections coder the samoient to hold tho expital nf Teuncssee.
pane Aig Ee 5 FO; Seheess ins Contr of Gust aud amok, wero buddieg forth into lent command of twu Sorgeants from gach: 1st, 3d 4
mains of Little Wililo Lincoln eccompany those of his Tho Occasion. [ijinueRepie:cutative George W, Jalan. promiay of the bright dowering: to comes but, fun, 10th, 1th, fb eh. 12h, Til, S64 and
Mather, footprints o c -9 BC! WineralaSouator Alexander awsey ni, wbose. remains were borne} With this furco, Capt. Brackett and bis alls, Sor -
—— i ahs f He opis ot ee An the Be Ahlen Hepres ialee thaome W. Ber ene erany morning, thor cones Robinson, Huehes and Townsend, preserred th wnniegae Sa ages re ta aa Ta
Obdsequics at Galtimors. ncldonts thut mark its progress. 1n a great national’ Hlluof—Seuator Richard Vater, Repreecn aime ube vhaieht Summer. ne meliow Au-fof order throushour. Detective Farloy, Obiccr M LLIGAN—WATER GURY —On Tiesday, Apel 18, at Be
mM 2 oxe. Washliirne, Jolin F Viivend Irase N. Arbol. FEE a oi ull bie labors. A ns-f Cord and other uficere, who were detalled for the par 3otn C. nuig Vilsabeth, We Je, Dy tic RetsS, AL lnk,
The faneral cortege arrived from Washington
at the C
road Cowpar
nbout 10 o'e
Vier-Gencra) Lockwood,
andor command of Brig
toon formod, Provost-Ma
3 Grand Mo
whore tho remaus wore laid Su state In tho
was formed of the samo material—rioh folds droo
from the four corners,
and cndsof tho dais belng elmtlarly ornar
fluted folds to ac!
Bleek velvet, studded with thirty-six at
the body of the dead President reste
thea view of the body, but double that number wero
@ealed the coveted pricil
y offered up a fervent fl gonoral that ite
was placed Inahearse, | ‘The fuserol train left nt 4
t by Liout.-Gon, Grant aud for Now-York, where Jt $i duo at 104, 1
euch, Thon camo the Cabinet, —
Welles and Usher,
vos od Ut NEW-YORK CITY.
Bpecd. Tho carrlago of President Jotnson followed
den Sintiou of the Baltimore aud Ohio Tall
ck, Amid the tolling of
the city bells and firing of minute guvs from the torts, 0
procession composed of militsry and clvlo societic
al Col. Woolley acting
nl, end march taken to the Exchon,
nd bordered with silver fringe
The cornice wae adorned with silyer stars, tho sides
taterior of the canopy was of (black cloth, gathered fn
(ral polut, whore Was largo star of
0, a9 when the boar of
e’clock p. m. arrived the ovllln was closed and tho ro
mains escorted by the military to the depot of the
Northern Central Railroad, Ata few minutes part 3
The catafalquo was richly draped, tho floor aud sides
ef the dais being corored with black cloth. ‘Tho cano
Hmong then all nono will bo mo
historian whoso great privllego it shall bo to write the
chronicle of theso timer
Jn 1801 wo marked
solewn funeral pi
H thor nat vestiug-placo 1a 1
aud instructive contrast:
fl ongintente of a peoplo who thonght themselves greut,
the publlo expression wos f
horror of the “*deop
ourbing at the patfon’e
jawnntlon of bis taking o
‘All classes and all oo
{ nenure of respect which Is co general and go extended
asto bowel nigh pnwvielly. Acd this union of rome
ogh each individuel folt, himself bon
ored in awarding honor tothe great departed. If ho
1d take pbyatonl form, tt
man seutiment and fooling
ould be even that thix great procession whic
the dead President, would be surrounded sn
passed with an atmosphere of grief and the
psprogsion akin to worship, of tho great of tho
Cased, This grest movement from Washington to
@olock the funeral train wag wendiug Sts way toward Springfield will form a grand tableau In bistors, as
Harrisburg, Po
Upon reaching the State line at 5} o'clock it wns
y. Corin bad arrived from Harrisburg in Great | ovent
special train, scoompanicd by his staff. Tho greet
and Maryland,
riial. At varlous}{the pe.
J, either fes.
samo eolemnity* of countenance was everywhere seco,
and all ceomod to bo profoundly sllont spectators of the
found that
tng of tho Governors of Pen
adjoining States, was exceedingly
Places Wo national bauner was display
feoped with crupo or beariug a black border.
Burial cortege. At ¥:
surpassed interest, the Indies asking permission to lay
fem tho coffin a wreath of flowers, Gen. Townsend
granted the request with amodificstlon, that aix of thon
might perform tho service. During tho performance of
pairge by an Inatramental bond, tho fowera
Brought forth and carried in procession to the funeral
oar, While the bells tollod, aud all the men stood
covered. The ladies entered the cos snre8 08 €8eD
Gfthe coll, and the wreath boving boen handed to
ham they placed Jt in the center of the collin, cm
Is J bead o
Ben returned. those who witnessed the scene bitt
weeping. Tho bella continved to volt and the band to
sound ite mournful. strana, ‘Tho wreath was vory
Kk (here ocounred 4 sceno of un-
juch the heurt of the nation had been borne In a!
‘dura to the fature Mecos of the American peo:
roduce great chareotors; bat it
mained for Provlucuee to oasizn the greatest of all to
The duts of goiding this nation through its Iife-sirug
fos to bo engaged in it, The people did nov
kuow, but they now sco, that tho election o
fue then supposed to determine an Administrat
Nas, in fact, under Providence, designed to detert
ty in America and the world.
k wourn the loss of a patriot
erty throughout the world 1
ebsequits. ‘Th
con as great os it has been solemn, and thesa
bad beon possible, Tt, me
people, and not (heir desire
fowaver, wero luug oat words of welcome andof checs
We remember one that expressed a dim for
the country’s trials, with a plovs prayer for the
tue uation.” The words wero: ** May God pro:
orve. tho Union, and glvo Abrabam Livepta wisdom,
Ini strength to fulo c
lished bis work, (uruing to the Waysidescroll, wo read
large, sboat three feet in olronmfereace. The outer} ing popular verdics
irolo was of roses, ard alternate parallel lines were
eomposcd of white and red flowers, of tho choicest de
poription. The hand of affection could not bave cou:
tributed amore choice and dolicate tribute to departed
Funeral Houors at [orrisburg.
Tho train containing the President's remains
‘clook Friday evening. It was
srithstanding this the streets|
ort ao
of idolize Lim. "Those who
resobed Horrisburg at Sf 0!
Desyily raining; bat
were densely thionged, aud a largo military e:
eompanicd th¥ remains of Prosident Lincoln to tH
Btate House, amid the sound of minute guns, where the
eorpto was exposed to the view of the pablio until a late
setts train left for Philadelphia at 11 o'clock Saturdss|
morning. ‘Thousands of persone wore sad witnesses of
tore laid m wreath tf
‘ov, Bradford of
‘ears {n quick succession passed coantry houses, work
sboys and small soltloments, every resident appeariny
of the train, Battleflags wor
Mts departare. ‘The patriotic da
flowers on tho President's coffin.
Maryland, took Jeavo of the party at Harrisbare.
to witness the passic
To the roll of the ijlaste|4# dead who have
RAMEE static to the cause ot
Liberty ped, Juste,
Bites Pe aled the mime of
sere PuaMt LINCOLN
lovatea AuftAblznect honors by the people, at
Elevated te te period of iu country’s history,
fhe sguecHfbor Seat of worgealed wesley, SH
ho endures tiecigal labor rarely i over equale
Sto ui ork dove; fie reord made
day Hoore the Many the wholo watlon mourne
nl ‘the Breadeat™
mourn bim; they almost
sit, the remains (ocl 08
Waiea, they were on holy ground and in the presonce of
fiereat avd good wan.
life thet closed #0 well
No tayee of folly now can atalo;
The igh sehenco Freedou's accente fell .
Noreancr thought ean now profeue
Tis countrymen more than
"The bam
Oh! comitrymen, or deep recret
To wasted here: arise and pay
‘To Freedom aud to hin your debt,
By fullowing whiveo ha led the way.”
avi gentlo bree
the most perfect doys of Spring. Had Natare
splayed everywhere, banuers were at Lalfsmast, badEe] oct paused Iu her tears, whlch have beep falling most
ff black were universal, and all cloyated points bal
fonies, windows, housctopy, &., were ooonsled by
persons of both sexes aud all conditions.
adelphia Obseqaier.
The P
Tho train containing Pres
procession did not move until eis oc!
were the Mayor, the City Coun
Congress, representatives of foreign courts,
nomerous otlers of distinction, The firemen 4]
ation were Welln
resented, cspectally tho Knight ‘Tomplars, the Ci
Fellows, and the Fenians, Many colored men also.
peared as members of cbaritable and otber eociots
every society, institute aud orga
dent Lincoln's r-
remelos arrived at the Broad-st. statica at preciaty
half-past four o'clock, on Saturday afternoon, or to
Rours earller than the sobedule of tno originally.
pounced, {n order to afford more of duylight for tho di
play, Oring to somo mlsinanagement or blunder, te
ek. Tho mslitar,
both white aud bluck, made o fine display, ‘The Cy
Troop acted as body guard. In tho processio
, and oir,
counicipal authorities, Federal officers, army and psy
efflcors stationed ia the city and nelgbborbood, te
Judiciary, mewbors ot the Legislature, Mewberaiy
with appropriate badges and regalia. ‘The obime
Bt. Potor’s fand Christ Churches (Eplsoopal) were +
sponded to by St Mary's (Roman Catholic) Chureb. Is ujg no
procession ocoupled en hour ond a Lalf inpassgfils second Inaugural, aro sold overywhers op th
She ctreets designated in the programme, when tho 4
Biste House having boen reached, tho corpso was tas|
pote Independence Hall, where it was placed neat |
pall which first proclaimed the adopticn of tho Dock,
Hon of Independence. ‘Tho Hall was clothed in st,
gaoncr as became the ‘occasion, rendering tho ed)
yoene solomaly imposing. ‘The housee, with but fous
any exceptions, were draped with mourning. Ingen
fas exbuurted in sbowing tothe best advantoge |,
sxterlor manifestation of grief. ‘Tho body of tho Ph
rat was visited by thousands during tho might on.
Hatlon tickets from the Select Councils, Before §
Aght lines wero formed east and west of Indopendts
ing in by two atalrways through the ft
windows, and out by therear into the Square, Bo)
Polock there lines extended at Jeast threo miles, tn
the Delaware to tbe Sobaylkill River, thonsands octy.
fog threo or four hour before accomplishing theln
fect of acolng the romalos, Great nambors of won
Jook position in the Iino, end notwithstandingic|
fatigue of slow progress, effected thelr object. My,
paly giving up when they faluted, wore carried ey
their frlonds. ‘The eoenes at the hall were Impressiy
of hushed, and that grand song aloae roso and fell, avd
Ball, po
rolemn, nnd not a few persons were affects
tld colored woman, 65 or 70 yearn of age, tbri
spectators with ber open expressions of griot. Gazltyr
‘affow moments on the faco of tho dead, abo oxclaly,
clasping her hands, while toars coursed down hera-
trod checks: “Ob, Abratam Llucola! Ob, bo tdi
heis doadi ‘The sympathy and lovo exprossey and carefully re
this poor woman found a reaponso in every By,
and seemed to inorease, If possible, tho general
Es wos not antil long after midnight thoy the o¢i
tho time shuce the sod pageant left Washington, the
gombro scene would baye proved so oppressive as to
Verpowerus, ‘Tho throug Was imme %
the atrvets contijsnous seemed crowded with face
"like a day of Judgmont.”
Mingled with the great grief at the loss of th
beloved chief of tho nation is a burning indignation
“the deep dawoation of his taking ofl,” ‘To refer again,
of illustration, to mottocs, which attraot minch
n-from pussera on Broadway, the following,
es tho sentient:
Sic Semper Tyrunnie
Semper Tyrannin’ Tear Dut biv was Uke the:
5 tyranoy of Hm 3
Wate eyes upon tha cots grow dim
Auld robbed the grave of viet
The fend vncbe
(uo darkuert day, ani fulatake fieay
: river while this land
this hego'e death peesorvcs,
mplata and call |
owe light;
Go, look on tyrant
Colnparn the oue
Aid did the deed—that tyraut ase
And lean what meaveth \yraony,""
And again:
“The Ema
1864, and seal
tion Proclaniation was algued July 5,
Wish ix blood April 24, 1055 ©
(On tho ether hand. BP
tibora before leaving Springficld tu 1561, and
strocta, nud often appear in the windows, Tne Tut
UNE office displays the word:
“With mallco toward none
Sornoy City.
At 10 o'clock on Monday tho vast crowds,
qhich tnd gathered in front of tho dopot gates, were
observed to surge from aide to sidé, and immediately
afterwanl tho train moved olowly into tho depot. It
the coffin waa Jarge and room:
fostooned with black merluo, looped with
wholo surmounted with solewu rows of sable plumes
‘All heads wore uncovered ns thorain moved in, and a!
multitude, While tho train moved fn, and for sevorsl
moments afterward, while tho remains wore being
forno from tho boat, the German singers, of whom we
Have already spoken, ralsed thelr grand and solomu
feqaiem for the Wead, until tho vaulted roof of the groat
TTajetoro resounded to the impressive strains, In tho
fatorval, tho crowds in tho galleries remained porfootly
Droled and wavered among them, like tho lament of a
mourning world,
‘Tho coflin inclosing the remains was slowly
the stalwart shoulders of the guard whlch bad ncoom:
Bnifeaier-Gey. Ghariqy thea tile been witnessed “Death is at all tines (rapreasive, fw the utmost, to keep tho crowd back, but they did
Brigadier en, Ay Maton. Tae noe te atetanece: kar ttieee. the. feeling Ia too thelr work well nud ta na penceablo a @auner aa pox- Conrte contravening Tek
os on thietrloft shonlders, and this custom was £0 Maladie an Qs Garand _ Piatersttea Tor iaogange to oxpress ite Thy windows of faible, Te vrag oun hour and luogor after she Leelee vo were complainta during bla military ailmini
Apae fats aria wollen! | delealer Gen, 3, Gy Thang {ateualtied fur language te Uxpre et Tull Ur ancicus. | roweing had been. carriod to. tbo City Hall tefore the ration in Teonesace, that be perritted blimeclt to be
Jook Munday morning | Brigadier Gen, D.C ager, pallld faces. ‘ Moistoned ¢yes rested on tho public wore admitted to view thom. ck thoy fl bak iufiusaced by old. politloal
Wriguller Geo, J. { ‘Uueral ear whieh ore thu Just precious remaos of aff woro allowed to enter, cave pute Taco, Bot nider
risis like (hat through which the American people are
[psssing, those footprints will be distinct and frequontf O.
observable to tuoll
than tho Funeral Obsoquics of
oor murdered Prosident. His progress tq Washington}
significant elrownstances. Tho]
‘capt Which returns bia remains tof
Is will exhibit striking}
When ho wos received. In New-York, a chosen onlet] Col 3,4 Me
ble and cold, marked
Cully by fentares of curiosity. How all this ts “ors Diner of iisols,
changed! Now a million of pecple Jolo in expressing
anid Franchy'C. Sheruan, Mayor Ilon. 3
tlonalities unite with one accord in an expression of aff Hou, J. Wentworth, Bf, O.,
ars, one for ench
Btote of Le Union, Tho floor of the dala, on which] |
was bordered 1
Himes discordant popnlar clomonts scoms to be carnest
with evergreens, Japunicas, callelilies, and other choices Honest, aa theag in oloraets 4008 1A
flowers. Upward of 10,000 porsons succeeded fn obtoin fa in awarding
ft cyont was foreshadowed or anticipated by}
és 1861 anp 1865, 5 ore eens ok paneled, Inlaid with sliver boads, wit) decorated with silver braid, baying tasacls esc five with you; but he docs recognize the States, and can ANARD—Ov Wednerday, Apr] 12, Caroline M. Stanard,
One can hardly realize, secing 0 sir fou t fournedd og ie of sable oa tither side, It was@inolies in Iongtb. Upon each side are four massive q confer with their regular authorities. Under the doc-{ widow of ‘ol. Jolin Stanard\Ue ‘Staies Army, late ob
ne can hardy Fring, tbat woe tho, poeet, dls-rowu by six baodsome gray horses ond wos ovyned Uuandtes, ayo, of elle Bnd at tho bead aud foot arol{trino of State Rights, 60 univorsally ne South, © sing 8 c
eatutestiek BAI 00) that qiez ane estat [by Mr. Youne—Lowory, opposite Spriageat, ho un: stara of the sama nat ‘lal, Un the top isu row of il-4 Lo Ee My eld a the South, baRU ESE LL oat Sif Sire Ma te ber Slt ees
REE ee i iaeansbenc Osea: ea off Jertaker In, immediate attendance waa Afr. Peter yer tacks, © Sa toe length. 9. fow, inchen thn troops from Virginin—the Confederate Governmnat finiiGstas—in N ae :
I \coasionally, l . ‘boilers om a steamer em
pouing off simple, bat appropriate and beautiful Aftog doposit-
en ling their precious burden therein, che Guard
ive Abrabatn Jt cyuneluvcom: pads orale
F conreled un apeoinl eunrd te 4ps\temalna. one ABRAHAM LINCOLN, 31 thera fromthe field.” Easter posers plosse cop 2
na erate oeo) Tkra| E aoe Camp yeltee reals (orth STEERER USE, on Monta, Ape 1, Cent
‘the furry boat Now-York, which was waiting to re-#s * Mpleesidenhohep United States os eee ele Ee aca a plese O07.
Mnelsigel har uss Bron, fasdone the arama thet “lorne scene Inlfrout of tht building was very animated. | II No retraction of Excoative or Congresslonal ac-} when €
echoes of the distant cannon, carer still they rans (The lone files of policemen vere placed In a line rua Hf 0 aul ! W oisee, Nels
gohocs of tho distant comico at, Guaa bogned, the anc tram the A GR eee PO LC
aa oyna and fell ‘veaecia in tho harbor dipped ass on Printing. Uouae-sqnare and Park-row, ’ | TTT No sums, slisted, Union Go. Rae
Seek et rosnet aay Thal bum off | In tho Goreruur's room tho decorations wery santi-f| To thee be added a foorth condition, that, If loading | Brewn., Theodve,, apm 713 Go. hy UU Mltnola; residence
Wttie peoplod plors awaitin, eel cad ffl ‘The portraits of the Govervors and ox-Muyors of sdérotes ath in tle ow it had be-Q Borne daues Ite aced 26% Cor C cay Peale
Fee Peo erthoard long before tho vessel touched See TO eueretner rand ex-Muyors of Confoddrates stfl persisted in the war, now it bad be-P Barns, James 1 Ga Ce, 26th, Talay retdence
the landiog. 2 Peete sho usual form of monrmug. ABI o'clock g come 60 utteriy Lopelos, tholx Proper'y should be Te-Fe oun doh, age Rat La Cavaley; Toke
ARRIVAL AT NEW-YOR ‘about 2,000 membera of tho Sacngerbund, Liedor-f{lentlessly confiscated. 0 when ted, Astland, 3 teil Co., P
Tho day dawned with clear skies, balmy air, Wout
ntipued ta its close—one off eort
OEP TT NIBUNE indow, the Park aud notwithstanding the enormous crowd, reflected great j Hall baliling.
P weitnces, tn the cating moreh dolanity of the crowd, as ag The coda having, bacu placed ayon the Hier within tho} and gent it to Gen, Weitzel by a United S
from passers on Bronk ay ito lialt, sti out, tho Seventh Regiment forming round tia holloxe{ ¢nroneh her son boro within the einopy tho taro latter’, Tt ls
aidout Linooln’e address tofflantert. Thelroppenranco was vers goa, their dri ‘he faod is much sunken, and tho
H ‘Tho rest of the procession, of a somewhat toss whorry H ringuishabl nooln directed the a i Tisted, Stosecalon, Mex its
Fae eeercoter; also moved on With asad and Mogneding tho number of persons who had viowed Afr, Lingoln directed tho authorities to lot them €0.H areaiin, Francis; «7th North Carolina Rebel prisoner
moasured stop. Pa Reenrdlng fe Pie tie. they wero oxposed to tho] 4 fow hours Inter Lo fell by the sssaaaine ballot, and Newari, Peter, age 18; Co. G, 149d Now-York died om
aaa padllo until 12 ofclook Inst, niglit it was averaged by H beside bis death bed 8 member ofthe Cabloot comnter- Paco ee Nr eeTag Got G, 24) Aanachouette HL
Arrival nt the Oity Holl Park, A pcreous who had given It their attoution that €0 por manded thot order. Fortunately ‘for tholr own lives, Te Te oe bce’ enlisted. Souls Danvers,
Perpords, with slicer tacscle drooping bolow, the tnd tearial even surmed hoyronand a= Droremaina off “oA old man, upon acolog the cold fhop of the Presi} more watebful for thels President.*
ved from ‘tho car, and placed upon} time-boing, and marohed along with | [tor of
panied it from Washington—a detachment of the Vot- Mall. Incldenta anol sa hese conld Lo dputipligd, but oltele land Ap Chatham
"Werno Reegrve Corpr, ‘The preliminary propession waa cobemonies of to-day will yxoeed Jj n uufbbera and inDloptgast and tho rich nabod were Orit toyerher iudls-R poople, He exposes himself la publlo places with tho
-~ onteit eit é,
[thon formed, and prodveded to tho boat in the following fmagoidicence, bat the earuest, beurtfelt devotion, the ariminotely avdnod tinotions made
ordurt alr of quict solemnity which charnotori
tween each. Th
od the rewoval J public entered the Park to view tho corpse from tb
renig, Coty O. MT a anned te the broese irom tio. widows of tho oiler and by noon the jap had Uecome so great thot several twice, sou remember, withont Injory, Threstoned men
Me Une g a Lpulbeeras bi nat of tha lamented dead coyeloped In ff women fainted, and wore bodily lifted over the tron
QUA C Kasson, Uulted'States Varebal of the Disttet ef fonica of Fae ae vairiich was farieg tut By
mnitusand aM, Ed)
Gent John B, 8. Tedd, courlu ta
Charles Alexander Sinith, brott
divided tho Park from the outsiio. WH fren is no reason to doubt that Prealdent Johnson's
oe Gen ED. Vowneev surged to and fro beoeath. F
ty Have evencalite| thelrauties to tuoir oredit, ‘Thele powers were oxeited jesires of tho people thut be could not long purwue ay
people's choice, und us tho last honors were pad Us tho f inelasure ta the
Eraitdeparted a mournlul: silence porynided, the vost feast sldo of the City Hall
Ititude.. Nover did tho word of command ‘present f tho bane
Dat {all on tho eat with, euch Bcloking acnsation. frotunda, where thoy were tiled into elugie lizo:
Ranr Adin\ral C. H. Davis, Unlty
i Coptalu We ke Veylor, Uulted
Major Y. Feld, United Stete
Quartermaster and Comintsrary 0
ibility be will, doubt-
Wises, cunrd against that.error
ngalne Rebels will hare y hope to Inti!
2 0H ante Tu the dark deye which preceded. Bra
s Tes
‘Gapts Cineles Penton ‘ Ln tho looks of Hose wen thus arrayed there was wot Alig z uTol ,
| fants Charles Penrod wi Tray r light of stairs, passing around tu frovt of the Pr ‘of Kentucky, Duell, then In command of
SOHRARTQNAL COMMITEE uy of pre RIDE 10, eet, FOF NE UnED too overwhelm: niaius, aod dowu the opposite stulrwoy to the b Fi y: rae sauate Npahyille,
on the part of t Bing for outward expression. Tho decorations tragec, and thon out lito tho park again, SL
3 Aub daughter of S. W, Welerbury,
Calijormis—Represe ‘Shane. HE
a (ion's thanka 1
wSeuntor George HL. William Hons thon
Toot, and rodecmed millions bless pose, wery on band for the lghttingered pentrs, ai
i 2 ibis nome, Hels ¢ Tila Dame belongs to bistury fj we regret to soy that they were prosout in laree outn- Newar
Kousar—Repreruptative Slaney Cathe vgtey, Hoon, bo ity Mal is reached, ‘Kho cofia !s reniuvcd bors, | There were abuat 20 of theso kind of pores red et
Tron the hoaees. slowly ata eotemuly, with boads bent g who were surprised {o tho act of picking pockets, and I.,to biel
{owe and look of profund emotion, while the brijchteune fl harried off to the atatton-hoas
Asiine plinmered on briliaut antform oud gutieringy) At 6 o'clook p. m., the ero
"A, Newell Heword/oad waving Uoxo alg ost durkenrd the air, tho} President's rea xtonded ina DIED.
Slater ETheee ofl Is. borne onward, e persos dec BRINCKERHOFF—A(Hilioo Ml
aie, George Seow. Hinilitary lines uf » Poul, and tis steal RC RE Tareas er lise
cof eprevelativer,N Urdway. Hweteraie of the wear of 1818; past th lives of & Sing. Un Droadsray the oruwd was larger, Ar-U tidus tn dha 20h year of b
S018 DELEOATION. 5g deen ae tart pi Hollow equine-—o8, sll Pyangewente were sade by Gupt Brackett ty, which they vances te Ly
1 Hou, J rineue weet the steps of the City Hall, whee cue thousand Pf north sido of the Park was Kept uiobstrcctad } A Biss, wife ofJeue Urown
Flow. 8.11. Meiein AGormic sincere were stortoued, whose niusnful wall At 12 o'clock, miduight, tho assemblage of porsonay At New-llavey Colm, on Monday, April 17,
suns, AD, G, Hon Shelby M: Callen, Pusated ni auore allot suse, and wae hued | was os Iargevea fo, the eins part oH tts areal port By Brown, ln.the 28th year of bls ace, lately of this
coe ae a peemee Ae DG! Geil JA. AeCten Dae within the dim nud i itot tue ifail, cod f waiting quietly aud paticutly to seo the jale Pred aie pean
Sloe Hy Walte"A Oy. Hon. Lywoan Bmp pat OE oe i eae a Hired on tbe. passing remalus.. Lwo antraucca were opened .c DBrowdwoy. at ER-At Waverly fHodton Cigcn Sonday, April
COME. Ui Philips: U.S. BM. Hoo. T, S. Redenburg, breeze. to the distant, Ue Tho while Woe Mo nUFANGCA ere On noel ERAN GH Bodine Clipe oe gordiy, pil 1G, Conrans
1 J, Denolay
SW, Fuller,
Jo, Lorwer,
ee rebate ne d great sition canfland tbe other for the pavile generally. “uo privileged
‘So muguillecot are sume uf theE porsous formed. a row extending down Murrny at. to
ind Wills the other ine rag up Eroadway abovy
grandly Impressive,
aocord Loa Kreat ma
Accorationg, thit it ts berd to divest tho
‘Thompeon, ann of Edward and Jus
wath and B dave.
NIN—At NovUvile, L. 1, on Wedbeads
Eeans, aged 5 yoars,
Apr 19, 1865,
Witon, jesse K. De
Le-Gov. Wey Bi
‘of Chicazoy Hon. flor tho idea that ft {4 not a mogoificeot pageant Cuombers vlan one-quarter of thoso ia wait-(!, Erastas Genin, weed $0 year.
Hon. TAs tleine. Hew fotyoy. instead of ono of darks ond overaeiwing 2ortow Hing were coxiposed of late a HAIRS ANCA Mera April 19, 1885,
43 rowntua were hardly deposited within the Boll ‘Seo Fonrth Pai f Berto Hablestsw, tn thu Btn y :
]j Hon. 8. S. Hoyes wien a column of eager applicants fur adwission wus} Sco Fourth bane: J HAW BEX SSuddely. on, Fride at, Detdgeporty
Pou. Col. BL Ty formed, which extended away through Chatham-st. tof nas Lar ee Le tra ay reo
carly ihe Bowery. Allraces and all colors were rup-
Presented ta It. nid we certuinly never suppesod thut ry at the realdence of her
there was eo miveh human patienco in the world. Tho boy, HJ, Mire Wiikelmbus Douglass, widow
Loree care hid to ceaay Punting alung the Line, aod ete ate few AC tale forces cector 6¢ 34 Joba'a
jurthe Tid year of her ace.
NLEY—At Caup Cord, Texas, Dec. 3, 1854, whilo aprise
ner in the bande ef B
Testh Reglooent N
Zousves, azed 19 yente ad 3 mots
those coming down town disgorged thelr bardens ac
go Tribute Those comnts doe oa nriie west of the puscngorsp PRESEDENT LENCOUN AND THE
GOFERSORS OF STATE, fol) Into line tu nyvuit their tarn, which would probably LE
Governor William S me, of Tow and sal ‘come on in abont fuiir hours. Ryealerrod one gentle. VAKGINIA KREZELS,
Jorernior O, Ut. Mortou, of Indiana, and sta quan with o chuir, conpsratively speaking. cumtortably }
Governor Jobn Brough, of Oblo, and stall eircumstanced. Snob tn the Teer Biove aud de-j Tho Plot of tho Ansossins — Presiden
an Foetus paid to iho wemory of Abrabamn Linev\s. Johnson.
Guard of Honor. [reais Gana ortonor. ; Se ote
0 Hospital, on Weds
berday, Ang. dl, 154, Jobo 3. Jemeson, QM. 3, Co. My
Tat Coupecticat Cavalry, aged 22 year, apd von of
chel 9. Jaweson of thle ett
ra Ras
‘ f From an Occasional Correepondent. Ve
Moyor Gunther and the Clty Authorites, Tio coffin is got up ou a scalo of unsurpas a Vilerorcs, Apr 12 Tears!
Delegations hom Nowark. Jereay City, Hobokes, Hodson, magniticenos and grandeur. Its entire cost Las been apy Aes bie re ‘Aptll 19,
and Bergen, Tien gso00 and {leundoubtedly the mest Leantitulf ‘The following is the history of the authority
ay, April 1, of
the imposing procession mo’ phrot he s6-Fibing of the kin panufacturc y
As the Imposing pr moved throngh the dense-fihing ot the kind over wonutact eda Apel et
ly oro
fo this country. recently given for the assembling of the Rebel L
Ged Bepat to the still muro erowded alreet, ond Pho timbor uscd in the construction ig maboxeny, whieh recentlyeiven fontho assembling ociz® chsh
Iy crowded depot to the ell ore Gra oarke-( is ako lined wilt eae ‘The sige ofthe cof ig Hed | (Oe 00 Vn on Saturday, Avril 16, .
thouce Inco the depot again, hore ar tidings aud f ith box-jiaited satin, tho pulow aul Lower uriuce ts of Whilo H'reyidont Lincoln was in Richmond, be was Blogs cacle
ad, 8
Hwalted upon by Judge John A. Campbell, who ob-§
the tops of enra in the company Js were crowded the finest desoription ‘of white ellk, aud the whole
to eafveation; the eros de Ui ireets were immense, faarrounied with oheaille, asin fringe. ‘The inal. of
ffo ynoeations the er Nectfal elence, theeame brent the Eco i lo-rolerd with white satin, tho eonter piece MT Nad an nterview with Jefferson Davis, Henjocte
May huepenee prevailed ibroughout, Not fle Teast is trinmed with black nod white silk braid, fastevedl af ah ona Friesen Jenttoen 2 nd Ge ere
touching featare in this disjlay was thet exbibited by f tho fonr corners with sliver stare. |The upper telat atfand Breckloridgo Jost before they left, and said to
cuching feature in Chie al gvo'n inzge number in the the lid i tiroxen Duck #0 ax to reveal tbo bead and bust. fthom: ‘Tho miliary power of the Confederacy 1s
owd. Upon thelr duaky fees conld beseen the tracesH The nist rich and ¢ oription of olsck eluttf broken, Its independence {3 hopelea
Poa pilef wiseh eprang from instinet rather thau Jrom foovers tho outside. It ix heavily hiv Betas cosas Pico ar Re tbe bast
duewday, April 19, Rew
pb Nlinaio, a
TCHER—At his te J.. 00 Thare
day morolog, Apel 464 seu
PULUMATEIC=At Bethp Toe on ercood day, 17th ina
‘Job Plomimer, in the Ud year of his
und rovercice which Was Worthy of theffbaving four vilver meduillous on BSAln 5 19, Mrs. Debora
Wetudy of seb rorned. ia atudy ofcharacter, and offare sek tho handles, All aloug the sides itisfestooued foun. ‘The trouble’ is, {he Presidout een cur Obadia Sait) in the woth year of ber ago.
}canso and ort tunusivueliver ticks, reptescuting drapery, ih ouch 4 United States cannot enter Into negotiations ARD—At Trowont, N, ¥., on tuesday, April 13, Wim
Miproreafae wos a very handsome ona—a framework fold of wbich, wliuers 8 eilscr Ae te edges aro riry shopard, tu tie 42d year of bl
Relicb, of No. 8WVillard-st., in Chix olty. ‘The caparl- from tho ook:
eats "fo \donter is a sliver plato, ou Which { being a fugitive—will recognize the nght of 4
W vinin Legislature to control them. sou, Mr, Liacoln,
‘will permit that body to convene, it will doubtless recall
mus, a native of Wine
the Alabam
y years a resident of the
thop. Mafne, aud for the last tv
foruer city.
hing connected with the, hearso wore f is the ineoriptio:
a= Rositanigae
Uosire for peace to listen atvent
“Judge Compbell, lot as have néfmivunderst
cofye the procession, was appropriately decorated with f
floge and symbols of mouruing. ‘The bridge leading tof : Died April 17, 1965,
Starry wae lao uaneomely decorate }
Ce eee nT et bc ag we i [1 will give you ones morc, in block fand whito, wy only
‘Attor a abort delay, the wholo party were ew-| ‘Thin Ja enciroled by wsbield formed of silvor taoks. terms.” And ho Immediately wrote the samo propost
phar Short clos. ful” steamer” moved across The whole thing ie really Leautiful, and Snlsbed WIN dong which Mr
bare ed. swith burdly any perooptible vibration, as if iLg exceedingly good tasto ani fine workmanship, A
were 4 thing of life and conscious of the precious na- ————_ Roads Confrence:
fare of its charge, ‘The requlom singers eontioned Tho Remains at the City Wall. }} 1 Tho territorial integrity of the Republic,
D ‘er Soldiers a
For the week ending April 2, 186!
A, dats New-York) 1
Ameld, Jobo,
ehlisted, 1
New-York; reeldence,
The scene at the foot of Desbrosses-pt. was krans and Arion Musical Soolotie: marched infront] Campbell prayed for a modification of the third article, A.W. 1
oe eae at hep. Every foot of gromid every go! tue City Hall snd took tholr position on the fete: al sardines RTE es
Sao oer nanroor wan blsck, wih hu-j nado, ov ether sido of the main eutrance to the espa" H bot th Pecsidont was immovable, He sald tera
tau forma, Men und boys were porched on tres and} (Dg.
2. 0, (tb Tennresce
rn, Wasbingtie Co. lows
b Obioy residence
“Wo will not cegotiate with mon as long as tho;
clegraph poles; house-tops Porch te ee At tho samo timo Mra, Charles E. Strong, accom-f ure fightin ita a toat election established | Cooper Vincent, age 18; Co, C-, Sit Illinots; rorldence wha
Re father arta toe ceed piped AL PESMEG UGA A, Used he Geren gn Seibert decmtoao of eure" Poueeealee ge iss reldeoce ban
every window wppeared to contain a dozen heads of engor os = “i . 7 hace, Simeco. aze 13; Co, E, Sith Penurylvania; residence
erry oT cP oeerrone force of police was on haud.| At 11:95 o'slock the head of, he ner down On the atcambout which brought Mr. Lincoln down
the best of order prevailed. Up tho long oj arrived at the sest gato of the Park and marched do tho James River, ho wroto this order to Gon, Weit-
hich stretgeed trom tho gates of tho ferry: Trroadwas to the lower end of tho Park, up Pork-row 42,
no seoma clon, broad faue, awroltiog he fancral tinoash fe cass at of the Park tothe Oly Hall, [tou will permit the pereons who call themasites
The loft nud hedge waa tho splendid front of io hearge, containing the remuina of, tho WuatrJone Hy | Vig egislaturo to couren Roby
cortege. | The left hand Lodge Thy foried axa Loo off dond, arrived at tho City Holl abont 118, o\coee. hoy the Virciula Legislature to coureno in Richmond, for}
oar eigen the fong line of pollcomen, om the right, pre- tare crowd of xpsotalrs, ue Uy Genera) Manseut, ii-f{ tho purpose of withdrawing the Virginia troops from}
Eenting ano less creditable appearance. The arrange. pmedintcly bared their heads. ho ahoutdora of atx (te Rebel arms, bat you wil
sentathed beon perfected with singular Jadement, and} ‘The coffin was then talon Opee tho shoulders of ix{| " couable language, or adopt any troasonablo
listed, Alleghany Co.. Pa.
fol, age 40; Co, C, 208 Ohio; residence when em
listed, ontknown.
W Dorrance. Wr By, an 32; CoM, |
ence when enlisted, Werte:
b IndlyoaCevalry ; reale
; Washington Co,
20; Co. B, 47th Now-York; resldence
iivted. Brocklye. N. ¥
not allow them to use any] Ellls, E nce 24; Co. B, Sth Oblo; died on Transport
y Northern 1igut
a3- eeiic, Fiedreick, Ary 40; Co. H, 16th Milinolay residence when
iments hd beon perfected Wits neiyicbaro.proscrvod, f reteran soldicre, and Lorne to tbe eatafalgao in the CHY us, ae iG
ao asa tue'paliec authorities, Indeed, wo did not At tho same time the Sooelics above described sang Without oosnultiog Wi ty Pree whatover, or ad-f Easton, Jo} ter) Co Be Caibge eee
ersdit upon the police authorities {0 distarbanes of af {te Pllerim's Chorus from the overs of Taauitinert vlaing any ono of ita contents, he sealed this doourment. fy, ttt Goa toeuih Now-York Cavalry residenoa whe
‘culisted, New-York City.
Franklin, Edward, aco 37: {ih Rhode Island Colored Troops
isted, unkuow
K, £0 Todiane; rest
i ates Senator
serjoval thing, appeared to bu equal to thelr respect fory{catafnlgne, Mrs. Strovg thoy tite eda floral tribute INF” poe on tho yury day of bis deuth, he received a lotto:
fe doparted President. catatnl ges ares upon ite. This cross was roost beau. Bub on the veer Ay he received a letter
" T T rppoaed of busturtious and from Judge Canipbell, tin; ged with the asual Rebel inso-
THE MARCH DOWN TOWN. Hira to iis formation, belng composed of nustartions if from P ged y so-f
But little time was lost in preparations for Smale aponien ‘Orage blesseins and Chinese priw-Higyco, ignoring altogether the proposition which tho M,, Jat Alabama Cavalry; residence
tho march to tho City Hall, ‘Tho hearse waa first drawal{~ Yminediately attorward Mra, N.C. Bishop of this olty Prosidont had made to him io writing, and urging: Fayetteville, Ala: Rebel priseney
0 ‘uo that the military power of the Confederacy SE er aye
ised, but tho spirit of the Southern people atill t, Net Ry let Alicbgan; dled on board Trane
nbroken, If ant to conolliate q art Nonthern Light
ins unbroken, Ifyou wast to conclliate them. StH irohan (age 3 68, ©
eahibunA., ase. 10: 12
thera Licht
co when an
ra Light.
stuutes “our battalions of pollcoaicn, 10 exeelient or-f, L., whled woro also placod upou thecelllt, Thess H is de
iis followed, and tho remainder of tho procession cee eens entirely of rare-avd most beac His deat
oer, Low elige samo order wo baye Arendy mon- | qowore, whora fragrance died theontiro rum, Among]
Hound. A portion of tho Wasbingtun delegation, how-Hutie noted pt cyent by special invitation inf will bo wise for you to grant an armlst
dyer—that comprising the General ufllecrs—making th He roan eee yotioed Atajor-Gerl. Hunter, (yr you to troat lonfenUly thelr leading publie men, on
Fomoindor of ths marob In conobes. Four polioct Toul Breese, Adtailral Davis f Ly 5
allowed, and the remainder of tho procession followed # Gen, V Sa area eamAuber andi ee0k thelr assiatanoe|
in the order wo give above. WF, McCallum, Superinteniont of Ratlroais. 1 'rhis was too much even for Mr, Lincoln's good}
‘The appearanvo ol the + jdowalke aad, hognes, oa the At ono o'clock Messra. Gurney & Son, Photographers. nature, He obaractorized Campbell's course as angrate-§ J
proceaslen moved up Desbrossce-at., to the doll beat off took anvoral viowa of tho President aa ho was jyine ‘
procession moved up Dot ros hin tho Yul, RUEImOst Im hie collin, A uumbOr of artists of illustrated news Fiat and outragoow. Moaawhile, tho copltulation of
preasive. panera were also enpaced in taking skete HGen. Lee obviated tho necessity of convening tho!
HVC. sow qras fall. of heads, crery house wool ”"inc'programme of arrangements at tho City Hal. rebel Legislature, and ho sont an order maaan errand
covered With mourning, and tho peoplojon the side-[{gg carricd out under tho dircetlun of ‘Alderman Jobn
Pennsylvania; died op board
and neoee:
Wisconaln; dled on dourd
‘azo 27; Co, . 79th Pi i vant; re
Homphreyay 3.3
ti EW
realdenes wh
rraidonce when
Jowere. FM. 35
Little. James, 22d Coc
a L
th Carolla) reste
i ng tho all: nas seawall, SC. kebel
wolks formed a solid, scarooly breathiug wall, HD. Orfiwell were sich as ty rucot speoinl commendation, ing the cal Hee h
alka formed a olla eo ran paca (0 Ceraiat, andl] “Ay ty oclook Alderman Otiwell inforniod tho pabiicyf Ove of the Fresldon’s lnstofMotel acts was a deed off sc.5,PFautTS.. co: 1 10th |Obfo} Yeildence ‘whem’ enlisted
heuce caetiward, the solemn procession swung dows who desired to eco the rome ‘Of tho Prealdentd mores toward bis cncmics. Ho expressly atated that} opkuown 4 4
huuos eset ard tsaime fanoral atop, tho donee orowdal| thot they wall bave on opportunity of deing to at 2H. meant to give tho loading Confederates on oppor Serst Meader. Stepben H., age My Co. B, 4th
gatieribg dengor aa they moved, while the most im} yroloe ‘T Shortly afterward, however, tho members shire; residence when elisfed, oath F
Drossive slloneg prevailed, Foreack mre cored with a privaie viow of they tunity ¢oleavo tho eguntry, This telegram from Port- Morey, Irs, eno. 251 Co. By Tt Allnnvaota; resilerco when
The gallaut Seventh, with @50 guns, locked ite nl: Aeorpeer land came to Wasbingtou: we Feallked Lenere PG. Hillam Co. Aliaaee
appar portion be- Morgan Levi; sce 22; Go. Dy Lath Michigan; tesldeuce whem
Beyorly Tooker and Jacob Thompson will be here ‘callaled, Dewitt, Clinton Co., Mich.
Mertin, By B.j,ovth Virskntay
Keawn. Rebel prisouer,
Mount, Henry, age 39; Co. Cy
dante wand thelr march euperd. Thoy wore neath tho eyca very muol @scolored; bat upon the s
excellent 0ny Gols Clarke, and awent lone at tholl wioo the ravages of death have not Been very severe, Comoros, in disguise, to le
Perna ted cto ‘ovonslon in a Tost erélitable style. | tho wholo countenance belog such that it is caaly dis P Europe. What shall wo dot”
(deuce when exllated, om
vo on the steamer fory
; rerldeuce when exe
On tho procession moved amid sored masses} ’Durin minuto witaosced thet oag gs to tho ade] Thompton end Tucker Ald not como into the United
ofspaopesau nelly i by sidewalks, ual it Teachod mission of persons Into the Governor's Rooms ar scomall Statca afior the conspirators had murdered the only
Se ap ey eo tay Peppy seme aniaeg enn etd alg tvs large pewuler ofverioos yy pan who could aro eared them om fhele dee
mbers of the compittoc, ‘concluded that too groaty Mr. Soward exhibits wonderful vitality, bat bis
und therefore ordered the miljtary phyelofens Evo Little hope that his mouth will ever re-
He boys Axe ee Sele mo. further jassea. The complttes of iUeH cover its symmetry. It ie lkely to bo awry, and
presidence whe
in; realdene
Cou, AVL
veslJonce whem
Owrey, Hevry,
‘when enlisted
plod, Enthoals
&e Of te dilloulty immediate ‘ nt oth Tr 1
igo ho acy fara St] ovaiy porn wl bo lkig eaiety to soe eho 2g Ay Sal te oangats Tae
vecos for his friends. jower Jaw. Soveral daya since the Seoretary, with} Reed, Hing Muze 21; Co. 1, G:h Obio; resideuce when em
intl nselfishness Wrote upon aclate: “For
Ff aistaory, Gon. Dix eauates I character
; myself I caro nothing; but the peoplo ahonld have been
the visitors then continued to} K, 24 Weconsln; residence
Teedsbary, Stok Co, Wik
dence when
dont, orled ont, "God bless his remains; ho was anf’ yyiqouce discloses that thers wore ten, conspirators stant ae aR Paget: Co. B, dial Tilncte; realdesce
Fe aa te od eationty trom f eonest ei anotUer incident that ocearred to mar the it ths plot: that at a.mootingleld in Memphis they ao-f a... Fea omUates, Ward Marton Gt caseetiuty roth
eta prevailed throughout yestor- lected by Jot the assnasin of the President, Our author dence w Fase ae
foto tha Committes of which “Alder-If iqeg have o lettor which sayst "It bocomes your happy 92°" Feildence whem
i keep the crowa fl og Jol D, Ottiwell i Chatraan, it 1s proper toatate J
da seeerenla fore momeete she processing ram, brokers aan the tanks oarmos be chargeable to thom. jot to dosteoy this tyrahteo)ée aan soleat the oup, tha f Batthy
padoutaldern opportunity pf Pusting.onwand taf cewy" OUTSIDE TUS CITY HALI—POLIGE MAT-4 Vlado or tho bullets but you Khe the cup hes once been writer, Jost
Tens, &o. tried, ond it failed.” winch euilsted, Carmel¥ille
roporter, offer being knocked aloat for tome tino iu] Novor has greater mass | ‘Tho unhappy lndy—the Aaighter of a Now-England J Watts, Harveys s6¢ 24) C0, Boo
ole) reldenoe
the melée, suddenly found hirnself wile by aide with # T the City Hall Park, and soldom bofore senator—t bo i - 7
rontlarna fy ean id H eatod aronnd tho City Hall te Senntorto whom Booth waslaflaneed, ta plunged inf Welsh, ollvester, ar 32: Co. B, Zh, Ola; resldence whem
ontlexanp, Who, ovideutly considering Por reporter’ baa thorn been better order maintaldc ff profoundest griof; but with wenaoly fidolity, is alow to iliated, Carrol, Haired Co. Obto.°°
fin interlepsr’ inthe posession, ko lbinweld aald, J tbnn thora was: yostentoy, In froot of tho, City Hal Wylie, Jamed, exe 20; Co. 0,
“Come wlongy let the trro of us xo together, aod we'll and outsido the eaplouade the prope pelleve him guilty of thls fppalling orime, and asks, seed unknow
got in, Thies a great thing, and we ny’ not gotaplog befure 9 o'clook a m., pathos, for evldsaco of bis innocence, Wathen John. sso Sty, Coy Aa eh, Peunsylvania; realdence’
Svhen enlisted, Piladelpbta, Pe
slanco again.” "Wo observed an
thor pentloman, wWhoff to Broadway, and ap Centro om Whoa
Wiahed 10 bo on tho ata of Liz 0
Ne for the the funeral procession arrived at the Park (11:40 a.m.) Preslilont Johnson wiscly Qetermines to show tho;
he the funeral Pree erie human beings, G0 and <0} world, that in spite of thls Carful tragedy, tho protey
TRUBUNE corps, and thus secured ndmle@Wa to the City fpersona deop, extending around the Hark in 0 sett} ton of our Excoutire igfmotMlayan now {toi basin the
ft. to Chambers, «il
forbear. It was o grand, s colew\p tocne. ‘Tho children, delleate women, aud powerfal mon, the pyor bayonets of a guard, bat in thi loro and vigitanos of tho
0."a. 12th Inala
Walker, George. D.. a
Shen enisied, Greenfcidy Hancock Co. Ie
Wey, "Adivon Ay age 41; Co. Ey 22th Obloy residence wh
7 chlitted. Newark, Ohla o
Wade, John, 498; Co; C, 18h Towa reedence when em
a, Dalles Co, Lown.
Wubsnks, WW.) Lib Nerth Carolina Rebel prisoner
dy Hancock ¢
_— ——
— ~ Js (205 ee
Po } irom tho fondatism of the mdvle ages but, 69 for, the fany heroio man, and in what Abrabam Lincoln f{scain, 06 you will conclady from my belog ablo tof mont to bos treasonable thin, %: be cortainly OenHoned Sham TEba) Fae
Ie AWD ek Grilbware, deen run pargiel with tho trovect aed; fOr Y e Hermittad to do for hie country iu her hon pense with an nmanuoueie + ae weal sen frighten
, of ~4 y Ls fe \crennon tho mnater thon, fer treagon tho mastor now, #58 pormitte lo for his FY to ker Don ee nelont ime would not have done, Let us not\'® frigl a ae FS
cca bly alhvon. of coroat trin}, will find an assurance of her ulti- Your slocoro friend, out of our eommon eonse by such hobs
Fees a agen tesorerolen appointed another 4 Hs .
NEW-YORK, THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1865. lord over tho sorta mad the land whiob they oultiyntod Now it is romarkablo that this kidnapping} thoso, even if suob big
tur dd, tho nrernign kes thet mastery of thelr : Hechome is tho same which Booth at first con-
Wa poreong, Lorde FEE theDEcl¥os
authority aa
ures tho country that th
Hpartment a:
Additions to C)abs. That this ia fundamoutal public law—that law J agai, pa shown tu hip) recently” publi fo militery force from o little y Tho Most Sublime ond f0lemm
Additions can bo made to WeEKLY Trruxe yy virtue whoreof nations exist—wo havo no i tor, but which/bo subsequently abandoned faparsoly populated region of North Carolina Pe
Guam at €9 each for one year, orto cud With Club In} iudoss of doubt, On what authority respeoted {thelr sorrow ovor tho death of him whoso lifey{r the assassimhtin. If, then, one part of the¥ pened tho gates of Moxico, 2,000 miles away, Foneral in History,
plot of which Booth y
{promised spoedy poaco and permancntgafety to s tbo agent waa cov- Jeff. Davis,
Hto tho
=d Ne by Christendom is it conlrovorted 7 sCApe o
Reamer wetiee be va eestaiom 4 poo ved for tho orimos{ (ie Union, eamnot import Jess than this. flcooted at Richmond by Davis, Seddon aud Se SS =
10 Gomi-Weolly Tribune, South has fen jored fo | ee | ———
“ * —_—— pr is it no! Oy pw of Attornoy-General Speed has, in answor rn r DY AW ” a)
oet-Oflices whore thoro aro Clubs for Taf ot a fur ambitious men nnd tho culpable wenk- f injamin, ia it, br is it not, likely thoy know ol} y , in answor to€GRAND NILITARY AND CIVIC DISPLAY,
Pa Tent ayo aE cea Te ae to their impo] WHO PLANNED TANF ABGASSINA.|tho other part, And of tho more horrible shaped quostions from tho War Dopartr RAND fen a.3
use, wro will send oor Su-Weantr otflness wheroyvith tho sucounibo fl ) ae
rious audacity, But ono resnit ean recompense} Wa oihor Jefferson Davis and other Robel
her for the horrors and dovastation of the 1484h), ders contrived, authorizod, or illopenly ap-{TME TIMES CORRKSPONDENT AND] wearing Rebol uniforms when
RTEVENS DIY four years, and that is Universal Froedom. Se-} aio. (he ascassination of Prosident Lincoln ial GEN. siEERMAN.
UE TRIGONE. They wlll” als reerive™ cure Liberty aud Opportunity toevery innocent, ov. stion to which we cannot yet give a direct, A Washington dispatch yestorday roforred tof
Gras ratioual being within her borders, and sho Wil} or Pho evidence in tho caso is collatoralf! recent letter from tho Richmond Corres-§
‘Terms of tho ™ peedily rebuild hor waste places aud achieve fq j}justratiye rather than positive, When
DAILY TRIBUNE. prosperity and wealth such as cho bos 2ever} poston S$, Brouks of Sonth Curoling assaulted
Mail subseribers, y $10,00 fet Known. Kentneky, outstripped by Ohio} tried to murder Charlos,Sumner, we of tho
Aoopy, 1 year—311 nambors. § which, starting in tho raco twenty years later #7, 4) said: The South will denounce that actlThe course of Gen,
a earrercn long since passod hor, and bos now moro than ys cowardly and —infamons; Gop. Johnston had, it is assumed, given im-
Which it finally took? Hopinion adverso to paroled Re
their residenco within tho loyal States, orto & Geosral, Morter-
On Tuesdoy vast population, o major H
of whom had boen disposed too iso the palloy
— ee ots of tho Administration of tho Goverament, wera
A Philadelphia yp other in one gontimont of accord, to &@
a dispatch from Washington ae Ban Martyr pestle pas
; z,03 Indeed had beon tho onso throagh the night
resident and Cabinet have concluded arrange
Presidontiand Cabinet ha neluded arrange- s of people, anxious o lost look of alll that was
¥ ments for restoring Virginia to the Union. Gov.Almortal of Annanast Lrxcouy, strotohed for many
beon looks, from the eastorn and from the western ontranes
@3 per your por ce
‘The Tribuno In London.
BROTRERS, (American A\
Aocopy, 1 yoar—104 numbers, : 4 fairly e: ment at Richmond, ond will im thoned as tho day wore on, ontll about
B copies, do,......-..- oublo bey population and wealth—fairly ex-[oontrary tho South by her nowspapore| Perlance to this lotter us supplying a possible, iff ti toeal Legislature, aleanie ol bu fan bonr before aco, when the coflln was closed,
B copies, or over, for cach emplifis the benetieouco of tho transformation fy pubtio amen wlthont ono oxcoptioup Mt protubl, solntion of thomotives by which bef 20% te lesa! Legislature, alreeiy eleg Wrerectiinicnmiqnn wien
Sicrert Wycne css neater now preparing for the South, Tho commercialy nouded it, Since thon, beside mak-{¥as governed. In othor words, to put it plainly, an progress to pato In tho procession, tho poo
Py, 4 ! : SRR plo, the people—naver wee soen stich miychty crowde
world eagerly aw tho assumption is that Gon on, Graut
its au adeqnato supply ef herd, war on the Republio the South has ovinced herman may poi
Clubs of five or over, $2 per o¢ before. If thoi tens and bandreds
aD extn oopy for Beery Uli oh ton: Cotton, Rice, Tobacco, Tarpentino and otberf is, 'co..q;sh uated of the North by the atrocitins‘ibly be o traitor and intended, in the tormsf{ partmont announces his arrival at Raleigh, and {fino day befor, now there wero asvarting muprisda,
Address THE TRIBUNE, New-York. staples: ton thousaud mills stand idlo till she ts] smitted on our dead soldiers at Bull Run,fétsuted to Jobpston, to betray the Republic iff that tho reply from the Government to bis ne-fNot only did all Now-York turn out to do honor to cas
EEE ready feed them, ‘hero is likely tobom}) thy iassacres at Millikon’s Bond} et to establish himeelf as Dictator, If there jong with Gen. Johnston had been de whose loss soemed to ench like that of o personal frlea&
“GE OTIONALISII dearth of Cotton for at least five years tocome: fing Port Pillow, by tho eystomatic® the slightost ground for @ supposition sofered to Gon. Sherman, Word was immodiataly 224 tt friend tho head of tho famdy, bat the adjacent
City and others in ths yiotm
ties of Brooklyn, Ter
Ths Daily News is pleased to soy of Turfnnd tho South may bo onricbed by its culture} caeities inflicted on our prisoners, by({starlling il should, of course, be mado public, font to Jobuston of tho termination of the truce, Just sof Brees latlon’ tobolline Smebropalle
Parsune that Jif she is but willing to accept unre orvedly Hig Alnvama outreges, by tho St, AlbonsFor forewarned is forearmed. Tea Paat ‘cule thice GoeMBES: spaniels pee
The eoftening down that we aco of heated ecotlon- tho inevitable, and hire her laborers instead Off 44 othor piracies on the border, by the hotel- le will never submit to a Military soainek: Salve ths Se rare scree
alism, In that Jviroal, Into something like moderation. t huying them.
Uf nof conciliation, we ary buppy ta rofer to the prompt-f| > ,
Inga of aepinit of not only calighteued potioy, burelf It is nist desirable on all honds that thi:
the recont event with ribrations #0 siroog aud deep
t (owns of thia Stats,
if they havo timo to prepare
burping plots. And so far as threats wont,
that from afar—from tho remo
iheeaelia adantee si for defence; and if there be thealightestreason for} —
mogoaniuoas. (rama fe tluwa of Our eet Siete a ee seek, thore has been ubundant: evideneo that assa: i E pier oak iafanckNone ER RiLa no preiri
mngnenineea aes Mots by may fohAuES bo prompt and thorough. The p ination was deoined an equally logitimate: and "Prtehending wny such attenrpt on tho part olf The Sonate bill authorizing a k pee arene roe Ad
Tioans, accept as our own; hut_we compen them oa, bility of resisting tho arms of the United States ot : og nar aera tho West—bare como yeat tides of plizrims to gather
Eo advancogatef the ciel prasions of tho last. f ‘ siaD8 ; Hest justifiable method of warfare, Tho advertise-8"J mav, or any body of men, it is the duty ¢ round (he eacred form, which though inanimate still
Fe OED aT RS oy uo lengor ce tho bankrupt, eee inents and editorials, appearing repeatedly un-H Whoever bas any knovwledg Tuesday passed tbo Assembly by ay JOS speaketh. Tho immensity of the crowds, which flied our
athy.” 2 Vdenth-struck Confederacy. It may, indeed, J 53 naya, $3 me) ot much cluci oh ° thot \Ate.
—Wo most respeotfully ask The Netes if it isf eee f fF fight fog months, saralyeingd fobuked in Southern pnpors, proposing rewards eneya. Its -merita were, not, much’ Glool-4{sho ithoroagh{ares) ax) rivarg,\in, food Rebate Rain, oe
not bigh time to dismiss that wretched coinage Pe LOC aS ‘on all over thf F the wiurder or kidnapping of Mr. Linooln, g Peed bolita eg cx ase, bukit mason yen ys Popo nat. Stery dongaeil Se om ae %
of falsehood apd calnmpy, the maltormed word] sth hat te what ond? Have we not hadp2ow that the Rebel leaders did not object tof Tho letter in question was writton, it should} 10 iinet aiamungedl in the: Senate Ly MAsssin Fe lonere naventsn eas (esawaed Cui deed
geotionalism," Lo the limbo of worn-out hnpos-f ! . snoh echemea, though they may not—or may—At temembered, by a man, whoover be may be,}Munger and others in favor, and by Mesos. | aemont ax wo aoo it in plctnres, with mon, with
loodsbed enough? Has not quite cnough whose buainose it was and always bas been tof Felger, Bailey and othors in opposition to thof omen, with children, all bending tho light of thate
tures, of detected shams? What sense or havo incited them.
Yproporty been burned? Is not the supremacy
can inhore in its furtber use ns though it had ?™PO" ; The event reminds ns of certain letters pub-]P% the best face possible upon tho affairs of thuginerenso ae needless and oppressive. Tt nowsorroving ayes opoa that cofla which contained. theiz
Vitality or pertinence? i ieee ee eee ee See meas lished in our columns lost year’ from a pe WSonthern Rebellion, to sorve, Gna, bis mastors/goce to tho Governor, who will sorntiniae itfmarderod Presidet, | This t was tht oot ony hese
Tho President of the United States is Andrew) persisted in? pondent who bad for some timo been on duty} London, and sccond, bia Confederates in} With a single eyo to Justice and the public Kod. Frenne we enving thomscives about aa @ tin
Jobneon, born and reared in North Caroliua,} Wo cntrent The News to uso ita considorablefl inside the war-olfice at Richmond, and who, es-fRishmond. To support its falling ortunesy Hf the $12,000,000 per annom which the Central} center. ¥ Rete Re
but for tho last forty years an honored citizen infuence at the South in favor of Pesce on thef caving to Washington, sont us thonco o groat§ "ecessarily taxed bis ingenuity to tho utmost, |2W reccives is ronlly Insufficient to pay thoy Sach solemnity aad depih of Teele, fo aiek im m0
and statesman of Tennossec, He bas been all basis of submission to the National authority deal of vulvablo and timely inforwation,- Hef 40d it is, at least, uot etrango that bo shouldpespenses of running it, keoping up its rolling Hae ory all nat Ame with fe
Lifelong champion of the institutions and sup-fland the recognition of Freedom as the birth-{ Wrote subsequently from Canada, dieclosing and} !% about bim for some ovidence somo- stook, keoping its track tn fin Condition, fr sbitanl thoughtfulness to his expression; the Colt, of a Th
and paying a {ir interost on tho cap
ugh the Rebel- al invoated, ff more ardent and {mnginative temperamont; the Tomtom, beers
A posed interests of the Soutb—always a Ja thoreby preventing more than one schomefor af Where to prove that th
uthern slaves have
right of all men. The
Democrat, and in 1860 a supporter of B . not only by their devotion to the murderous foray across tho border. Heforelolaf loa should bo suppressed, as he must{thenit is the public intorest that higher rates] olwaye loyal ond Uberty-loving, tho nitive af Heme \Gen,
ridge and Lane, Wo are of Now-England National cause; but by their forbearance from| the plot which onlminated in Now-York in tho##on announce that it actually was, |should bo ebarged; and Gov. Fenton, if E bee at aipbatsmaret Gait Tiin
“Fedoral Whig" prepossessions, and bavefinsarreotion and rnvage. Had they eviuced noi Attoinpt (0 fre tho hotels. And ho rovealed the tbst guaco, novertheless, would not follows tinds, will approve aud sign tho bill; but if the} oy Se Roxcislaqacd those of Keath; the st
throngh lifo been a zealous supporter of Adams, nso and forecast than the Whites, thoy particulars of a conspiracy to kidnap Prosidont§ tt that anarchy wonld, If the causo of the}umbarrassinents of the Road are moun ‘Wing African, whore land Is noxer turned to aruite the Be
Clay, Harrison, Taylor, Scott, would bavo availed themselves of the anarchy pLincolo, which tbe fullowing dotaila will show} 88s were ruined he buped to sbow that that] Dy past mismanagement, and not by Carrone grhiom the men olpator otEieu ree ide
Lincoln, while ournew Presidont bus with equal incident to a state of Civil War to sceode from|to have been considercd and approved by the} % the Union and the Republic could not bo derangement, then the bill will be yotoad. | We ore, sinoere,mogrmety SaN'eS sm. termer y¥
have no donbt that justice will be done by theft
Govornor, no desire that anything clse shall be. takon down all barriers of sect and party. Archblsbop
Woe uttorly reject and repel the suggestion that} McC! tho obi y of tho CathoBe
so party in power cannot afford to do right, {Cheroh in this country, and tho Roy. J. P. Thompson
J D.D., a bright and shining light owong the Calvininty,
ond Usem never based our onnosition to the profes hs aida tn. th Tie Nei re
posed inoret>~ on any such Ssstmpuvn walked aide by side In tho p °,
= —os to pronounee a benediction apon that assem.
saved, His first assumption, there great gricf, this common, universal woe, has
foregone odndlusion, that the Government would
real supported Jackson, Van Buren, Cass, P Og
Pierce, Buchanan and Breckiuridge,
withstanding this svide disparity of origin, train
ing and past associations, we propose to accord
to Mr. Johnson aa President an independent}
but sincere and hearty eupport. If we shall
Rebel President, Secretary of State and Secre-
tary of War. We quoto in full a passage from f : a
letter published in Tue Tmipoys of March 19, weurped by a Military Dictator, Tis sym
188. pathy with the Rebels would vaturally enough
= To o former commantcation T stated that o plan hadf dictate the wish and thoexpectation, He say:
obl hoy refuted f heenaubu t : ;
Nobly bavo thoy refuted #reensubroltted to tho Rebel War Depariment by Colt wthe long orsest of Grant before Riebmoad will
their mosters, form insurgent bands, and fall to
Ebutohering, plundering ond burning in the
abused name of Liberty. Instead of this, thoir
conduct, a8 a whole, hus been considerate,
bearing and bumave,
the calwmnions prophesies ev vonnt-f Margrave, who bod beon siderable time on he compensnted is capture of thni it , beld and urged that the present rates aroll ily x wit
eyerheve cocasion COORSSnL rotrhighlane Well ceeewere oe en of such vaunt-f Ma"6"e Panalderable tito ot} bordly he-compensnted by his capture of that clty, !Qhave beld aud urged thot the p aes bly whieh With apcorered beads had roverontly Jolred
Pepa chicte : ews orfing foc of Slavery as Henry Lord Broughaw. OEE eee ne eat ie a thanPnilequate, provided only that no purt of the in- tho Rer.-Dr. Tyng in priyor to ihe Fatuer of All
Peed ko His cae, 9 bal ig 80 in al} ever an eialnved casto proved their right to}? olan of (rank Surman, eiiNina few wvclal « thonee accruing is squandered or micspent, f Meroles, And wo might go on with no Kan striking
3, bu in carnest desire to eet bimH freedom, tho (licks of the S v . say be mrrlbilliy be autocrat af thls con-PCOTN. ot the Governor will Aqubt-f !astrations to tho enmo effect at
Tight, and thus promote, not iupede, toe enocomef eso, bey pBldcks of the South have proved it SRS ice) Bein gel ra aa eer rere Paes sabL- [Wve neea not Ura tho moral of tho event. Te will ba
a ee mare suey wid regard tof ‘Slavory is(fead; bntits ghost may walk for Re Catan ee tintted aoe f Graaey EE lth refi, oa T hove end be proftabie if less tell as oppnront to cvery ou. Asido from the quickening 18
“the South,’ so called, we propose to be athy, 6 is S “ tails of which may bo Ipteresting tof Udyog Coaruotar of Sherman as our bost guido to tho] = ,figives to that ohicfest Christian grace and virtua
Neastiraiconeiderntai savas ifills years if not Ay and proniptly laid. Its power 20 elve the plan io wlnutlo would occupy Peabrpa epee rauur The Nationa Republican (Washington) off varity, of which the subject of our sorrow was ©
onsiderate sud kindly os our newf{for p ans ; totoh space, and alge Hea Neaua se any OF Giant oe Slotana Grate F |} The Nationa epublic obarity, of which the aubject of our sorrow was
y for good to any clase or being has departed; itsg tonne "Paces and a digest of'St will prove quite | iIber Grantor Shormanwere to enateh thefrro day bas the yillowing noteworthy atate-f itastrlons on exomplar—tbo young will romomber it,
Bouthern Democratic President, Then what}
capacity for evil yet remuing, Let the South. One hundred avd fifty ploked mon were to go osoretly f ins Of Government, nnd Shorman was to be
senso in keeping np this babblo of sectional-| cmon y mt HORCEn i itty ploked mon were to ro asoretly
omptly and cordially unite in proclaiming f Novi and tke, guertera in Washington, Georgetown. thw man, becausé the military situation would
inent with regard to N@ Pursuit of Booth and {ond it will intensify thoir loyalty and tho!
supremo authority, Havo any who tate
fit Maltimoro and Alesundeln, 60 us to Ue able to conimanl: bis fellow assassins:
3S Tne 1 Z PPrecdom for All, and the hearts of millions auf ots dolly with ovel other, wod, upon a doy fred. byf leave bim the most power. A ekotch of Gon. | very doy the ally of, Wasbingim and | 20st proocsslon been otras to their
at Tne Tarnowe was never “scotional " in cir leuder, wero. to assemble ia Washington for thol Sheamants life then paturally follows, with this ry day the oliy i norrid devia were or deed? Nowhere, not orca in tho bocam of tbalz
tho North will be softened and warmed toward pus selzare. ‘The President, It wie
focir erring brethren who havo beon engoged inf tie} cold bornily sisnd ata private hove at el declbration of bis aympathy with tho South
the Rebellion, And, whon Universal Frecdom J or ou su oF farerable occasion, aod thrusting nf eo eatbreak of the Ke
all Lave been reciprocated, co nearly us may f/SMTiMed sbi driven olf, “Tho carringe was to be Joined ¥ whieh there must bo s
ines, But toto apy fecling oF atterance tolnted with disloya
ellion, of tho trath off tics or four diderent parties, nt differ coe Maer: but Sei ees ee
Fi {hero has been 110 concert of action in mule’ hem. THE Da
nie better evidence than} Whan we beard of the nassasinction of our N!\4] Tho day was of surpassing beaoty throughout—one
any true senro of that term. It has condemned
and good of Christen
n—alovg with Patrick
lenry, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, | - 8 few males out of tho city by 29 or 30 armed wen on * . Ma ot Gar ith
E sets ree Washington, Thomas Jefferson, |e, by Universal Amuesty, the whole country flursrtinok. “It ay brogied drivo to Tadion_ Point fhe desertion of a Rebel correspondent of They rit whys ih crarie mouth weerergeed within tke Cf the loveliest of thia vernal feason, Ja tho parks the
enry Lanrens, Georgo Mason, James Madi-f will seo how false ood unjust haa béon tho cant | rors aml’ guath of Washington, on the Potomao—} London Times, Uefors it will be accept St hour to Bod tho District undor marti \t low, 2 all-fiarass Is green, and flowers e og into Voom
son, and nearly oll the Revolutiouary state: al aeneineern txolop thresirelays Of horues ‘bela, stationed on ‘ fory cordon draven round it so closoly a’S 19 MAKCH hg freon aro attiring themsclyes in tholr gaycst liver,
7 hich charged the opponents of Slayery with where u bont was tobe In walling tocrocs the] "In Juuunry, 1E6I, wlon the war hetween tho twof erivse tiupustlile by lod ete or aaee 8 We wero : %
men and heroos of the Suuth, Our view off 4 river, and Innd tho enptive «few milea south of Occo-f srotfons wos wanlieatly coming, Shorawn resirned bisf rot ulone In thix expectation. Wo weno al sols ond birds ard loging in the branches. Nature emitoa
Blavery differed neither frum thoirs nor from| —————— fosork thelr way-with bia teeonph tie woods by eek StuBAEIRNyY aud ppirencHed Coe Beaeg wate a cancer Teng cHahR Beaseds tua to noxt aby (Gy ecag) | ber ozone neve Teats oP lle thus doepentng: tho oon.
= a him through the woods by night f Suu Academy) ond approvched Geu, Benge with wPeuuo, aude weuee mith itv ston) k09034 trast with the eadn gall t :
thet of their European compeers and fellow-} = into the Re el lines. To provont purvalt, every bridged viet eve of bim. He enki to Gon, Bragg away p CrOsE With the axdneas Dg all bs the trem
eir E s and fellow-# TRAE PUNERAL, botween Washingtou and Taian Polbt gas to bo mined 7 Igvut~ ind. Edueatedf god: and — nnotbor night slipped aeeeate eee
rarkace interna ; netou aid Tudivn Polbt gas tobe mined War faut” und, Educated) pod Sunday came, ‘But mara! law was for dea 'ted. [Pings ahd cuits of woo by which It i
workorsin the cause of Human Rigbte—I We'sball slmos¢veattra'to sap (NaEtbe Soma: band, and blows. up ne suon os loeaptive aud hia cannotterremain’ ins the Gnd Terk cot ocean eee seh Mane pannen Oo oie
is Vorealid fe eal ar estaeueeay WaeLe pos k ie tong Wore te eds Souk tatlog “tnoarma, ad, T do turf Ma uad no beenseastied "That doy eeretaicoms Mf Tye rest ctor ; :
, lemonstration of Tuesday was worthy o 2 tho road in vnrions. plices, neff wco my way (o Oylitivg opainst my awn klosmen fromll tue of distinvuiebed and. well kuowh es swt] © grent cbaractorietics of the procession and of
Revolutionats. s the Golden Rule is fanat-fiits oconsion—a statement which exh. ae ati P2008 28 "hay iad pasa by nen etationed aloig forthe CUE EIN omc sc HAL UNGSTAOSUGUR SomaTCE AIDS | Carve ee ar ee ee er anoNy a Hebtlemen MANES fhe’ emouutration throu faibumonally eo
se thay seal Rae tioe : : y xhans| e, who were altérward to separate and esoapel| us buninn evnelderatloa—(Gen. Uraug told roe thaif ynnts, urge expeticnos, with ereit vileire Le Dew. ite quiet aolemnity. ‘The lox
foal, this Journal bes never Leon addicted tofleulogy, Asin Washington, in ‘Baltimore, ings @cetitey could Sherwau repeated there wore twios)—vrll Ofer induco | Zepivred suasy. of tues; He underscende thely bie poet a nN. | The long ce of military, atratob-
{snoticism, [Puiladcipbie, and all along tha route tothe tussevfetry of War thought tha echeno mighefine fo te up stam nxninat to Sout Ihe South bar Purl wroouces,” Me expreated the option thot feo) 8 OF Mllen and eoenties» banners sted and
, And 6 ung the rou orto fencceed; but be doubled whether such a proceeding vow, way grivvanees to complain of an ha! nes - raped —tho i k t
Mvae,dyra bare etoudiuetly. vesitnd veneer | tiaeerata and g h Bec ABEL Os dba Te] aL ves REC HEREEC Hing fT kuow, 5 erievanices to pion of aod 1 shall wax then seoroter in this oity, and gaye bis roasozs for} & Taped — th poleties all Kinds—tho Trish,
i} t e © diffa-f travorsed by the funeral procession, it was thef Wd, of «military oharnoter and Justituble under f gu to Ohio w/eh a viow to lustructing ms countrymen chiuking ao. Nouply all thoothor gentlemen prestll wath el ondless itarstion of no anabew
Sion. Slavery into the Federal Territories, as People who did honor to the martyrc President aad Sir, Beajeminy but want sondinton wea ee Farnese netmeye OF nd ORTASt Hn broad onsigos all deeply shrouded 10 crape—tha
Jeffers, 2* Proposed and Nathan Dane, Rafus the People. Official an arrived ot Tom mpabe with riainty to #7; About» ‘Tho writer of tho letter then follows Shormav fin what bad unre. He was of opinion tbat the] Gerza 1B Turners, whose movoment in warcbing elicited
ou ther great men of very seot rat weok, however, after the plan was aubmitted, ond tholl thyo 3 cumpaigua, waking, of coi city onght to arebed, but said he Bad no outorl| muoh a @mendation—the perfect <
King, aud o, 2 teat nen of overy section offceremonies havo not beon Wanting, but neither | se ey thot Col, Marerive Ie for tie Noch, Luakedp‘BrONEH bis campaigus, waking, of course, ap i! We underetoud. him Lo uay thut tho hisyarf TUCY ® y wanantion—the perfect army of Lrcomason, poate
Bing, out Gs ught our fathora to do, Bat,fhavo they nor could they in ang’ d ' Mr. Wells wo 9 tuning wiih al tho scerot@of chef constructive argument in favor of his Would noe auppors Ulta, Or soDIUENOg be think offeot with ece,\ 8 sprig of evorgreen—tho Union Loagne, the
nee 4 nor co hey in any degreo ap- nit Lf tho pion hud been ado)ted, ard be. ay :
“Wu su the Mayor the sume day. and ured the| Chamber of Commeroo, Insurance Companies, Under:
rita ox touaion tend 7 1 ourio othesieedevelline meapeinliganpoi
whilo thus resistin,” tS o*tension and maintain-§ proach the eolemn grandeur of tho manifesta-fSTCr els, ye Will see Old Abe hero in tho Spring anf Oureus NYP! theais, dwelling axpocially Upon} iooessits of searching cccy bouso in tho District, 008] weitere, tha Rovorend Clorey—and other
Ing our own right ana” ‘2st ofour follow citizens tions which tho nation offera ae its only stionto, nid novor relurned to Ricbuioud to hoar aboug| Ceo fact that Sherman oncountorod little opposi- Ache propriety of ha ore: ing Superintosdoni| mrt Oe an nalcotheny Bra al
our own right ano ns Which {ho nation offors a8 its only(.Ationta, nud nover roturned to Ricbmond to hoar abou prop Tek of oer ae only ienitied bod In abo ary, otvil, industria
3 L on Hho matter. tion in bis nich through Ge inter Htou thowOrewupuoe malay or Way LOCI
gia, but earc- Hos thot Mr. Richarda did dot take orders} political and » eligious organizations wero all bani-
effects of Slavery, just
ling the other fact that thoref frm lim, but fron the Polioe Commlssiovers. AMlsomoly represeny%d-
* Tntomperance orf
to discuss the naturo and possible tribute to Him who gaye his life "hutthis ts not tho only achomo by xox moans that uty ¢
Ea for tho nation, Nor could any dosira forphns teen devised for Kidunyying gar Presidrnt® raat | UY eo ition beawuse there wored ia happened one week neo yesterday. “Tt is now te : =
|. We never af-[ decoro splay aA Summer a club or secioty of wealthy cltuwens joh- FN ittle oppo: peonuse there were] daye riuce the bigbeat oflicer fu this anton was eru ee EH OU ESN
aay oiseamettmnied fabclalliors never af-ldecorous display, or any simulated sentiment, orf muni was formed for the purpeac of tileibg a fund for ‘ i eaten a bo pac. i} tosh ith
ee orf mont ve frst ory fow opponouts. Wo neod not remind our read-f issvesated tn“ public pluoe of To Thomas C. Ack, President of the Board of Bo
firmed nor assumed that the poops Of 48y or offanything but the profoundost and sincorest grief# is oweet, Clenlure weto sant to trnet warily citizens Gitre.and yet tho” Dinirietzore Columbia) Age\net! tas :
uss those o,
¢ a ‘ in ovefy olber city und town tu the Coulederdoy, luvit fora of the consternation that triumphal marobY uoroughly rearched, ax i should be. Uce, is due the fact fiat the city wns not disgraced
all the Free States had avy right to in Ceddle} ningled with o resolye to show in the hour offing evdporation in tho grand undertaking. aud au ior re Lie te t 0 olored met Jrom a partiaipation fe tu
authoritatively with the laws or institut.228 offfdcopest rogrot the most rosoluto t Dende sum of a ribed: “tbe Gri occasioned throughout tho South, nor of thef —It strikes us that somo of tho energy dis] rere ee on in this
atively be laws or instituty’ jJdeopest rogrot the most. reso! purpose, havel Mersy & Co., bauker d, sabaerdbed B10. BY 8) mourn t. It will boremombered that, no
y D | purpose, havell Merry & Co., bakers, I, subscribed 810 amen pusequences which have flowed played in arraigning tho Rebel sympathizors of pape EL
called o hundred thousand wen of o into fund Sumner & Arente, ee “wUbscrived 5,000) tbs since, when acolored iedy, tho wife of m wold
n n of ovo city intoFrniT have Lourd on goed authority that there wered from it, That portion of the letter ix not worth | south-western Maryland as harborors of ass484ywho tnd died for bia country, ccamplained ard
its silent strecta to follow tho remains of onefuveral In, tho onpital wi eutsaribed ovou more liber 5 coom it would ocoupy. It proceeds tisg Wiig Wall DaveMtan devoted te'a' theron srieelise halla pollcemasyen wey call on escatsines
Pia CEE era are p aries room it would ocoupy. It proceeds: sing might we een devoted to a thoroughlof Police that a pollceman, on thy call of a conductor
the dovotees of Total Avstinence in Caneda}mon on their way to 8 tomb on the prairies, py tn the partics named. but why they were I did 2 Ae sarliaullig GEA RSRR SIG SU OITERME Le cuAMe hea tbalpea¥cjeoh KEE Row\iVatrecs gu torsos
or Great Britain have a right to wond apostles Wo tao it Wat the people of Now-York meant ive forvotten, eubseribed €.0.000, Te wun propnaed, H mark ina biclong wesidouce tn, the Souk has teueutfaro meaner or moro -villainons *Scoesh*” nay| Fi than, because her complexion na dark, Me.
‘hero to convert oor people to their theory andfto declare at the came moment and by ono act pi muke hie ieoder of the enterprise, ek NY Phe to dlciaim any Iutention of carrying on waren bey a sone hoso who have fed ve thf Acton rebuked the officer, and told im tho gard
Be 5 Halt ol the ‘poor, loshed, dozradéd wave." out off where than among those whd a fo c : ;
orsuade ua to euppross tho Liquor Traffio;) yesterddy their yeneration and luyo for their} Whether theza schemos have hewn abandoued, orf vetom Ma, Sowe bns manufactured o melodravontlog 4: aa nt UhG timo he caw a conductor committing an nssauld
i whether the kidnoppore are only awvaitiug afaverabloll fawa, of ghich the Incidents of this wor have olrcadyq 2F¢asury for a quarter of a century, we do MoYupon o colored person, by ojee ft ‘
ut, should they fail to convince us, they baye}{ departed Ruler, and their immovable resolve toflpportunits to oxecute thew, romolna to be vesn; but y ou aod siPoesillset vt 1 by of rom the. car,
5 I than political right to supple. wade ber countrymen astum dbl. in common know whoro to look for them: when bobaving properly, to arrest much condoo-
no more moral olitic pple-
opublio’ overtaniicl cortoin {tis tbat too much caution ounnot be observed with cree hor intelient. inom, Sherman may thi iy
ayo the Republic oyer which he ruled. To ith every otbor intelligent SESE EEG SSS SS tor, ond lock bim up In the Statioa-hovre. ‘The Atl
ment thoir argumonts by edicts. Up tothe hour
other States, They bad the right of remou:
Btrance, of expostulation, of entreaty, just as
by tho Prestdont, or the military commandora stationed H thit tho wbolitivn of Slavory Would be a boon to the
Abraham Lincoln whom they loved, and to theft the capital, South, bor dees not seom to think thst I wonkd be off Avont the most impertinent bit of gossip thy 2°** 49y all the abaweful Inscriptions In some of the
. ai = Adee War ion, we{President to who be ‘As theso statements wore questioned by sun-f{ boon to tho slave. Atany rate, Suorman bas wlwayel 4 x nra of! Colored’. peoplot allowe 5
wherein Slavery made War on the Union, wo} Pre pmyobediexeeyraskduojjequal 4 set eee eiicclinativg to udfitting noero soldiorp bas lately orept into some of tho journals all* °f “Colored people allowed in this car,” were At
held (and hold) that there was no human power} honor was meant to bo paid, dry Rebel journals at the North, tho writer sub-fu bis reek aiiogatioust the nitrary’ OF Heed that the assassin Booth was ougaged td wiped ont, and tho companies hays since carricd all on i
. 1 5 ‘ > sequently for ‘de 4 y ve 1 0 made by jo We gi ogod ta eo assas: nbd engaged docently-behaved people, without discrimination t
outside of any Stato to constrain that Btate to Cities and States are indeed the pall-beararal| *equently forwarded us the following docamont-] Pe Wado by Jour SR cANNeeMR NSA HiddugltonvoCleprons JOUER Halse Mil scceomcwustaie tier tte ee x
emancipate her slaves. c in this Hloro’s funeral procession, ‘The greatest 40'Y evidence, being a lotter from Calhoun Cul-fbotwoen bis onn tzvope and these whloh Gov Kostery wationul Republican Bays AG Ml ot calacsa'peupis to sad Lalyabils vetiatees tase eoe Tere
‘Tho Slave Pawer bas seen fit to chango allfof tho Cities ond of the States yestorday rey-f !0™» Captain in a North Carolina regiment, andj suomnnlaon IS No ep cgroune cost aud WDIEB Conf oe sighteat trath a the atotom@py/oatuzal thot ho abould follow it ap by acsuring thacn Yas
iking ify of the Republio, i 7 fi well known in the Confederacy. Tho original}! "Uf. in tho Arnmgcddon which seema now sppronch-# Booth uttewpted Lo forve Lis attentions upoo Miss Ile] their right to blio str Fave
this, In striking at the publio, it} erently took its pluco in the long lino, bearing $4 8 tog, Gen, Sherman once gots tho South down, it tauy {bor aho slwava, manitested a docided et to bl ight to walk in the pnblio stress. pe
bas justly forfeited its own. Wo hold withWonward the sacred remains, and with thog!tter was cont ns, enveloped, post-marked, } cousidonily be predicted that bis politica will bo moreff uandsome villain. onan ik ——— Not
Edward Everott on this point, the viow which} jamentations of amotropolis socompanying thef*t™™Ped with a Confederate ton-cont postagof ip Narmeny with Moss Often. fan tin Hise of Ar — The GOCE hee, cake as at
has had its Intest expression in the fancralf oud body of the Prosident on its slow way toft#eP, and addresved to Mr. Wolford, a clerk#yory vanuatio friewd—it te p thot bofere the Fee eer cea ue cu RaELY A Oy, ad sralisieee Goes ae ani childton, he Eu
oration of our ominent historian and publiolt, tho Weat—tho only fitresting-place for whatgit the yar-offiro at Richmond. Although itfé%d comes, no, wil tnd, him 9 stil re SET Gon Bristano, superintendent, of tho ord for the purpose of witnesslag the remnlon of tee Ye dow
Sesh patarsts wtarelie ig mortal of Abraham Lincoln, Ho loaves bw.) %® published in Tas Tarone so long ago asi] man shoscamed to me 10 poseent wo ch of the tam H zation’ of eulored”trogpa In at, Wore, 80 far as posslblo, pormitied on Tuesday f. .
voTbe country and. the Rebel Government hove each hind him a memory the tenderness and Impres-4ADTil 2 1€64, its genuineness bas movor boon tis faontat at tines floony aud relivent, autora turbed eondttion wf bur In that State, and urging Wires Sheseee: nek Heke oncNed LOE Up Can a
tad him tothe pyilgrorrivaot thesia; 80900 occ of which wo lupaoof tine, no oblivion off M8 DOr its-statementa contradicted. Impulsive aud tlbitive, by memo rex 08 to oall ho Leglalatura togetber for the’ purpose of old wy oa tho went eidy of tho Clty Hid Blo
the two ond bave a rightful clam to euch eervice. 0 Cison bita, General Sherma «the Aueudinent to constitution abolish] About 10 o'clock some of the trim r
Fae ee Ahtful claim belongs to tbe United States, be-fhurrying yoars, xo returning tide of delyed “ Mougantowy, Sept. 20,1863, foliarautersbich, ooloss I nm tnistnicen, ia Of tho. stall the bono e cook. somo.of the, trimmings in front of a
‘Taio every one born on thelr soll, with the fow excup-f Hee, ‘ y "MY Dean Wertvoun: [have for enveral weekefof which great oud mysterious aotore a. bistory aro 2G Manrwore ects pohed betere nap bare Cee moan r
Paake e TC oblldrenaf travelerseud triieuc resideuts, | business, no ackniwledginent of services to the} bron loskiug for a loler from you ou Lo anbject of onr foe made Thiel masters can no louger depend on ShortlpANATOATA Goce tol at oe re
jon 8 primary ullejlane ery ovo 60 borO fl Repabli Pecctsontril a3 over af att conermntion, Oo yostorday, Mr, Gaither, BL C, a mati sd to fix tho} pointe out the oyila that mort orlso from the pres6q @, Ford entered the Gorernt b 5
Fee a ran sailor ia Congress | Republic by his mocessor, no joyfalness over af frye TXtt Dintriet oume to ne fatbornnd dined witb] Such ary the allegations quoted to fix theffaifsiave nn tall ioe covdion of the State, aus fH the remuina mesana Seren Wits ; pul
ba eo eo ee ey ion ropreconted in Conereee-f rennited and packed Ropublic, no pormanenoofux, Le speut the week before last at Richmond, ‘andfstigma of treason opon Gen. Sherman, and tofclaiins that passlug tho awendwont would qolet (H Kubert Coriitlo nu. D-H. Gols, nik nsec ;
Mipertectly and wrongly, it may be—Dur etill baa beon sarees bmarsan tne t ¥ had a nuwbor of conversations with the Prvsident. J minds of tho negrooa and causo them to remain at boll P- Ingratiam. and Justice Decle af thee =
pe Srey fa bers nour solifof continuing blesings in yeors to comé, nofScerctary of War, and other officials, I inquired aff PFOVe that his nogotiations with Jobnstonf sud till the soit wow Into much need of tholr labor. pals HE si
counted and represenite “ 3 “ : : We also potloed Aduiral Farragut lo tho Gor Th
‘owed uilegiunos to the General Government, Ith increasing happintas of posterity, sball cauge tof sim If be hind beard nnything of tho ruse de guerre toll wo) alminati of = deop-laid | Moro tian 20,000 of the most valuable slaves AY ernor'a room, x3
Baye east havo boca a qualified allegianos, aan: 4" ig DAPpintes OF P v1 eaptare "Honest Abo," ood be pald bo bod. but wag “CTS theo Saas B alroudy gone furo the arty. Kontucky must cboOM At {1 uclock the membora of the 7th Toglmont ware
ray hy aster, aa the alloglanue of 6 ward be daseneayoy fogotten, But in every good the ails woud robaby bo managed rather by Lad conspiragy between himsolf and the eter to bnvo ber tiara population sivacbed. xpd } perraltted to view the romain :
sro nedivn. or of ab Infant through its pareut fg “ daa) ‘ente orernmmct i af) 08 the army, oF to save her la 8 60 Mrs. S. Feist of this olty went a bosatiful a oi
Coa ieeaitor veoune false to bis allogianee, PPoruNe Which heonfler attende us, wo shall tne the names of tho most, prominent workers In thef Rebels to overthrew the Government Off anconditioual freedom to the slaves at Lome, irontod with pearls; to pinsed etka eae, at
at faco with his country, und his mourn that he dij not boro it, and in each §preject to Richmond, and 4s you wnvst bo acquaiuted§ tho Unit States, and to put in his band the] Gov. Bramlotte replies, couourring in tho opinion tha cofin,
the slavo stood {noe to with them all, I beg you to pat {n ately word tor me. ted P avery oan no longer be retained tn Keptacky, Sf he Brooklyn Common Counoil and mombers of the
hieh may before bave boon a qualified one, ; : . ; ate oh
aa a or fis chnind Tel off. andy calamity that tho ature brings we eball fondly His the affair was to be manoged by tho Coverumout, ips0opter of a Dictator! ‘\ Flapdaddle" ia de-Wynat inbor mast be reorganized on a ree basis. He 28M) poard of Supervisors ul Kins County, neceeranned ty
Soe of the-uation, booud,~ believe that ha ved it might bayo boon {know yonr Influence, and that of my other friends, with \ y fed on.” Wo) the wor hus oxterminated Slavery und revolotionlg@4 Acting: Mase: nee een
fonea., Mr. Lincoln's ~~ ake, div if B soplof ir Seldon would gut mo assigned to tho part { deairo Saedlonyf the stud [tiaw foolsrace fed Woffhe patlio mind in regard tol Blavery, pelng engl AGHoS ever D. D: Avhitaoy. viorred the romalna wt
averted, The ga which e million of peoplofto play in tho grand ‘comedy or tragedy. the onsof havo here o striking illustration. Gen. Sher-f inthe Rebellious States tho Govornor thinks it sboWK Mayor's office Gay. Fonton and Stall, Gar. Parker
1, y 1 may bo; bot it isto be o| . * oak in K hi Lr at Y, 4
ie ae tent on yeti» procoon, wil a |Etbncatoy nae gested edu man han a wwe hing angsstinay, [asa Knsky Ay naw a ma ea eed ai Mc Peas “
fpaator mede it» pul low the “cout! figure in it till ieftoaeyead endvelt on you “Spmakinguodnord Yor me] but a Ping perfectly cbaruotoratio of the "ite Teyana the paaonro of the Coveitatlonal Awad vad @ great ndmbor of foreiga Consuls’ and cotsal :
00; ’ att " rt woek. ANT told vu ; i fment as tho moat practicablo ‘method, and thinks Momolais: who wore conducted to the Govercors.
bedienoey tot tnt Blate, passos finally from mortal elght, and then iif ca) Sitauty goiter sorts rector oe feensee | mun, But wise or foolish he oft iepment,ta tbe mont poaelleable method, are oP tabgromolais. Who ware conducted to the Governor's room
“ Nipported by the analogy of prece-| a a
eee eee a up lieny tue. treoton of thel will fix with moré than mortal faith on that fot Playing n covspicuons part in the destruction of the open {dp tho decision of the GBvorn-f Ho calls to mind tho patrionam of Kensucky, wud 8 f tho Common Cour! Commitios, aad viewed Ug Fe
or deprived him of biaserfs; thespusionsl ‘ jercat hydra. ; s laren that the Stato Was alwaya for the Ualon With Omatis of the Presiden
Jora of the mauor deprived him of bisserfa; thosparions] 04 4. 144 mortalin tho garoer and the docds ofl" ny arm J4 nearly wol, andXdad itqult useflmont af Washington which, bod it boonllwiqnoat Slavery. y TMA 11:90" o'clook te coffin was ologed ¢@ the publia,
Soudalism that existod among us dilfors in many reepeots!
pnd at Sal Has i raappparen| SEAR Te SS att No. ‘6 4; “tA timo for weeping, but vougeance is {Advesticomente.] COMBERUAL MaTTEDS, 14,090 pleces 4x04, 12a, at tho close, Total, 199,990] LEAD—The market for Pig is very firm, and amod-
cena donota, Living and broad tines rewbed far) “AtNe Cie: “Flo bas fallon at bie post of avty.” Taonoat Diseases.—'' Wo would call atten- ena places, crate business Is doing at 42 75269 87} for Span
Hara rea eeredual ageal urate oune fie eracieat ealary tmanece I re sae van Dioomae Tuoaana’ Wa ture fowa 8atenat th Stock Lyehoaqe-Aprii26, | Thoreesipte of gold from California at Now-York | Gormin Ienfined and Hoglish; Har at Mo, and Shoe
wrest ald £0 a Ory er oy of, toe, Ces Hall boll. wore(l poudion sities ef. bleak aati ton Us saree tation Inthe Toa en Bon-f7-8 68 3681 eat Chm. Coal iota Conte. fm naar | to ABIL wero, in 1853, 95,407, 2 : Pinnare atelier
ea ee alan ort ca) parece eh tee Ae sae oo 1.000. ..-- 104] 100... LO. f3 m 6] in 186: 5 st esee 0 us
dying awoy, €lx Kavalier hele Hand awecpivg gracolally downward ld Gomend/them|to, Gie:sltestlanl of‘Pubilel| crIe og LSU epeT AUDL css COEl Lae aaa ee Lee eae a NS, : Fak SPS nal
eo onead om fora irliona wore, draped: Le blac Ona ie dee Perf Speakers, and others tronbled with afeotfons of the 2,000.....-109 | 10 H] to0s22960; 114) 4 eeeeeemonts of Coal, by, tio Penneylvants Goal are in demand, on
pbouldera, and th nui tho extrome Units on either elle, wero the leitert, They aro also an oxcellent 1S. 63 eeeee es 52 [Cleve tg, CO™MPany, were: By rail for week endi: ds. E ab 72
Sees i rthoft "A. 1." aid on that jast o pee thfaaat They aro al Ment rer: 110,000 i 10,857.11 t proniba athe In
own attire, Jw a 2" aiid on that Just over Wedoar tho mot : 000. § 151 | 500. H 10,857.11 tune} proviou and 200 bhil «!
fin Rogimont t rit, Rest," and con Tn sorowiog tears the natica's grivf [a apent Gom oold"—[Ce 0,000 8} Quicksilver Min} 500.. Total, 119,019.16 tung; tos pees meee
Binge ont the rowan wero p al within tho fanoval Mankind Lave lolt a friend. and woe President." — 8. 68 5- mc 1000.20. 63] 4,000, a na 19.16 pay prime new etep I , oblofiy at
gar. ‘The effect wos grand, thriiliug, sulemn ond in arly all tho theaters draped tholr bulletin boarda In Grave VIN 20,000. n.i8, 1034) 2 «- 651 Chic. & NeW. Bonnin a aoe bas been vs
preniro, and ‘will} bo tlonig Fomembored’ by’ those'wh and complotely bid from yiow the lamps in front, CO ee ene Ne 10,000. .-.-1U3}) 100..2b10 654) 1,000. Hf Tho ng of, crporta (exclusive of fy milal changes
Hs bho wc of woe, ova Visa ror Lan PrAxrova, i Fn HL Touas2 2222 ayy nemeete) fs owe-Vork to forulyn ports i
ho windows of Lord & Toylor, it may be safely anid. Fao rua Twesriera op Apuit to Tus Finer o¥ Stary 3 «¥. Central. | 100, 54g J fer the w 25, 18,813]
Jprgccenion pans thn ose wich Lo attract Allenton, Vhowludgivs look f # CNEBALLY THR wosr PAYOnADLO THM FoR THE SPumo ff 25,00) iene gse1GIA] 1,000 Sal ee Tate vie
|mmore from the City Hall, and without any dela; ing We Grandat. wera hung city Mook, with strip] reasusa ov Vises, vx Fon Tn A0cosMooaTios oF TONE HT negao0 Us Senter | Tor A MONAT ERC OEN GY ORE A ch
[raentioning coatinaed yntil 4:10 v'elook, whon tho end} fu, Ueund Were Wong} wlth white ond black, fNO ANB KOT READY WIFGLe THAT THM xO%N OF Tin Beet H =
|passed throogh thr Park, the proocesiom, ox were wound with and blnck r a oy way, 4 doors from Wull-st.,
SR ere ice eccupsiog two Lours and U fect bebled tho windawaon Brund-l gnariry op PLaxrs op saR TONA wit on grr sack cof 1000. of DzAuens by EVEL Descuniox op Govtess a
In passing, ‘Tho police arr alts So Perea vithure Was A dlugouol gress of some Gino mn. POAT TUET MAY Dn eAraLy AND eoconssroLLY rLAwtan || SUC SA AES Oe w .
[Pdmirable, and refleots great credit upon the var teriol of white and block. Incnother window was nf pusise xEARLY ALL ov tHe MosTH or Mar. 7-508 c Th tho demand is fate;
Hoers in oomToaN aL sit perohed upan a pyramid of red, white and qn? § z pans CONSTANTLY OS WAND FOR BLIEDIATE DsuyEnr. nlea of City in bbls, at 62650 In gold, and Western
THE FUNERAL CAR. With bliek crapo caught In its beak! Tbe stock of Plants unsold ts ell, but of excollent quality @$51 onvenoy; tho advance in gold gives cellors
Tho fonoral car wns to most counpto ver ellken falda bonenth. ‘Tho DIUCH ocoauced from wood grovrn for tpat spel Ths Bavk allasrs to Baxne and Vaxnois thronghontftio enntsrn. 2! .
pos objoot fa tho prow was ieafgued om spyrawld was spangled with silver stare, Tu pProdueed from wood grown for (Bat special parpose. , 99 Ytbo country eoumrre cest LirEsnsT ou curront dally! PROVISIONS—Thern haa bee
{built iva truly mogu Tt veus a pintforw fl frout of this was o portrait of Lincoln, dtaped no nena! | For ull account of the orislual rina and the menaor of tts 22,000. a 184 f balances, and collects on the most favorable market tor Fs!
|proamented, teiminedl ond Urayed. meauring 14 fest BGa other side there woe a toagulicant ura, sopp0rLCUH w gdacdca, with desorption ofthe fal coy Soyo... . 80) Mi. EP, Duc urna A. Post, Cas
Fong by 8 foot {u width, 0 vated 5 rowa thy ae aide) Tins nse eper alison BOB NSOpy production, with desoriptfon of the frult, sand two cent etac ‘ ieee oe : Sais S12000.8
And, the whecla belay cutirely hidden from alugnt Dy Weep Lem of tr at ehial - an a
rowed, tuo wecls elas cute biden frp tent U : for paniphtet of twonty pages, whloh hows how the vines ||N 4 ntiver.. |/200: Marlcote—Canrrciet lteronten rox tx N. Yam
Me drapory before mention his platform Indowa of tho sroond tery of Devlin’s up-town ‘ 5 1,000. 84) ~.109 Wepxespay, April, 1e05
Jeonatrasted dala, with calomone at cachut the Mur youre were hung mith black txcale onthe. oatat econ gem Oe cblaiued at wholeeal rates and thotrreoeptlonseoured Nit go S" f aT jQVepsEED Ay, A pr
Joormora supporting ‘a canopy. which eloped ernduall ‘Lin tho middlo in the cme Way as-cnctalue. (by purohatcrs tn perfect condition, ‘The toxa is tho only BACH, SO NOOs zoe 3 25@88 $0 fur P va
Pp to wns o miniatore towple uf liberty TOUL lading the two midd prope thal ubines the ex ce ol bv u ORO ale, W0..= fhe inten aac
[PP whne cha gli the other portions of tho carriage round inelading the two middle eapo that eoublaes tho excillance ef the bos CHiN. W { (pt. .Fewkeni ; ca boca guy wes sin Seca
being Che entiro carriage colamus, canopy piold with a re ue oe Nea ol ee ren ae 6,000. == t sal Fives at t foes bi
and oll, wero catered with clecaut bln Aboro) war pehl rican of vine that belovge to ouf most enduriog native kinda, For ot} a Toles $0. tor X Western a iia
sloth, he drapery portions being rk i s certainty of Lorop. an srell as for excellence vality, (tH 8,000. "300 400. cor rket continu
v * ast, Wost, North, South, mourn, 000. | avo. \Hoited, ond prices hay F
with’ allver fringe, aut also festo SE ee eee laeones Teunequaled. All who fall to obtaln them now will reget HOh.G@ AL In.bde) 200) Weeeeeeitholdemana ten
\tho samo glittering watorink From the Hin one ortha law Gore, with o dark back-pround, { iH deprised tholr families of a frult of euch excollence one fl 10, fy 00 tora, eid deriog the ds
[aes acmned with imcurning, walle, tho grace! Jaen bust of Linestn. Ta nether was a broken colunun, f Year longer than necossary. ae, Anierican Goll, TThoog] 1oolTE2TTT ug unve taken .
Gralled up tho columns in bandsome HTho colomn was marked lettore “A. L.," ©. W. G1 13,000.....J51 -109}|Alton & T. H. COFFEE—Uhe demand is st
Whe folds ond festoons of the Hwhich wore oncireled in a hee Onelona alle Tons, near Pookskill, Westebester Co., Ns ¥e 20,000 000. 149 1093! 100... if f Kio Laye been at full prices, t pe
\Dandeomely decorated with cilyer bal of tho pedeotal wero the word Hert dies; — ptral. | 6U0 pexine Fried Eeananatiouatom bres sippiy te Uehits antes of 290 box
Jpitelde and) otter doricea ‘the. Ina We jonrn,. ‘Xho Nation liveas wo rejeloe.” Ou another weseee nal OS Hit | 100 Syuntd ou private (rtea and 230 bag Rio at ovaethe PEPTIC nt
Proguificont car was trimmed and. upholst side: “' Ho sag 0 good man nnd fo rik Natl BE eS Folds other styles, are eit inneb sought aster and ®el endl saps, prieee aro a sbalo drat, and the demonad
oti, and tho whole platform was profi f The Outed columns of Holl & Lisok’s grent house were B bans have only to note 200 packets Jara ut 300 oble and ton‘ ay iOs lthe. Som
Bul aderacd with clin bles and oaler rare and Phong with orp, catering ins wp tv baton nts Our op Sours" exprossea the feelings of 50") 100. Villinen : Sate, de Son mel for (air to primo Stoam and Koldlee
pled wors. The comers of termite grooves ‘alcony Wns most taatefull f , 50. antry 23,294 bags, in re, 1,000 Ln Heo nt
pated with bh MOO, ce th ie teuote aonde of Tar [TET Cub casnet be lherwisedeserbad, Tange, weak Hedeiphts, pnd 4,000 io Bi. Burren— the market is wih e. We quoter
ean Tea pe tare: eplaboratal tet, enervatton, listlessness, tlevpinces, melencbely, want of al COAL—Tho loquiry fur Foreign ts fair, but w Fine Neg, half frkin-tabs -. seer S240
attraction anc "by. 16] fans's wont must. gracelully oud elaboratdy ureanged piace, h guy zat 5340
gray horses, w vail Lonsings of black cloth fl tha drapers that euvelopod tho platform of th statue appetite, Ke, eomposo a clase of allnoute grestor than al and prices nr
rimmed in silve Mivastd alsa infwhich edpporls the clock hung aronnd that plotformp g f Was 5 te is m ar
mourning. ‘Tbo car (it ls Just tot ened by fliko a pall. ‘Tho effet of the wislo was vory Be ctlors combined, It is exsrtly for theae Inderesibable cor ly i exovcr of tho dean under
Sin Gh Fig My ner, bale ai pee scout of thy Holl of Wao sAietrely eae tho fo pate est Puavraston Mirneea no preuscd 1 lor the greet pa zedueed coma tnt a Meme larecy nod teat,
gared by Jo Wuoff owing device: A monuinent « wo cin ee A 5 e BoD E1080 Ff
soa wore eupplicd by Mr. Bowery Peon," surmonvecd by bia bast, At Ita base, leaning herp tellet of thess caso complaints they have become so famous, } 17,8, 63 1881 cou. Mich. Contratis “rau, gntiia eats S€ Sesantan’ Goel ‘¢o:dey was
— 2 head against, tho meoument, cits a femele with clotodf Hence It I that they aro so extensively oxed by clorgymenr|) 100,000 --- 1024 =10L 100. -112 fliorgely attended, but It lacked. tho spirit thot ‘wa fae
NS ahr or Tying, @ countonuee of inexprossiblo xorro, " Hor merchants, tadlos and persona of sodoatary bablta. ‘They aro Vy ytd ota too 00 i Tho whele, ofaiho Ue pedis a Becoitead
The procession moved in accordance with the icft hand reste upon an anohor voar which, on the 50,000 ~ » .. 108) 22 LOR d 95,000 tong were ¥ g = loa
. Ate in anal a pleesant to tho taste sx they aro beneficial te the Stomach U.8,5a 10-10 cou. 10-100 e089 for Lump, & : 19aak
fGcial programme of tho Committco of tho Common fj eround, lay the broken Huke of n chain. 61 for Ls ¥ hen
PAicial progr : “ a yplotos's bullding was Reat\ydraped: ‘The follow- The extent of thels sate ts elmort Inoredibla, O00. cee. Tb0.1004 1s » 87 44 Jor Hee, ‘68 05 for Store ¢ Laie
Toonolt, and ot 2 o'clock the hend of the cortogell ing hhvared: 10,000 222. 97 8h 97 for Chestnut—avernge on the whl, 87 24 ak ccs
Peached Twenty-ninth-st. At oxactly § minutes past 4f) sete ves tn glorgyand bis apeshing duct 10,500. 222. MT ligures ehow w declino of abuut 62 per Luh as comp Fi Gro baa een ia Rigtioseest, be
Eke remaing arrived at tho depot, aud tho 7th Roum Ronn Lagi sunmealsed Missouri 6s. ar GANDLES-Adamantisonra inv moderato thare la no portioulae shange 19 pricee; anion af the
noting a3 a Guard of Honor, dressed back to the ourb, nn of the hotels were ebiefly conned to ——_>———_. 000. 2.2 but prices are escentiul ollange: Won slose at S7eihs, Keficed baa ruled galet_b
eee eet erase, the bard playing the while odirgo. A fthe porticocs. Tho Astor-Fouse, however, wns an ex Cowsrirution WATER 3,000.22. Jo 300 boxes nt 292300., olasing quict at 2y@2ee, Sperm PETUGS wore abil We qua Sd. for bonded,
fachmeat of ols um tLe Veteran Guid careful ception to tls,” Featoune werebng, across tho whol oe te : is Ohio & isser is selling ot S7)@40c., and Potent ut 4740300. fur ali "4 722 restates Here
moved the rowaing from the eatatnique aud entered f fren ne windowa of overy elory. Oyor tho oars Pawan Compan 60,000. ..-0 brands \iozs ore osking on advance of abo:
. buloony Wes moti 7 Cos y chert 0 of Monday, boyers are not inclicel
Bo depot, followed by Gen. Scout, Hen. Dix and stall, f buloony Was the motio: Cont fxveaxmariox ov rum Keprmma. | S00... COPPER—Thero bas been only a Uefted asinoss ioff 27 treet thems, and. the vatierea fo-eousequecce in woe
Gen. Sandford oa staff, and reintives. C Daly the sctigne of the Jart 400. adh! got elnvo our lost; In prices We buve BUY crnty; wo b only to note 200 boxes Rangoon in bond
Tho coifin was placed on the Lier tu the ear es ‘ll sweet and blocs (nthe dost Cones Dunorns, in Nena apcoisl to note; stall ealcs at the close. ut saa pf CTmtDs tre bave only e 3 at nb
Porhanes for tranavorting he romulve, and ehiol, busy | Brady's callers, ocrnor of Dresdnny and Tenth. Cones InnstAriox ov nna Neok Brappaa. eet 22 | 700 ie Now Suesthiug: Bolts and Brasiers somaln steau) 4" SUGAIS_A very rise, demand provalle, for
LB ae ere ERE ee Ta Fe ke nh aera canal Lee mane Wiceceeeag2 | 1.2 2a3801109) Jo0%- ces DYBWOUDS havo. bees” rery gulch Bat prices are) Ra™ Sugurs. at full and ndrnnoing priors, falr ta
vont a psitenat tie Feast tha vat. nnd de vacindnurdic times hgh aa Tae TRAN ul ees Deshere Quiskativers.. | Seresc 10-24] 100% 2222277 34g fea Weguote fu gull ae (lowes Cah Hori higies Ave treaetious tarbrves ead Eb
moved out of the statlon-houso at ©) minutes in), © With mallge toward wave, with olinrity: for all uicksilvor. Bp H peat at 655, Tobosco S; St Domin- Wy top giite. for Cabs, und Loti boxes F
aat 4, ‘Tho escort quietly forweit uud returned to Shee thn caret ae ar aaa abled eich dae 0003 on AMrLY TirxonAnOES, 300. - sees jing. 0 do,, S132 Burwood, $30; Sorauella oud Mur Sie Gieanenug a Oe kea
psuiecem. xb puesta iazmir on the cross Herasprany fectooved eround ik On. ths top of the Conna uuxtyo on Panvon UnisaTaxa, 100.2 222222 G3] 3.200 <....1093 senibo Fustle, $21, and Cumwoud ot 13026150, Ing aold ahead of production
cir Lowes, nod thos cuded the elublo. trikots ¢ My feo BAOniiths 3 G ; Bt XD DYES—1he busiuess lo ull artlotes A H
D i it be _rlsvbl to olf Gnilding waa a vory large linrel wreath, displ Le Cu M D on Chi&N.W. pref. a5 AND DYE a tok KL & A, Stu ai quotath
jow-York to tho micmuz; of tho MABTYB F'BSELDENT, aoe Le” Me. Brady mado a. lurgo Imperial Gold by all Divgalta, 2 “(00-cee BS . bendlug hesibeenivery illgbt_sties) ougisaes gar: “Loaf, 19 he beat Crustiod
- ee aro dyna ‘ ae old by all Drugglsta Se iter thao uvminal. : Te a et
A cee yioture of the macuificent fuocrsl oar, and alao man: 2 evel; Gronalated, 1c. cash; Ground, 19o.
Th ine Tulle bol lig Hone the ronte, Wholeaslo Drusriste, Azents No 48 CUifet, NX. ff snp. ts Tod euae 60, Sugars are unsettled aud higher, most of the relners?
Ths draping of the buildings, both publiog” “At Haroon’ Morcum Is thie derice: A fight of two 200. - Tolug sold abend of production.* Other refiners quote
hoa bieb th ik Wi, arboh Artaxtio Wurre Leap axp Lixsegp Om Se at abiont 1Dfc. fur Mam
\hod priva { mourning which op-for a rislog op Uke a psrawld, which eupportaf : Leap anp Lise eee te ie 10 Lee ae dud at aboot I y Horde
ee + 2d ES Tinikivek anuthieepewltnayansavroolg Wepnespar, April a, [nnd beavy and § to 10s. lower, | The ud | SKINS—Goal—Reepts, 06 bales from Tarmpleo anf
Pesred the vory day the President breathed bis last, Jobior draped in nluch and taving Sihie an euipoly |Comrast.—Manu(ectorers of Pons Ware Leap, Rup 1d oponid at 152, and es _fhas been guito goucral, Z pply fa liberal: thof se ate jo, demund fulr ot atondy pricoa; we
paTsedliy/rench0 ier guhainaulon, in wbat wor ath ea eG arte el rors a eath f Luan\))Livmdnce;) Gass’ Mamnns!, Rap] Lease ke: (Ale | sees EMT oe ee caatiao Is, at €7 G7 V0 tor Super’ine States tiicto wales of 7,500 Metamorva Goat on private. wore.
Noe ono of the most solemn end must imposing epee: resting upon ho’ baal of the Yeofliny inne : Manav) Rup} Laio, cf timo duriagthe day. Tho closing prico was 1503.82 10267 a) for Extze o., €7 was ior, Funoy Uo. HDeer--Htconpts, 27 ales Para aud 1 bale Alotomorag;
Relea thot ever yet met the eye or tunched the heart off stick of elabar ip, burn wi candies pLittwED Ont. Raw, Bows avo Revinuo. Fer sale by | Tho dowandfor Custom-House purposes absorbs a 2d Sua E6 so for Stippine Ontos 68 GUDSIU 0 for Trade Qc™aLd very, lasted and prices nomiaaly antes. 6.008
Mareen onsatloeNoeicreriwill: |Notmarelpittef Oficet ie mine nae alnieora oo inca He Dew nd Deslery geverally, end by Romeur Covaats j good deal ofeash gold, ‘The firmnoss in Exchenge and Family brands. und £9<Sa8 t-Loulsextres Hosivato tert 0, S400. ., Galdy
larches alone wero dark tn tho bubiliments of oe fad blaok esis the Gull with ove. arm} atretohea | K Cov Onnerl Agent, No, 27 Peatat, Now-York also euataip} the price for the moment, but there {9 aremure UberoL ani prices are WDii, lower, aulcy or Aeamores, JBAvO. FD wale Vern run, 7 eee
esl tho great marts of trade, all tho hasy haontsf ost upon it at full louxth ond with her face bid in hor, eee atroug blyine: pward turn. 1,200 Dbl. at $7 60@és for tho low er SAric And sits foie aR COLE SS a
alae eat tn of ree a tha, any doen Hot ben, stanfomels Hr bare Jstnean ta the ude] © Antiouns of reat merit oro worth thei, value. Roa a open eee aid Laoetval Ss tose W cor Dado and Foaily Haens.” Southery Ltrs nating ote thre
ipelaal Notes mad the cberred-, enthinces —wPeehALr Whatestiagsy-ano of Felecst xrlat Tn they a * 2 ia Cr lour is woro freely offered, tbe market is dali, nad ff. San Susu 40642}0. P th.. gol
Es Places of public orourement, in ordlwury mes pOAek round on ne ali mabe DEB star ay ol | Hoan ee coer it SURE A TED eee demand. Tho 6s of 831 sold at 10921094; 52, prices aro 10 (Ge. Tower, salen of 425 Dhl. wt ES stp Sete ape
¢ culucns to whieh men oir fle AM apd a te Bekpiene ds v. = @i0e) @u7- “ s ror mised ty guod Snpertine Country Baltiwore Lh Sas. bea L 7
Tebrongel os well, the eulooue a which, men turn Weir f Grer bio eutrauce of Th Ateriah dgricuturisc waa DO NOT Waste your Mowsy buying any off 1081 @l0e}, nod 104vs, WL aud. At the, close Off i, aud S10Set2 erdradg end, Farally: Brongn, tye i ees ¢
end tedir way when tlij are thirwts, ull ros fron fos: Wo polson gublee «ith (Us uame of Har-J the numerous worthless aticlos called Gold Pena whiob hare f businogs tho rates were for 6a of I8SL, 1099 Abo TOMER TE for, Cloves
Bitlo (o Lagowent, Whutever thelr vse, bo it saered or Fone, and of Taylorovertho other, Between Hqooted the market for tho last fow yrare, when at lower ‘Tonnvssoo Gs and Mis-Wsales at 83 50286. Corn Mowl ts in fair eS
5-208, 108
and 10-We, 7}.
is wero both léwer upon triding
kk shares and all loan investment
theee as 6 pletot and a bowie knife oroaeed, with Lh
jcolu's name abova; over all were.uo worda: "Slut
Viethins.” At THE TIUDUSE office, IN a niobe forn
‘me black fabric, asa bustof Lincoln, Above was
rofans, beyt to chant an anthew or to turn one
tate tivo, bet for th
meiched or to stri
ons by chages throws uf
Prices you ean get pons Which aro acknowledged to be the
Dest in tue Wortn,
Avold the eba:
way bonds,
Jicvintion of tUe eufertnge of the
opulent of thelr pos-
oF the doubtful isso
Upstarta hove lack of brains com
4 5 b
a game wth bis of painted pasteboard—all placeel MAmuutka: "WIN mualice Losard none, with baFity £2F4 thei to attempt tastarton, erento the adeertinenent. Uf you J tOcks are held with great Armness ot full prices,
een Ur or eongrezite, ad udu then : TNIOR-aquA ae weant the fall value of yor movey, call oa A. Monrox, No, ‘The market bas all the elements which attended
A joken, expressive in some doxros ol ¥ aes " %6 Malden-lano, oF loc! treuls “Hthe upward movements of 1863 and 184, abund.
fhe universal surro\y. Ou every building where a Ong At eight minutes past | o'lock-thy head off the upward a
onld be unfurled, bor
with back. o Duy waaseen nuco of mouey, eutisfactory earnings, and a wide
iT e ere Jse
mailing at bulf mask, ond over tho flog strentved af{the procession entered the squire Hore as far os the| Usi ; a : pare
ng Diack poouant iu'mourn(ul contruet with the glo-Poye coutd reach, wothing eld bo scon bat heads. Been Géinee Biman circle of operatious, Tho amount of businces || i\ipert
lous red, Whito uud bide that but eo receutiy fun the} pavement, eldewalk, carts, steps, windowa and house for dono by telegraph ts vory Jago, and the wholofev,000
SE eee eee met Vispd a living mad, “Aa tholgenalgie tursed from Pacer RD SULIT vigor of epeculition hus boon brougut to boar upon fey
TE oa eae eee, 2; [lifondweay, Uotircon the Hive al miltaly on oither aide, Weansrss AND PhosrnaTion. railway property.
WEmaneipator,” of every) depive of conddeves inf into and through the equure dogi Fourtecnth-et, overy g Central Depot, .
Ro perpotuity “of our \ nationality, of every head was uncovered, amd hem os all oloug the route Auerlgan Exprews Bulldog, Monoy is abondant at 4@6 per cont on eal, and
Boling of condgmation of thy (oul uud ever dawnubleff were the reauins of onr grval olefiain hallowed with Bee Ee AbeS brokers cro paring off 526 per cont louns to a largo.
rime that bas plunged 9 hoe oution lato suvb 8 dopth tie aitent, esd nnd tmpressivemicn © nee Fe 8
Sf erick Of devices in whieh the arrist bus tied todo: The st: for the fiietnlarntion was beavlly Ir Wit Pay oxtont, Comméreiat poper is in moro request aud
J of Bonua
‘draped 1p bluck; in frovt.a brokon sbnft arose; avaiust
tie! pedestal bowed. Hupe and. Liberty, plotured
Aespslr; by their side was far eer Hag. Grape and
ateltuer cornor of the stage tke dag ‘was uated. ati
‘To oxanivo Quality aud Prices of cur
Warra Leap.
Zio Waite,
LISBRD O11 (now and bolled),
ia used ot 6@10 per cont,
lenders ia Lo c
long eng
The chief d
ict to the eye what word
jar, there Were not u few; A
%, and of urns, gu
srought,and of wreath
Bowers tat w
With the
ments are not in favor
Eno day, or of ever modselles, Whore were ff bulfmast. LH RooviKO. a
foony. “And besides ture werw ruseties, With poud-{} Opprsite Uatvoretty-place Col, Howe had erccted a ond Lguans, ue, eer . Zosception of the Governuent loan thero 19 no,
€xt ribtous falling to the valet, whic ladies wore hesptiful marblo monument, sermruntod with.o bust off . EIN BL GORI long/borrowor upon the mur ‘Tho min!
Bpon their lef should und. glaiple boudal| President Linco!n. On the forr sila of tho pedcatulf ~ RLY Ite Lea NY SEO a F
f black orapo Which geuticmen dioped ayound thelr} Were tue inseriptions uN * Holl stocks ollere! tw the public aro in poor demand.
eM or
ne, all put on as bedyes tudie it
pi ye wlll
a, awe They employ very little gmoney, and are as nearly
a Corps ‘ Se
Puot bos ‘oreriaken cyery heart, ‘To try toy nuuerate And dlgbts of augels wiugtitets thy test” Grover & Baxsa® First Premium Elastio ‘ 2 = a
Bll the tiny Mkonesses ‘of tho martyred chief bleh tha ‘Iu wolfe toward nonal with elisrily for elLe Stitoh and Look Stitch Gunza Macmxea, No, 4954 tad ax Colorwo goldshares. Moncy is now eo much
ctograghlo art bas produved ence thut fakal Good
a ¥ Ligot, and wiich, set lo cir: s of brug, were
But yeaterdoy soon gleswing the ceutral poiat of pleck
prctedeg ox acti w ew ects of siblvn ato th a
more abuudant than sbares in corporate property
that tho latter aro sought. for with afl cagerness
which ‘will put them for the moment to points ap
“Thore’s 6 great spirit x
163 life was gent lo, aud thw elmenie vo mized tn bi
might wlabd up and aay to We
Broudwoy, N, ¥.
DysPErsta AxD Frra!—A sure once for these
prices are a little b
FLOUR AND MEAL—Yhorv hus boca more activity
fp the warkot for Weatorn and Stato Flour eluco uur
Inst, especially Family Extras whiob are Sroor aod
sulxble while the low und mediuwo grades are du
iro of fuctte (abort) nt §
ain tomporary uso for copital, andj sii),
pg Ond j thé demaud is hodotate for wil
rotail domand
fer qaulva uf 600 bb limhtod de
FRULT—W ith the
a, wt $575 for Jorsey,
2 qu Cry
tor Layera.
tog in Liverpool Salt
Swuyrns Fige—25a5e. for No Huctunzed, ani at tho close
for Cit
2940. far Sle!
> our last
oro DouinDl,
aro without cb
vory quiot
ic, fur Lexboro.
aM Ds
Soft Shells;
and 42
Ly@sde, Froveh Walnuts, la tsc, 3 01
vacua Cocoauuts ag 859; 10,00) Cloan Hasket
us at 8175283 cosh,
ute f bux; 40}a444
5, aud L62280, por quurter bos.
'y Cod has beets kn
sustained; cules of 2500 qtl
t. Georges and Gracd Bank
ive. for Langu
4c, (ur Shi
4 @W0e, for Province, Wu.” Sicily
foreign. and
te at BaEfo
very firm, bat tho business has
domestio has been
aod §,000 Lsracoa
jes are
at Boole. p
sn light
—There has been moro
notivity in the market
f iy
sand and prices fF boty Greens and Dlucts; prices havo advano>4, and
fare buoyant
at tho
SY for
Maokeral ars aiond!
Chere bes been but littlo doing
tera And
david o good inquiry for the trade a! provasla; tho bustt
Wo quote No. | Atw
Dun, 815 03810 25
joked ‘Herrings uae met
eas ig obledy In small (ve
i 6u; Ni
y \
Common Leuf; 8k
Vo. at 8132819 50,
bh an improvement buth Lo the demand aud tn pric
410, for Sonled 30250, for N
prices entirely nominal
4 1s withgut moh obagge
14a16s, Fino, and
bs. Mupufogtured 18 duu’ at proviogs
TIN—Tho baslacas lo Pig bos beon Ught and prises ~
aro uorniaa!
TALLOW —A fair demand for this etaplo and the
markot ip fro; wules of £0,000 m. atlit@Lifo. for
Western aud 11} 2 Lge. for Cl
WOOL—Tho tarkot for b
olosing fri ut 402
1; Pickled do. aro dull av
GRAIN—Tig Wheat marke
tuys the au
1 9161, ona 2
bash, common Red Wostorn
common tv choive Amber Michigan at $1 73,
Darley Is inuctive, and prices are tomins! at @1 10
125. Barlgy Molt fs plenty, aud Is dull at 81750
5 por bun, ate uso mito pleaty and ore lover
Prined Kaward’s Ia end aro olfercd trecly at Se, With
out bagers; gl soles are 90,000 bush.
nadiup at Bl@eze.; Westoro at 85
Domestic and Foroiga
firma eivoe our last,
tate at 62
: Jo. Kyo re activo demand, but price
Would be tory to epeak ut all tio hoya, of all teeqQ7eG Were tvined. with crayethe buleony’ droped V2 Firelea ond Notice Merkal Proparations, psblishod jProuchlng tluso oF the early part Of IS ae ae cect Biscearal te, Corals Arioe Ce SE ee aeie sing d
a that auood upou every etrect-coruer or elbyw en 4 Uh Geop block, oruamented witu Bower wroathe and OF (iz; O. Vuetrs brown, | ‘The proscription as for-} Exohauge is Ucld bigher ip the expectation uf bis ey gommon Unmasked, eae to Fing do., ang
belr way through every crowd, with badges and with \YCees Polvied bim iu such a provideptal manner that ko can M5 Wiese Sse et RE ty PC SE ae ae Gas eee os follows: Chillno, - for Unwash
Bal A a AT a ete pcre sompartcrie Hot conuclontiausly refuse to take It, known, us it has fargo €ales of Goveromont stocks on European o ug demand ig ight the eledyacenta Cot bu Datei te 5240s. for Mering; rian, IS@45e. for
feudlees variety, with engraved pivtnrca Of ail elas, Wp elther eide the marlio frau toro ombloma of ourg FH Svery eds bo uted It, uuvor buying failed In af eouut, the pracceds to be wt ouco remitted. They apo. © ‘ i rs Thenatied Meson, 40gi4So. OE
inks ond degrecy of artiaule merit, from the pertevtpaataMlletlon, The realdence ar Gea, HG. Stoveus | Hytmmain’ and chelugredlenes tay. be onnd In eny protes are: aokers! sterling, 60 duys, 109}9110;) GUNNY DAGS are eoly fo limited demand, bat eu OI ae
rtrelt 10 the Innugeut curtenture, al whic yowlressed joone, and frem the balcony was dis. DY*P*psio; and the lugredients way be found la , 3 Tae ‘} prices uro without chango; wales at 31
Cae arr rire ute "Hu kuut [Una tho butte die ate BE Byres Tale Laruectore: "Seat to vai on te rocept of ve conte bankors! stro. daye, 110] 2 1103; mer aan ee ea ae cay gall
Writ theo wc Ie was cccoary cha Wt should boy see Brigade Now-York Stat Voluntard inthe wary W,lfsie¥ Pakasey, Ales Dr. 0. Husurs Luows, 108; 21083; franos, 5.8]25.1 Spat il a DM erswaniedsund Bost
Gera and felt, Nev ull elassva #Luud wore uearly fot 18: No. 10 Grand-st,,.Torsoy, City, Now-Sersoy, i , ee HLDES. iry b Wo “Afrieny, 208360. for. Ui
Satheeame level. Whether the bumble bud been ex. \ TIPTH-AVEIUE. ne : [/- Broights are rerg.dull, )) The, engegements’ to Hod idea baa’ beeo “tight peecs “however feds Niesteane sao. or Os
OMed or the bigu bed b
Dow to fngnire,
Uopressed, Mt is uot for us
We.wlll ouly undertake to nuto some.
marke fro Chemical Analyale
CareruL Examination of Hau
To Goribe tbe drapery of thisunepificent thorough:
H Liverpool aro 50 boxes Bacon on pt
fare Wid ba Noporsible. ‘I've olecant Lronta we Liverpool ar x08 Bacon on p
vate terma, To
Saltod Hides bns beou light, Ni
hre without esseotial clange
re quulo as follows:
ries, 35@50v. (or Ua-
for Unwashed, aud 43a
Amegjcan at 757800, {
joate. for} and d dos; full-blooa
so fur Soxvuy, Pulled we ya7Ou Cor Noy L
: : oto soa After a Cane s es R oH Dry “Hides—iuengy Ayres, 19@20e., gold; Buenvall suo, for Washed.
moat more Jo detull'sowe of Ue spincioal external ail eatately Srewol Io empbleny of ravarstug. “The Pore Pte earrone. they maori ont) ment eon dears) Londen; '60 boxe pos on privato terme. Top og, lvaléje.,. gold; Movtovideo, "172 17ic., ee BLSE Sore amatiat opened fimn and elcaed
nbols of ue grandest outburst of popular feeling tint s100%ap, slocps and. window vtore throngea, ond °° clble. veynena & Yarns, HMurveilles, 6,000 Staves om private torms, Alfio Grande, 16/@1ve., gold; Orinoco, 162 tthe. sendy; sales of £00 bla. at €2 13:963 LA for Western.
age bas ever bebeld. Hany Peso was coon to gliste with tears ua rolled! PbUadelphie, Jone 12, 168 Boel # y e fe. ened meres aie se
F Thoogh tho sable weeds of woo were found allke inf along Winortal romaine of im ee joved ae
OD alrects, yet, os Jo wversthing elsu, Broadway ex-f ' imwajoved 20 well.
Oelkel thew AW. Some yf tho display wero tral
llcent. Mauy of tho mottuvs were wften reyeute
Gey wero beside go uuwerous thut It 1s quite lupose
Dune glvo them all. At No, #19 sus tis motto:
“Tue tear that we shed
{bough tu eecrat Le roll
Bhall long beep bie mewory
Greeu ba eur soala"
‘At the Irving Houso:
vencf{ Bromon ship was obartered froma St. Johns to Lon-
cw, don, with Deals, 00 private terms,
Huranoup's Exrnact oy Saneapanitca cleanses 0
ovates (uw blood, uaills the visor uf Liealth later te 6}
aud purges out thu humors that muke discas
H .,Juvvens, No. 678 Brondway, eo justly famons
Tam ncquatuted with Mr. H. LT. Henstpou
5 organized at Union-square im-
} mediately \or tho passage of the procession, at yhich
f°z-Gov. Ki presided, and the Bon. Goorgo Dascroft
HJactivered ARognent funeral oruion, Various other
exoreise8.OPypriata to tho occasion were had, thu
whole closlof4cy q ponediction by the Rey. Dr, Hitoh-
‘The business of the Sub-Tressury waa:
$5,596,097 17; for Castoma, $447,000;
$3,162,675 49; on accent Loan, $1,465,000; Belanco,
4,157 85.
ie < + ‘ ihe ‘Blntaoss where: ethers had Bot
Well dot good and faithful servant. be been equally ao before ilu. Uhuve born favorably hapresse Last wee, This week.
AtNo. eal: rioua eureer of seryico and devo- fl + f vith le character and euterprice. Aalst 614 502 100" 14.5 28
1 fs oron rty ra tinatb.” TE) atbauy Obsequicn. Wittia: Waraurias, SU,810.519 50,319,001 490458
‘Ato, 603 iit eaddons even victory. fire of Fowunn & Watuurican, 3 12.61
the house, all wide ope Menafsourlug Cheulat
ve and
H The faneralyin arrived stantst Albnny at
‘glock Tues rr
j {2 ofclocl: worl ‘and tho funoral porty andl}
th black c
JeprERs's — No. 57% Brondway — Wevpixo,
] Canniaor and Exrua Dunas-lioors are unequaled for Haury
and Durability. Wo aro glad be has reduced lils peicon
A oben,
ere bordered with white, aud in the center of cach tho cofll Were Cby ca aorony ae
isa white rosette, Honeath we windows. wero fes-Wajhany wore tolled coer eter: | The bella of
ma with white roscttes et fastenings. ‘The olfeatf Vey Von pi. \uuee euns red, aud the remaing
Po eens easgoureyed lo tuo State House
Stowart were Tho movt claburate'y mposing arrangements. had
th inst.,
Gould &
Tery ploasing.
ath the ostubiistimenta of A. T.
MooTnH Sxix and beautiful com-
q ently draped, bot we have only room to speck heen made here durin iplexton fallive the uss at Umencc Dy Come ed ae COMME $1,090; Savage, $2,025;
Bs cue up towh "Tho Pity of a ere ee maton af phe to ive prover reception Pszacr Unauoanaca Te tee Uae Taare 2TH §,445; Ophir, $570; Potosi, $869; Boleber, $1,710,
Mick dipsen going, eyuind them in sptral colle. to tho remalne of the} Dreaideot, Tho mourning f sid alleroplions ofc shia. Nova few ofthe worstdanderel ‘Phe Cincinnati Com yaar:
= Hing nerise fie whole front Just. below tho win Farnpery im tho bells oy Cavin) fa tho Assembly jf nMlict waokind arlvstrom scrrupitonsof the binod. Horas. 4'€ Crrcinna ti Commercial of Mondoy, 60y8:
pray of the second etory, three or four feet in SHE a peat nothing cd Ex © Mansion uh pee eae Tet DARSAPARILIA is a remedy of tho utmost Exchange isin lsrge demand. Bankors are ale to
Bethea ap beaosth nach teladow wih deepened, and nothing enced b give expression to i Hkcon tp onapyly 3070. cially than they did, though thoy
{ draping at once elegant a
Alfierout in this frow meat 0
te mingled with the Wok. At the upper
tilowued inost gracefully. Over tuo middle
tbe Aniortean fin
" ctore, Ih one of the windows
Workman dle, but the werk coos
‘at motive was the
plo’ win neglocted. ‘ThefY
‘ou tho line of tho pro- f
‘At lj o'clock on Yodnesday\,,\ f
At tp ocloekon Yoder) oritox tbo colin wool
tho Pare were. pexmitted (0 and abou
view the remains. /Slany of the
Teeling, and all wao apparently
The rewulns wep conducted W
tral Ratirond Depe by. largo. pn)
the wllngre
Hare not neoumulating tt to any extent, A” more. conti
DH dont feeling Is obtaluing In the markets genorally, Dot
co Hist indicated by syeculatl\© movements. but by fuller par
world Tehases of gvods in antiolpation of a cousumptive trade,
Oa thi\uee
Fs 00 Wit,
streata wera donuely erow dl
Jerrens's Fout-Drnss Wrppixa Sons AND
Hoors usw evlubreted tor thelr Deauty
WaALEIO Suoxs exeol ony
A Tiina of BEaury is a Joy Forever. Those
sho draire brillaney of complexion, aunt quel vad
tho bload, wich tlussors® oxeurnaaky Pxrnaoy San
targniuza hivariably dere itecoltect Ib bo puteat moelosse
Aekor Lclabold's.’ Take acinar, «ne Peat mediaia
Ovp Exes sang New, withont Spectaales,
Guechct Aid, Sp ost es, peo
‘Tho total valu of forcign goods imported into
the port of Bostou for the week ending April 21,
was $429,118, ngainst $1,200,135 for the correspond-
ing week lost year,
Tho total value of exports from Borton, for the
wook onding April 21, including specie, amounted
$$ to $230,214, against $347,094 for the corresponding
War rxyors the Cosrpnexion py powders and ff 40k in 1864.
syraher wlilch choke or Gl up the perce of the akin, nad ina’ The Providence Journal of Monday, of printing
nitod deop
‘The WindoWer a book store under the Amorican}
Bol wero ent Paraped in biiek, Tn ench |
reith of immaqclics duckreliog tho Soltiuls "A. 1."
SMhemoito was u
aang enlea Umtor to mercy othe peep!
arney’s Galler gas elegantly draped, and In the
‘window war ous othe bestrplotogr’pbs sot pablished
Of Mr, Lincolu. Car tho portrait was the wotto:
* Great bnabanca, thouel lost to us,
Laxns 1 Fale Misount—Wo \L atton-
tion to the adyortlpment of tho Missouri \n4 Com.
short Use leave
Thee Seana asa Leet to ua ‘eS a ae want eniooth and miata bes, ist LMBOLD'A EXTRAGT oF. cloths, says;
Whos? future gust set redecun the lod” Boies Budo! Tete basiiienia foll Sahaavanizas’” It fives « Bulllaney vo ie complexion Market very frm, with an pprrard tendency. Prints
for the demand this wedof all kins of vaio
mola, and a are lower 39 they ware the proved
tock, thos Indleating £8 te oxahliant prices eye
Past slx Months must eWay tose laws of upye
and demand, otwrithet ging the fl may crush woth
‘of the specaintors in thicccssaries of tes Tt fs full
time that thers was adlino in mat, to”
Renae “Woe tho hand that shed this costly
‘The Dussoldorf Gally of fine arta bnd on St a large
agonal cross, In the Wer triangle of which was ol
eatly arranged flag, “sq cross was formed of cam
ric sproad out its full wih
At No, 62
“Low tn the dust our affyred chloftetn may We,
aro bringing 200. 210., o0d 220, and aro taken as fast
au thoy urriye. Detweeo the brown olotha and tbo]
printe ft leaves the printers q large margin, Catton
way remain at the present price, but pring cloths must
dvance, ‘The following ato the sales:
6,500 pieces 52552 101c-, at the cloao; 5,000
50x00), 10
5,CO0 pieces 56x60, LOYo.; 10,000 plooes 60x64. 100., eariy
Maultitades of Bocple require an Alterative to
restore tho healthy notion of their systema and correct
the derangements that orcep into It. Saraaparillas were
used ong valocd: antll several impoalttons were palo
of npon the pnbilo noder this name, —AYEn's SALSAPA-
HILLA a no Unposition.
% lees
eeearly 19 the Week, 19,000 pleoos 55x60, L0le. ;
40 agrrespoad)
tae with allother food. Dheattle wan dase, yp To Pontry, enrich the Blood, and beantify Jin the wevk; 2,000 ptecea 6Uxt4, 10}0.; 7,000 pieces Gx
Bue fhe iipertal nega ever die Inver yesterday Wan W Were In kyo of Tye yet ye. complezion, uso. Haxsenonn's Sia 1A “Doamtity fete wee oo pleoes COPA, tite. a G00" pisses Coxba,
Pegnazie | Wroblesabas (onus Beer, TS ) ehvatf Row bximact Sanearanicca. Uno bottle equalata atreagtlf (cn, at the olox0; Ui.000 pieced Hixts, le, early in tho
® 1 | join gulon of (ho Syrup or Vegectlon, weak; 10,000 plogea Gimcl, Lio, ; 5,000 pleows 1x64, 1240, ,
Jess ploaty, and Is beld above the views of buyers;
;f] Tho following stotmont shows the condition ‘|
fe my tesldence, snd weofl the Philadelphia banks:
(orota 162 Hpeteehrn
olde Matamoros, 12) olds Vera Gras, 14}
eel: Menpleos tig life gold; Bozoia, Hi wide, gold
Keer caliae “Tao tdae geld) Latin, 10.210ho
Marasaibo, Tee. Gly peueito Liat
Rio Hache, dry and pletied,
Hie Hoch de Losuinge and Fort co Fi
ie Wenreeu, Wales gold; “Alin
Hes a sittce’ and UG Ciraade Kips, 1601
1a Honton Live Sock Market
Reported for Tin Tususn, for the weak ending Wedacrday,
‘Apa de, Te
Amount of stock at aiacket
atte, We
; : 33 ud tive
Slorra Leoae, 172l60., gold. Dry Salted Hides—Chill :
; Vit (oo Ton Have
Tualie., gold; Payta’ [@l40,, gold; Maranbam, 11} Vio" tm on'total wetzht of bide, tae
i2je,, gold; Peroamnbuco, Ly lic. gold; Babi, aR Sa letame lt: cataualin sisauid vex
atammoros, Ge, Codquuliy, ‘SUSSis; tind quilly, BLOG; «fom
tos.) gold; Savanilla, 1O@1L,
10@Llo. gold.
UOPS—Tbere bas been only o modorate business
deus; obolve qualities aro scarce and fir, while othor
holceat slbele pairs, 17} eowe of the poorest Cows, Hulig
lcriing Oren, @180@B000; Handy Steers, S1O0S S15,
rding to thelr valse for beet
Young Calves—Wale quality, S4oD$T
5 Farrow and Drs.$20
Inferior and
choice New and Old Cro) y
HEMP—Thero bas been a fair busiieas done in Aa.
nila, since our lust prices havo ndvauced and wera firm
it the close; salca of 6200 bales at 8a, gold; the
currency price ia 13@1i4e.; Awerlcan ts qaoted at 3171
Ele tor Usdressed, and 67506900 for Dressed, ani
= 0,
‘upply is inorensing, acd with a falling
yption aud demand for the army
prices aro lc 1 nales of 250 bale:
Resi 4081 90 for Shipping, aud 6150291 60 for rotail f Friay 7; being
trade. W elite of the bulehers for vest
P 0.
6 bead In lots.
Contry lots, 607%.
eh: Country lots, 612506150,
7 0.
re lower In prieg and blgher ts
many lots, and (ull To.
veal of goo Weatorn arrived
‘uous to take away (be ap
day's arival. ‘Tbe owner ob
HONEY—Tho market Js qolet; wo note sales of sapone of these Satarday drovey is repo Bove sald that be
toe. oud 30 bhds. Cuba, for export, on privato torme Fae dere are Cra erg RES Pe pe eee re
he market bus been quite firm, but th
x 1000 cate from Albany, besides soma
0. G1 45 for Madras, It J
fora routen" Toe quality of the Westera le Deiter
ah fora lous time past; indeed. sowetling Hke the old-feab-
foned “Weslera aieers” bare agein been sean. Aller the
rovers were biovgkt to tera, (rado wer bebE and meat a
frisold esterday.” Lark wreck Bost Westera lots
are without matorialchange; wo quote nt $13 502.845 for told at 1Ec., 27 ek. j this work at Iie, 30 uk,
Ma Tidimerean and Stes Eden ke a EL
fish Bar is dull and prices aro nominal, American Re-§ eos tire: points Weaward, Lust ey con Lave Of] te 26. poe
fined Bor is offered from manufacturer's band at 61 09) fp lower than previous prices by seoding « word by telegraph.
S110, but there are no buyers. myneotly they have vo fears of @ shot eupaly, and are
LEATHER—There has been only a limited buainssa jf very independent about buyins.
in Hemlock, Sole wince nr last, prices bowever are] Tuo supply of veal calves I» beary. and drovers Gnd {t dish
frm. Onk Sole and French and American Calf Skical{calt to dispoee of them at anything like satisfactory prices
romain dau, but prices are without casoutlal wbange.
We quate: Hemlock, Buenos Ayres, Heavy,
@Ue.; Hemlock, Buenos arr ‘3, Middle, 32) 2350.
Memlock, Bocvos Ayres, Light, 29@320.; Hemlook.
Callfornis, Heavy, JOONoc.; Hemlock, California}
Mid. @3ljo.; Hem'k, California. Light, 28) 0%}.
Hemlook, Orinoco, &0., Heavy, 29@500., Horlos!
Orinoco, Mid., 30@3l0.: Hemlock, do, Light, 27@5e.
Hemlock, Good Damaged, a!) kinds and ‘welgnts, 25%
7 from Cansde
bas roled dull, bat prices
not laren, the
pat Albany
Philadelphin Cattle Market—Arst 26.
‘There was a mall supply of Beef Cattlo thls weok, tha”
offeriups amoanting to culy 1,020 bead ‘The market was ‘dail,
od prices bad a downward tendeney. Common to good eats
oldet from B19 to $18 per 100 1, and prime cud oxtre
from #20 bo 82.
be sopoly of abean was rerycrod aad tho mans
atte brisk. The asics reached 400 head, at prices
m9 to lho per BS, for clipped end from f}-te
$8. Heinlock, Poot Dariaged all kindy upd weights ieermeolabewp
@Zie.; Onk Slaughtor, Heavy, (504° jak Slaoghter. oGs—We have bat Hittle change tq notice this wi
Siiddip, 4S@a70.5 Oak Slovglter, Light, 4450.1 Oak wgerots nvabered 2 t30 bead, ald yee eoted Beer lT ee
Slaughlor Cropped, Middle, 447@4%0, ; Ook Slaughter @ ic p 10) M net, ex to quailty
Cropped, Light, 40@430.; Osk Slagbter, in tho Bough, Cows—There was a baties decsand for Cows, and 195 hood
aico,; Oak Slaughter, Belllos, 19@%0, wrete dispotad of a} from 40 (0 Gin Y bead
Hh dagger P
a politioal
ito the uk
though doul
tho editor!
fer, The
of all good
vat an indig
yuld ho rot!
ch bo isB4
vetoran ond
ocgeded in mak- ff tu
torions troops havo learned how to orer- {longing to Lee's army have nearly alle
sorrowful ending of tho war,
fe flecco Is about all full of solk again before ft
Weep | HE QM AN Gon. Aberman’s Order. May tho doy be far dle.
}and insult Ss . Forritvas Moxnoe, April 22, 1665, Jf tant that eholl witnens the reonrrence of atrifo ‘and mu-frome almost every obstacle to ancoess, and they ao- Jing a Janction with Whoelar and Wade Hampton, andpshcarcd. Others, after being washed are turned, 68 4
a Tho following importnyt ordor of Gen, Sher-} tual Bloodshed in this fair oud, asay caer eoerdahed thls qarsh tn tho abort tne thet th united covtky force of the enemy now in our farmer expresses I into a Sanmer fallow py
uate a. A nian waa reoclved hero thin morning: “No war or battle soond, Neated. I yenturo the eplolon thot the eamo march froat numbers at les18 10,000 men. Zt ts also ramored.} bighyay » before sheuring.
ations @herman’s Negotiations with Johnston} Heses. stmurany Diy, or Tw Massrestrrs, pi hestd the world round, conta not have been made tn tho camo timo by any othor J but not genoraliy creilted, that a number of str. coor About a quarter of a pound of twise >
ster ond! & Rape oA mest meet gta AR, tees. } gyhonlacitet i faun combat zd emg hs orl ‘ Poe eemolel Army of Northern Virginia, hored{dle npastaglo Gecce. Tut thero's another praotlee me
resident in! Disapproved at Washington, Bercy axe 5S abe Gur sora aay pation the Esce oP cb sega With the exception of some alight envalry akirmish-fmndo thelr ‘nppeara2co inglde of Johnston's Lines and}{dishoncat thon any of these, of which some farmers 5
shia. aH 5 tig anda ves iy et TT ae : : pe the Ei was a loa ierias of tho ea has had no enemy to con- favo beon prosécd {0s the ranks of his army thot ls atut buf tho Beece with
i] , ficial, ebleh, when formally ratte wi wake pases Pet Tolmston's immediate command ts anppord tolltend with or to impede their progress since thoy left BALEIOM. ‘anbed wool pull 1 cheep, These fetes
than’ oli ammodiate Resvmption of Hostilities |! ae ua Hed i atte Mie toons, sow eens Cai AU mets fea Hcotaboronghs clit Ia contoutns of Winged to ade aah fare ne ae eset ar tuolralsh, end by’ good Jal
: E = Te ea Untremitse Durraars: Stanton aid pei 19.—G = calontogl Thore tow of Whedler's men, not amoonting to over off mmedtatels, Eas not bnd tho to viet ho dior Jaf wont a0 oly Geteoted, and aro bens lowe
ciecly asif Ordered! West Potnt oa the Nonke tien, wl eopneate to by aoe cate \eianare ea te foll0%I0g 9 6 oy 100, who kept in onr frout wore easily driven and font points of interest In this olty igalisaerenal EE Ee ety mene? See the Yoh
in bor arm —>— ae citeadges wo cumifort healt ntl good po Hogns. Nititany Dayiaioy on gun Mie Kept tis sav cot Asiana ce er whl aosurate,desesipla” for a fataro etter. | The Pepa et ne ae a ee ae hed wool by ondt=t-
-an bo suspe ae ae Cs , fae Mi aCauilttary- dicoipliue must atilt be maio- 5 ge Ix Tine Miko, Hance a, N.C. Api ites, conslated of tho 7th Tuluola Mounted Infantry of BMnjor-ftion now Ls about 4 ‘Thera oro quits o num ng to Im buyer
A aE GEN, GRANT TO COMMAND IN PERSON. fished othe Getiret faves "hu Uoieges Oat tf atimuncen Se oe fix stersl Cvotant fGen, Coarec's Dirkton of tho Fiteonth Corps Mo nee eee cad Lange sven; the Hic, Dat there are farmere mio endenvor to produoe)ssd
wn private —_-— La sour hows Race ee TE eee aaa oe tue Pokoinns ROUTE TRAVELED. Wiss, towerer, are eld and coder etrot guard, to pre [retain Ln the fooco all the oil ant gum they posaby
95,000 8 anne ain ie st Dat for coursag nel mee ond the IU Grande 4 Me Yroace On Monday, the 10th Inst, wo broke camp and} vent their being broken foto, Business of all kinds i Thoy use hi yn vntities o prodocing feed suob «a
ra 4 metnte : Aiaiptine is admitted ll ovee tho Wo ia ot lt batons penes a arenged le A uineched by o clronitons route over n low swamps} for the pre corn and ofl en 1 etaely enrefal to pro
yore than qvanDeranmirst, Wastisaroy, Apeit so, 126s, }etet ciieds mat maken fi Md! ett Peenrnts Rlowwt Caps of UH Fein Uatverts, Alar comutry to Pikecville,cordnroslog the ronda for neatty Tho hich 19 at pr allthotr sheep n 5 wot from heavy der~
y time of J Maj.-Gen. Jonx A. I Yostor-fearalry wit parts). the hour of the Gna qenigiea Rin: ‘ Lnlf the distance, ‘Lhe Fourth Division of tho Fit-fas G quarters, {8 quite an ordiuars ond then at coll in thelr frivndm est
and ansiet day ovoning a bearer of dispatches anived from Gou. mile eC eels Mame nretete getisch Arros Commatiter vl prong 8 AR rs Getae ory teoneh Corps having Ueda In rear ot The command, did fballding, with Ut inforrod from f nc {x bond, carefully zeta
Re, garalry Gon, Sluauia fo.tbe loft of Italuigh. ond Gets Yulitary abetptor cut stilt yale Md tho Geunratf not et Into comp until near 4 o'clock the following J ita blebs h will rungo frow 15 $9 2%
ine cone ren Gonz Sixt gt te of alg an Get ln iter ts wi saad ad hs opm ec eigedand eae Irooen wHtop The cope Te La
center of tho olty, bulrcums to have bh are near; yoo! thelr carcase WES
wud cuoutisasTes Wil keep thelr applies op tof duet you to yone borwes,
Pikesville ts 0
ously, inet ‘An agreement fore suspension of hostilities, and off ouster an T ;
joulti se fie what ds called a. bauls for pence, bad po RHE Jui for tiewwsevne ai pening A Th: tome ar tite sy for cour iy end diertplinof rain, but in thie most adiolrable eplrite,
0 diffiowlic snemocandiim for what Is oalfed » bile ftondent will arvatigo a depot for the conveuicuce w SHovertincwctd, ith felvach offlenr end nase
edition eee ee nn laa yi Gea suena eee NE eee ee ea eg Siac ae orton stig on the Weldon Talirvnd, and has agmatine Jstent for veniam At
of bolter vee the Rebel General Jubaston. The Rebel Geo.|] Dy orderet \ petty cilo ; nent ef eomo half-dozen hongcs which aro inbabited by tug abont Ia tho Star-Spanglee
ALA. G, PLitbe-cavsiey wil patcolthe fest ting en, Hower! will} chat aro commonly known Lu tho South ns ‘tho poor oats from the dome, L ay it wave
Fintitet trom Naleish up to the :
by on Asse Breckinridge waa preset at tho conference. z ‘
erm that, the ‘A Cabinet mecting wus Jd ot eight o'clock tn th ‘Advicea from Nowhern stato that a large number of, 7 loft of Malelgh, snd Gen, Scho \u f white trash,’
reeescors Nt ee oat nah thay wot of Gas-f Sherman wad fe meubert of Chegeth Coro ver TE sles rived eleiaiteatgitandtear, cen tye aupilen) F¥0m Pikceville tho command marched o>
Jo just Aisspproved by tho President, by tho Secretary of arrived there on the 19th iust., (or the purpose of Bego- Hup to a ligli 1 Commiuatien oil) KeTP road Sopsiin- {morning to Lowell Factory, the rear of the
simple J Aisspreer Gen, Grant, and by every meaber of thoh tiatlus with Gon, Sherman with a riow to restoring pineal Mls a lepot for heeauseoleucy ef £221 c¢P™ Hl getting into earap at abuat 10 o'clock: that night. Tho} Mlowell Cobb and G, UY. 4mith Prisonera—
ap to his for Sarat f ttuat Stato to the Union, Rae partic > erie Je Js toro up tho planking of the bridce over Littlo Omicial.
Licut.Gen, Grant arrlyed at Fortress Montoa thiu | ‘Tho order on being read to the giferent commnnis aty Itiver, oxpeoting thereby to delay tho march of our ar-4 Win DECAUTERT,
wan cosily repaired, ond Wastmsctos, D. C., April 4—2 p.
‘titles fame
Phe dawoge, however,
tances, Whel Gon. Shorman was ordered to resume host
ing. Wetr ian. Bharat? Trclod that eo Saetruolone glven by #bterBoes onBo slunmer Miers fron Washington, Pevouing parade, eaused the greatest entbuslasm among } my. : i
fand by ot ian ae to flloving telegram, whi wanond proceeded aotlstard thesteamor Alhambra. {the troopa. ray ho daaF nespewand for over on hoary they Majer-General Dix: A dispatch from
it than not penned by Mr, Lincoln bituself, ot tho Capitol, on tbe = rc ETOODH yan sued his ode for arovlorr by the(| would probably have done more damage to tho britgo} Shormn states that “Wilson beld Mason on he ai |
Fiona of 2d of Moreh, wero approved by President| Sarrender of Gen. Sobe on —Sem, WaviehGeuersi-ia.Chiet of tho Arms of the Ohio, The Tooth {had they not been prevented by the timely crrival off with Howell Cobb, G, WW. Smith and otbers as prison-l{
reine cued. te. be Coucenting-—Wade] A7ms Corps, Mofor-Gon. errs, Commanding, wl pasa] the mounted Iorentry yee Oe Js drove them away.flora, bat they claimed tbo benefit of tho armistice, and
Meat Dicaton of tho Fifteenth Corps, unter thof io has telegraphed to mo through tho Rebel lines for
family of 0
re and wero reilerated to govern tho
action of military commanders
‘ow Tobusc
‘Qeonty-bird Arwy
iu roview «to-morrow, and the
T havo anssered him that he muy draw
1p ond bold bis command for further ordore, unless
abels aro changing th
Hagen, was in tho advance of thoy
servo reat oreilit for the speedy inanner Hf Saco
Jdge and removed all the fhe has reason to baliera the 1
] siacue to our projadls
cowmnand of Gen.
ps for garrisou{{ Corps, and a
's around thel{In whiod they repaired tho bri
§ obstructions on the road.
Lowell Factory, from which the place dorivea its name,
is owned by a Quaker, and ts o small sottlement o
nbont 75 inbabltants, consisting principally of women
and otiidren, Who are all employed as operatives in the}
cotton factory. j
The Soil—How to Prepare and Enrich It—
Tow to Plant and Whot to Plant.
Mompton Stunde Our— Shersa
‘On thonight of the 31 of March, whilo Prealde Gono to Wasbfngton=Eccoption of shog CPt unite day follon i
‘goin and bis Cobinct wore at the Capitol, a telor News of the Ausosination, Ho wukes a disposltlou of the treo)
From Gev. Gravt wes brought to the Scorotary of War, # from Our Special Correepoudent. Haury, and appoints thuir diifercat e91}
fforming bim that Geu. Leo hnd requested an inter- NFGRAN/ OMADHLIB TESS, Ira eet TO ne '« Disislon of tao Tenth
iew or conference to makean arrangotnectforterms off After a two days’ conference between Major- Army eM vel pals tho Brest = Ea
Corps on duty in the elty, and, ntl) furtber orders,
1. Sherman and MnjorGon, Joseph E, Jobnston.Poonstiute the garrison of the town, Ho closes
River, with)the concurrence of Jefferson Davie, and tof +The otteutlon of all officars and ecldiers {a celled to 8
tue presence ond with tho advice of Gen, Jobn C. Bee cer ecuiecton of tho A
Beeoklnridge, the whole retaining Rebel army romp PPI: aMBou susp!" tty of exe
tho Potowao to tho Rio Grande bos been suirendorod to} roller to aid tn sustefulug the Looe af tbe.
(ue forces of the United States. Dave ee te doe Racivan oh
‘Ae T have already stoted, the conference was eonght w
by Gon. Juboaton on the day followlng the ocoupation f
@ monu)
Stantox, Secretary of War.
lot us first)
Tho letter of Gon. Leo was published in 9 letter of
Davis to the Rebil Congress,
Gen, Grant's telegram wos submitted to Mr. Lincoln,
who, after pondering a fow minutes, took up bis pen
and wrote with bis own hand the following reply, whlch
Be submitted to tho Segretary of State and Secretary of
War. It was flien dated, addressed and stgned by the
Secrotary of War, and telegraphed to Gen. Grants
Wasurnctos, March 3,
om St. Pett
which alroat
orld in const
that city.
sy ogroe that
jy osomewb!
nown in ot
Whilo waiting at Lowell Factory for tho ropairlug
of tho roads toward Smithficld, the glorious news of the
surronder of Leo's Ariny wos officinlly coromunieated
to the Command, ond produced the wildest excite:
‘Tho Fourth Divi
Tt Ja now eettled that aa coon ux the ratification of the
n of the Fifteenth Corns
mn of St. Pel Theat em. Ceri andoat dirocts me to eas] of Raleigh by tho Union army—ibo 14h, a fng of true
tof the othr set yo8 Lae a a {0 have nor sonferaneg boing seut {n, with o request for an ormistice, and nf torms of surrender or oapitolationof the Robel armies summoned togeticr by thelr gallant co ander, Mujor- ~
b Gen. Lee, unles t hecapitulation of Gen. Artstement of tho beat terms on which Gen, Jobnstonf is mado known from Waulilogton Gen. Sberman will Gon, John MeCore ‘nd, after the playlag of several]
igton, playlog [Firet Article)
national and patriotio aira by tho band, the whole com-f Flower Caltare" in oxtenso,
believed to Tee's army, or oo como winor and purely mnllitary fey Teenie : aay a ea een oh
ould be permitted to aurreader tho army a! ju moreh yy northyai g, Pa, whore nee
P aurrender tho army ander bli march bis army northward to Herrlsbarg, Po, whor! \Boving given
ed rato of Renter, Hosea mo 9 ey that 3h ara nak
+ de, diecuss or confer Dpop ony political question. foommand. Gen. Sherman sontont Col, McCoy with bls fit rill be mu: tered ont of servi ad din winging ‘Jobo Bi "ond tho "S!
at statistical Questious the Preaident bolds in bis own baud ervices mand Joined {n singing *Jobu Brows,” ond tho "Star fe ee ta take ap the Vegetable Gardca, and
Bach aa the President bolds in bis own ha Gltimotum,and after eome two days’ delay,during which] Gen. Sobofictd, commanding the Department cf North Spangled Banner,” with a vat which bas ecldom been ropose now to tako ap the Vegetable Garden, and
treat it ag though we were talking to those who know
Jess than wo do aboot the matter, Wo know that somo
Vearmora aro wofully Ignorant about having s good
garden. ‘To such we address our earnest exhortation
Wto set apart at once an acro of land, and convert It into
Cnrolina, will probably remain wit the Army of thofequaled, and nover excelled.
to maintain order until affaln beoome ecttled In] After repeated calla for Gen. Corse, thelr gallant and
An carnest wlab prevall amoug the eltizeno}! popular leader, bo was Jnduced to como forward and
sxtead protection ovorp address thom, which he did in a short, eloau
aaa will sobmit thom to no military conferonces oF|
Fonventions, Mcnntime you are to prosa to the utmost
Foar military advantages,
EDWIN M. Stasto
The orders of Gen. Sherman to Gen.
Gon. Jobuston's effurta were somowhat ombarrnased by
the refractory and mutinona position of Wade Hamp} Oblo,
oth Carolina, a personal {ntervlew took place} the State.
that our forces will continue to
1d deatas isd
aro not cale}
tary of War.
nermun to
ton of
botween the two chiefs of the opposing armies, at Beu-
1 recently Of wiihdsaw from Solitary ond ola he wilprbeblypacit' outa Seales Beyond Daran's Sie, on es Reese vt gutloritee ap fully establlahed. {inspiring specch, reminding bis listeners '*That thro borat ee
At sarin tren ts way for Daria map to Aeloo ot Ect ae Non Calis lool midvarteincen Dees ftom zoel the cil sure ify rte ovoloof was yet nan aamed Founton in th eld, comaandlog |" Sry tana Loree fh
st tb aspen te ern | She wate an ity yma Watt oe a ae yi wedged ub commenly known a2 th Ue the garden spot not elected, chess 8 Tarm, 27
es asa nt clo peeder tol Dilan ae | planing reat auretly private ny tH are ciows of the thoos inaleate aaptbing, they polutY Army of tho Weet, aud thnt by patient perecvornnce plot neor tho bouse. 1f naturally drained St the bel
— PrOnsote BAO DAE eae doy, Monday, and Jobo € Breokloridgo taking Hamp-} toa com, Jote overthrow of the unprisclpled demagogues and a fow more miles of corduroying, be be but if not, underdraln with stonoa or tile, Ver: gravelly
B Lc iP th pr ip 6 is
a eae ta ust gud forgedsaleo lovaurrendcx bls cou | O™4 1°°7 soil wil) not allow tho froe germination of
carefully corer
seeds without mach labor in clearing or
nght from n distance.
bakes in dry wonthor, aud
who bavo rulod the State,
‘The prospects of peace ani of azearly march bome Gen, Corse's rowarks were loudly applauded, f
Pawoh rejoleing araoog theyld soldiers of thed{aid bo waa in turn followed by Gon, Rico, commanding
Thoy will go tn light warchlig order, the heavy ja Brigade of the Fousth Division,
‘Aftor this grand jubilee was over, the bugle sounded |
‘A dispatch roccived by this Department from Rich-
ond, say8
“It {a atated here by respectable parties that the
amount of specie taken South by Jedeteon Davia and
partissna is very large, Including not only tho
ton's place on the xecond day, Tuesday. Tho only mom: |
bors of tho Robe) sta present were Captalus Johnston
and Hampton, tho lator a aon of the Rabel South Caro-}{ produce:
inlan, and a chip of the old block. ‘Tho generals were] arms,
sve been fo
neon arrest
an Stiff clay
ho slaves all
ing with fine earth
bealde being cold end wet,
prevents many seeds from coming up. A )ahtlab,
Joam between these extremes Le best
nt is fe
premature dit ronthe Bicbmond ert Tut previoan accu untlovg. ftrcated with fo their cbarmoters oe simply commanders flariny materiel sach ns ordnupes pleos, end all
pre hoy hope Wa, gal to make torme with Ger . Shier: of tho insurrectiouary forces, The § vithern Confeder-4 duous impediments being sent by 2a from Beaufort } tho assembly, and tho men fel toto, the zauhe and/o0m Uetties thes SaUjrdea ta. particular Locallt
‘ 0, “ol aarchod forward. wl SE SEE ICTTY KomcaneeS be garden ine particu ality
No orden, of course, bavolf marched forward with the utmost epirit and enthasi-) 9 4 yctio labor in clearing off stones and carting *lsy
But this lo autte(pating.
[yet beon lasued on the sabject. Tie retorn
Uitchoock, tho bearer of dispntehs to Was
of ColLffnsm. On Wedoesdoy night the Fifteenth Corps en-f vellgieall
WicoalNenvaa tat sinbell ‘and. tue: Seréath. Corps, after 20" = BTSs Mo
Already crossing tho Neuse River st Watson's eon RA i
ee EEE pa Ree CurTETPN Dae pCoes QO care Rg er
Yo within n sbort distanco of Ttuleigh. The Fiteenth [maonsed and /Mloyel deep nad seni sh pent
ney was.not recognized, althoogh Jefferson Davis ww
Iuadef to go in Meaico or europe. Jobustou'eaoderstood to be a party consenting to tho gurreuder.
“Aner the fook to tls and. tt Gan Gat upderatood to hove withdrawn from
Seren Gatsllse ¢ Inst night Gon, Granth he conference, and signified bis intention, lke the Irlah- will bo Jookod Cur with lste}ig } trent
phcrled for North Carolina to direct operations against man, to continue the Hight on his own book, which, It infoflcers and men are onsting abot thm for the fottre
Bebaston's arms. E devoutly hoped, he will do, If be and South Corolinalin view of their early release froin aritoe inthe army.
Epis M. Srantox, Seorotary of War. Pare not enough of the war, they ean readily be treated The weather a delightfnl, and all oxture acoma tog Corps, In the meantImo, advanced on the east side of maede too, rich a a rafo So0BrTonse; At ae
Mecioci ace of Rastearent Between Gon, [e, nnotbor dose. aympathize in tho goneral joj which pervades the army}/the Neueo River by Eagle Rook, orossing at ‘Hioton's § ‘°° See ae ovo tt stay alae iy ae
ranma eat sendy atesioes The terme scttlod for the surrender are understood Hover tho return of peace. Bridge and maching to within fivo miles of Raleigh P's sticient tature. Mixed, oF ooF mopare would be
a ps _ fto be sobstantilly thoro accorded to Gon. Les ty Gen. The multary bande “staovening are aorenading the into which place thoy made their triampbal eDiry to- Fei? or eachsoile. Horse manuro is Jost the thing tc
AsnmCTON, April®, 1865. Porant, with this exception, that the troops of each different headgaurters of the army. While I write, the day at aboot 10 o'clock, and were reviowed, together} ttér for suchsoll Horse manuro ls Jost the TAN
‘As reports havo been in ciroulation for some} state are required to march to thelr reepestiva expitolay oxecliont vand of Gen. Tack Casomenta Is performing inf with tho Soventoouth C Giannis’ Bement est leo) a
Highten a honyy oll
Corps, by MaJ.-Gen. Sherman and f 2 : ta 5
Emo of a correspondenco between Gens, John front of Gen. Schofleld’s headquarters, tho residence | Mo}..Gen. Howard, ond rather than (oemueh manare, Market gnrdeners m ke
lof the State House or Capito! Buildings.
en prevent @
| in such ©
Bher will bo permitted, with thelr effvets, including this
fand adding muck or Ooo sand, to
d garden almost anywhe
asks what Wi
er.—We wor
hod canght
ed to inoret
yr that of pu}
bad him fast
eton und and then turn over thelr orm, aud all the public prop- d their respective Stailgy is frosts, cround blick with it evory year
groand, Hay
t two oF
£0 to
25 1B.
tod to the proms
foro being mantles
f wool is found bbe
and frequently fern
amount of furciza unwashed wool will yell 2
ft, tho olf ia this kind of soot belng thioner,| #4
mus contuia maoh dlrs, it is Light oompsrd
American Fanoy Sk
of eoourin
, tho proper
rarely more Cano.
A lurg
10 gum Whivk tho sol
This 0 voly worthless, its 02
vols being for manure, and It Is scllom applied era
for this, Moro froyently. tt Io to run inta ty
river, bot it is prd frat coat; for the food
J which Is fed to ahcep. even corn aud ofl-ceke, whic
ntain the mc J buta small porcentage of fatty
natter, Consequently, thors is expended In prodasly
the solica vers yalzable amoont of material, whiol{ be
putton-shoep would couvert into fat aud Bit for hima
that the prodaction of uils class of wool 14
| food.
dividual loss, hut as mac a public ons es th
an in
porty by Gre.
Jot which the farmer ought te
{on of p
‘There 1a another p
ear in mind: thot the dirtloat, lowest-priced foreya
rool pasa the least daty—3 cents per pound; the rex
in raul G conta per pound; the next, 10 centa por pote,
ut nd valorem; tho next, 12 conte pa
ut ad yalorum. ‘Theso @utiew sa
protection ngainst norer weols produced fa for
bat if ho red standard of his ora
og it ta market full of grease and dlr,
tiva with the low-priced
plain if he loses the benetd
eign Janda, sth
and ao brings It Into com
foreign, ho ought uot to
of such protection.
of theso d uorrashed fleooes withis @
fow weeks havo sold ata lower prive than unwasted
Mestiza and Cape wool,
But while wo ero complaining of the farmer far tat
neglecting bis own Interests, ho In tarm complains of
tho buyers sent out by denlora and manofacturers, ba
not making a proper distiuction betweon the wal
whiob is woll washed and honestly done up, amd tid
we havo desoribed. Wo know that thesa oomploa
ronot made without asnfiiciout canse, At tho sce
wrmer ia plo to blamo for the m+
ja sold. Yet it is 9 fact od
touch of tho wool Which ts sold is booght in such a a7
asto pay a premium oa the dirtiest wool and cose
quoptly reward dishonest:
One farmer writing on this sab)
more than extra pring with washing
wool Was woll tagged, was bone
littiosteing. ‘Tho buyer admitted this, and tad Ea
he wos paylog bim the highest price, Thofarper Wl
to deliver his wool in tho adjoining town, and thente
met his neighbor who had sold bis, woo) to tha ame
man for the enmaprice, It was no better/in quailty
than bis own, acd not moro than half waabel, sd
hlmost covered witb striog, We beliove bis t» no nif
tary ease, bat woy bo received of a falr/ample of te
manner fa which wool ts bought.
Now the farmer most consider theo sells his wl
ashe sells no otber kind of bis prozee Tt la his a»
Tem, aboub na anon es his wool is /&fC% to-ruak vila
ifinto market obout the third of9arth weekin. Jam)
thine wo think th
ner in which the wo
soys that hed
his sbeep, gaétt
ono up sid wa
ed, firs’ t
auch Boerman, the momorandam or basis of what was ‘agrocd{ erty in thelr possession, and be paroled ander tho euper-pof Mr. Grimes, brother of tho Rebel Mnjor-Gonoral, who theec heavy orcpa ennally from tho aam
Tontiow ofa spon between these two Gencrals, and tho resalts, are vision of oMlocrs to be designuted for that parpos®. hon Jast rotarned a paroled (bow old) prisoner fromLee'a} Gens. Sherman and Toward took thoir position on)" on rE OY uly with stable, barw-yurd fas a consequence, wo bavo aby three-fourthst of 8
BUG) as follows: Thue, the army {s (o bo dlsbonded, and each soldier Jaurwy. Ho is present, and mast bogvly enjoy this oat-[ the rourh eldo of the eapital building and immediately } 0 menue! El = : epee se muekclip ef the country 27%2 upon tho mate
fail top : MEMORANDUM. __foguired to return home, and sot aga to take op armel borat of onr natons! airs Hin trout ofthe brongs statae of Washington. or bog mannre-thefbre somblasd oe a Logo week the comntry od dealers emo
jokens not ye MONAT dh, Seay Durkan’ rode this 10h day} gpalnat the Goxeroment, Tho officers, like those of} |Z eilom wake invidious compsriscos among these] Tho difforvot alvisions composing the Army of the deeply, nd eliersabsll or run the cimmon plow the nel wesk. Manel ry te about
r North and beticuens Gane army bands, bat it's only stating the genoral estimate} Tennessee marobed “by eslome of PSSA N [ar ene | vas Lapcbeairy ASE Oa “sho know teas than Posse
gardens are osuilly too hustily plowed in the hurry ot many of these employ m* 71) ni a thoca hte
Gon. Leo's arms, uro pormitted to carry with them thelr j
ido arma and private effects. These terms are subject
to tho approval of the Wasbington Government, and
drums beating and colora flying,
pectocle, with thoir
the State of North Carolina, by and beween Gon. Jo
acph E, Johnston, commanding the Confederate Army, stely broken and
Gad Major-Gen. William T. Sherman, commanding the
other work, ‘Tha gold should be comp
of this one, when I sas that its performances are} front,” bands playing,
H mado so fine tbit the myriads of Little rootlets can pen
Sooreely inforior to that of the great Dodworth's. ‘Tholfand presonted a most imposing
if we are op
selves to rido through t
: J ata cortain price, for wit
ond bay all be
na by alee d which thoy casso8
thelr ordera 8 pri
{Death ag 8 | ahmy ef the Unlsed States in North Carolina, botd
rine | Cindy both A goute effect apon such ratiGeation. Meantime ieader ia the famous Jack Lelazd from Clovelavd, Haticred und rapzod battle-foga which they bed hero ¥ aon bape Cts Z
Ansiers Fete contending armies now in tho field to} tho two arrulos maintain thelr reapective posltlons, and Ohio. B 8 [[joally carried on hgttlo-felds far too cam eevtn to tase ERS FO ce ae ea eee CWT Sly pald for what they buy, they
Penalty ope) maintain (heir evaru quo ae otlce is given by thef{ qj hostilities ceasc—until the return of the messenger Ss ony ] plowing will por well, then barrow down finely Where} go; apdas thoy ares i ae ot that prios, He whe
yea ommanding guncral of either one to eppessels 8nd Hor Geo, Shorman, who bes elresdy proceeded to Wasi} WME CAPEURE OF BALGIGHE, Pf ynate grand and clorioos spectacle to witness! Toft gard lt li Ings forking oF alton Hp Inf tako of that cov ateat horse therefore Daye tho soed
her wo mean son ob eo ens fe iy ariaice wow im existence to fiogten with the etipalatious, of which tho foregoing Isa} : Cee a Balf one centinauns,almort Dover eee eae eat Pyad CLE) tho bas not a quantity sniMclert te
be disbanded and conducted to their ecyera} State capt SL From Oot Special Correspondent. yore and asparagus teds rhubarb, carrants, raspborries and wool, The fas
aything else. be ager afoot their arabe aud publ property inf ry 0 get 4 ee Ee eral ER uch mon a8 aro ectdom soon | N4 S#EOFoE Ny vettye tho dwarf and. otter fralt attract tho one a ere
foley thera to depoalt titi oicar and man’ yo exocole| This eweeps from existence e2 an armed force against Ca RT egy Apr 148 3. ©} Pin avy army in the world. Strong, stout, athlotio vete-f ale FE ee eae ito wet id Viawe ore shes to town with bil
the Government all the Kebel troops known to the Con- B Hea eaereal ere iaeok of belily and come ci eee or ae ee bell fool sirable tof wool jm Wlay oc is thus bought and sold under @
fuze. spade ap, nna forkapado fa tho beat fnploment to dof[smaller ot scrant wich belong to no olbe®
wm acts r x
ta of War aD ‘To-day, the anniversary of the capture of For
ment (o ceaso £
and {Jo an og
a yiotors on {onumerable battle-felds, from Fort}
} prow Nit wits, To atainthe be:
st results, the ground shoold {degree 0
character; and while this a
jome time,BEe fbide the action of both Stato and Federal authorl-§ ae cen ~
an estocti See tne aca enof arama nad muniliona of war 10. bef (se. 1, nd makes outlaws and guorrilas of ell PTT outer, the right wing of Shermon’s army made ite
ae Be ae ra Psuict ol Ordaance at Waabiogton city, gues who remain in prue, egslnet tho conatitnted ou- Fe he A ae oa eciageets Caralinn | Doeseesazennemees Teweigh, N, C., thelr dead bat} ad ins
. the Spanish Teperied pfuture action of the Coogreas of the Ualled | thorities. he forces of Kirby Smith woat of the Mis: sR oor erat legal eltzf Uover-to-bo-forgotten heroes who sleep ta 1a aetiioval even be treated, or spaded two spite deop, mOABE my im the West the manner rs ond deslor
bat'tho sociaht Biates, and Jn tho racantimo to bo used solely to zal alxipp; all the firoghlor cavalry ob a roylog banda:{a {0 (be Intouse. del ane essa goee 7 pamber of Joyal ci Fee ee ouany well fungbt battle-dolds, atrow tno line tuauore well ough tho whole, Ouco trenching inthis] in Pre. gry qbout aa ruc exorcised to Stale
2 fain peace and order within the borders of tho States 7 H zeus, who never favored Scecesion, and who would at era fr sears, Farmora, with their hondredsqin th
at the first “a seapactiyely? Texus, Missouri and cleowbere; the garrison at Mobil J oa of march, and bear undylog testimony to thelr valor way answers Sr d heir handreds Jin the nt the culls of thelr boyers, and rushing
“been heli pECtITElY ccoyition by the Excontive of thf and at other poioie In AJnboma ad Southern Tonnes: 170 tipo deplete Teton Wave gladly} Asg devote to the cauno In which thy al embarked of acres, will elle at the kdco, but toarkot garcons tye money market all st , increase Ite demand,
held in Meee ee er eae eee eae a trooper of whalavar, nuise oad nation who Rare) SOHN Torses ance UDO yo eumaerree aap GO4 bons thems OY uo im whloh, thoy al ombaryery frie eullivate land worth $500 to €1,000 and mor P74 consequcaty Its rate of decom
could bave dono so with anfety to temssives Olid tho pares of thelr countrymen! sore, fiud thelr account 1a it, Even a farmer's grdenf oh riigie tho work of tho farmor; he rushes ia
a and by eo doing de
portion of thelr Iving
ofiicers and Legislatures taking the vat prescribed by
the Constitution of the United States, and where coi
Bicting Slate Governments have reruited from the wir,
the legiticiucy of all shall bo subwitted to the Supromo
Court of the United State
Fuurth.—Uhe redstabliauiment ofall Federal Courts in
the several States with powers as defined by the Con-
itution aud laws of Congress.
Fifh.—The people ond Inhabitants of all States to be
Venteed, 86 far as the Exocutive oan, thelr political
onght to yield the family 6 largo
rather than (te few imperfectly grown vegetales
often seeen there, Remowwber, too, that no afr ct’
or lobor can wakeup for imperfectly preparing’ 8°!
and bad plantiog.
Having propated the ground, the next thing! t© lov
{tout, and thi Will depend somowhat upon * *APe
Awa goneral rolg be tho garden equara or oPNE, St 5)
est Inid ont witha main walk threo feot w# throng
the center, oul leser-walka around tho efdethree fect
from the outer edge, thns leaving a fruit or Ber borde:
Fupou each side nxt to the fonces. ‘Thes#s be stt
With currants, rapberrics, bluckborrics, ¢%
derries, otc., of Flantad with tomatoes. I remainder
of tho gardea may be divided by oross-waf 98 desired
Tels not advisable to plant everything Weds 08 the}
1 fWasto by so many walks is not compons!l by any ad:
vantage, ‘Tho vegetables may bo plant” rows neress
ono of tho plots, und there is uo necesd fF « disislon
botrreen the sort, « row of beets belnJest t0 a row Of
¥ boon ranged on the aldo of tho Rebellion, whother aa be-
looging to eos recognized commander, or playing the
guerrilla upon thelr own book for private plandor. f
Gon. Jobnaton expresses dcop and apparently sincere
sorrow and much concern at the assassination of Preat-
dent Lincoln, n whieh he waa Joined by each Confod.
eA orate officer precent, Gop. Johnston regaris it es the
Biehis ood franchipan 2a vel ne ‘thle rlbta of peraung most t rrible blow yet inflicted upon the Confedernte
nd property, as define ho Conatitation of tho oanse and the Southorn people, and aecmns deoply to de.
Wired Staten god of states respectively. ploro the event, coming es {t docs upon tho ‘lose of ths
the 2d of Ay
ded and enth
§ Some 46 railroad oar and several ongines wore cap-
Neared by Kilpatrick's cavalry, togethor with several ¥
thoosand prisoners, somo of whom bavo voluntarily |
come inaide of our lines and givon themselves up after
yecowlog convinced of the utter hopelessness of their
‘Tro days ago a comuities of gvatlomen proceeded
Heo Gon. Sherman's headquarters at Clayton Station, on
tho Goldsborougb Railroad, and currondered the olty.
They wero: Ex-GovornoraL, Swain oud William A f
Grataw, with Dr. Warre, Surgeou-General of they b
State, ou Goy. Vanoe'a Stag, acting a8 Seorota:
» vory kindly, nocopting
Hino sarrender of tho olty axd promising to afford overs
protection (o citizens und their propsrty-
Yobtorday morning at about nivo v'elock Kilpatriok’s
cavalry entered the city, axd wero soon after followed
Hoy the First Division of tho Fourteenth Corps, com-y
wanded by Gen. ©. C, Walntt. A Provost-ganrd waa}
Immediately placed at yey houso to provout strag
lors from molesting the crizous, who have sinco ro
finarked to me that thera bis boon moro qulot and order
§ issued a Pt
h\ May next 6
asSipation of
Which retreated the day beforo our advance arrived
bere, {8 known to number from £0,000 to 25,000 men J
VSomo of his command retreated throagh Hisborou
{ Greonsborougb, bot the main portion of his army is
Known to be encamped this ldo of Greonsborough,
whlob fa the junction of the Kaleigh and Richwond
Railroad, at whlch place Jeff. Davia is known to ba.
Gor. Vunco loft this town a few hours before the a
rival of onr advance. It {sstatod by good authority |
that ho is desirous of returning inside the lines and eur-4
emak ho arrive
ele) that no
amelras abou
es of fxpoditi
sillmotunder 1
otter ébed fron
1d on tay de}
‘Sieth.—-Tho Executive authority of the Goverument}
of the United States ok te di tub an; of the people by f sreat strugglo,
Fearon of the lato war s0 longas thoy Live in pence andy I muet close my Afspatoh to bavo it ready for tho first
Siok abstaln from acts of armed hostility, and obo; ‘ x of
Fee aaa oD aE Se ele or hele ee obey f train to Nowbern aud Beaofort in the morning. I shall
Foventh—in gcnoral torus War to cenao, o goucral em-f send it through to Washington by ageutieman going
perig, go far as the exronilve per of to United straight through
ratza oan commaud, or ou condition of disbaudment}
el ren TDR GR ore [OR ec a Oa ee cae
ee con ee aeeee al pursuit by ollicers aud mong and very full ceting of the oltizons of Kaleigh aasem-
Sr hithorta composlog tha raid armies, not helng fully bled at the Court House this afternoon, at 4. o'look,
Empowered by var respective principals to fulbll thesell vivo expression to thelr feollng ?
Seer eri Fast) olay olatge aurscives top aire exeresslon, to. tUeie) ferne poe a (ee ei
dreadful event which hae robbed the South and tho!
ond b romptly obtaln necessary authority aud to curry out
road brils on | 1@ above p Ngramme, nd ¥ FOUN holo country of thor best friend. siuco tbo advent of our toops than thero wos WhOd ondering tho State to Gen. Shorman, If this bo so 1
W. T. Siemay, Mojor-Genoral. [Jobuston's command werg hora. jour correspondent knows officially that Gon. Sher-| rarnips, &c. Ikmost oases it is woll Plant or set Hh
Jstrawberrics, rspberries and other its, also oy
"Tho Mayor, Mr. W. H. Harrison, and Mr. Badger
rend the resolutions fo the meeting. Upon putting
thom to ‘(hore was efoll ond unanimous aye upon} have treatod the pooplo stimotully, branking (ntohonses}
their adoptlon. and storve, and robbing ojerybods, friend and fooallke.
The Progress, which {a dressed in mourning for the The pooplo all through the gountry, 59 well as thoso in
cath of the President, coutuins tho following noticog this town, represent them ag noting more like hand off
of the meeting and tho resolutions: f robbors than an organized body of troop
See eee eed Lea eaaairict cal aiatiey i see
pertinent remarks, stated its object to be for tho, pur: while Kilpatrick waa marching through the town, an
oss ofex poesine ie alin ja end sscntliants of ous poficer Fatt to Wheeler's apr eel with
Uitdet al every paty nsf iho melapel fumo ot ba men, were enggod lo pandering orn - aye
ete ns ot every Pact of President. Lincola, in tie voor the Market Lousy, rected dato the atrect and fired wy Ce RAS Tr] RS thoy will
aera an clloatlak be. wording a tho Leal! ey 7h questionable whether or not ho hae Boatt| “Ge orey about 2 Po of coming azo for thls
iinuper annoonoed In thia mornlug’s papers,
Guent Dusbeo, esq., Waa requested to act as Scoretary,
ia of tho column; the ball (rtanately, missed Kilpatrick, Hang genso aufllclont to take this view of the sub-} J whith is ton days to two weeks
the Mayor ap-
| Florene ‘The
bales of tton
yer-OATE, Bib,
fed slaves. -o
me class Wy
nformant ba,
* theso partioy,
rther dotails.
WHEELER'S MEN wan will give him eyery protection, and is really
anxious thot he ahould retorn and conveno tho Legiala-
ture, a majority of which are known to bo loyal men.
It is oxpeoted that Sheridan's, Stoneman’s and Kil-
patviok’s Cavalry will form a Janction some time within
W tho noxt Give days, and bold Jobnesou to chook until this
ary oon como up with him and deliver tho final blow
to the Rebellion which has for nearly four years cursed
thie falrInnd. ‘The oltigons hore all express a doalro, Wasa. 4 raise their own seg
Commonding tho Army of the United States in North}
‘Corvlina, pss
Find nsparogua, wholly apon ono sift fe gan
linttcrionsanbomedapenGp sec e
Wa wil aoW give allatof the ,etbles whlch ab
wee ortry fareoye pardon, {gfHet With some eimplo
I ercoat tack for Hlanting vremante that Bood weed asi
a ety of ft, MODIa boned, 712 Well to st tho eed
Penne vlog Before planting, 1 te garden, that
isappointment result from Furmora shou
J. F, Jomserox, General.
Commanding Confedorato States Army in North Caro-f
This procecding of Gen. Sherman was unapproved,
for tho following, among otber reasons:
*Firee—It was an oxerciso of aothority not veated 4}
Gov, Sherman, and on Sts face stows (hat both ha and}
Sounston knew that he (Gen, Sherman) had ng authority
fo enter Suto any such arrangement,
‘Sccond—It was 8 practical acknowledgment of tho}
Rebel Government, y
Third—It uvderiock to redstablish the Tebel Stato}
Governwonts, that had been overthrown at tho ssori-f
foo cf many thousand loyal lives and an immonse|
8 and munitions of war in tho}
br wee
‘and then, Sf careful not to
“Sw what they are planting;
wever, Was COl
Wo cannot un
‘on motion of Rlohard Badger, cag,
we Spd hee 3 treasure, and plnosd urn
ace Greeley," proto P the Hobels at thoir reipective capitals, which pointed a committce of tive to, draft resalatio ea:
ys Brae he ete at iterate Me ae arse gget encom pre [nat onal ons of Me aloe a idles ttt ods 64/379 rato seen
mado, and tho rufiian captured. Is leas than 10 minates QUERRILLA PARTI. earlier seyf aie for exch dogroo of lat
¢Afrom tio to bie
Mevors. Richard Badger, B. F. Moore, W. W. Hold-
“d thot mulh later as we go north,
en, Kenneth Rayner aod J, 1. Ponolngton Were ap-# be waa swinging by bis no from a treo,
inted a committe vetired and avon yoported tho ey Ri ssck fro
Pillowing resolutions, which \rere adopted unanimousty:
2b officially ‘anousced that Abraham df was a very aovere one ig consequence of tho rain and
ouisiana, bis of
general circu)
\t Horses Gre
Wore disbanded, and ased to conquer and subdue the
Loyal States.
"Fourth—Dy the restorath
their respective States, thoy would be enabler
It in very much to bo feared that when the army o!
Jobnaton disbands, os it must sooner or later, the coun
try will warm with bouds of guerrillas, who will ro-
tudo going soith.
there is zat
jafucr than the menner 10
ion of tha Robel authority in
d tol
hot this fello Folstablish Slavery. : Whoreaa, Ut he
tablish Slavery aeniah a grcand of responsibility by f Liseaia, President of the United State, iss beon euuanloate
Fijv—it wl ereani of responsibility by f Liscain, Presiden! of tbe United stay, Deon Mane CE. unturally bad roads over which the army was obliged spoot wo one and troat all alike, friend or fo8, so that
{n the conntry, outaldo of the towns and cilles, thero
nephey| ret | the Robel debt, and 9
tho Federal Government to pay 2
Soe ee eet Sifon tof] We, H. Seward, Seoratary of tate of the Unllou Statens to pasa, i
} sill bo no protection for life or property, andoverything} Wo beli ng more dotrimental
rivate in tho A certaioly subjects loyal o
fi abt consunmato Robols in te ni to} ieenaived, Tat wo, tho ellizans of Malcigh, nvall ourselves
porson ss this’ vy ate nsuinmated by the Lobels in the name of tho the crit opportunity to express our ted, avail ourselves ‘Tho plonoer corps and large details from difforont es o is a eiotliket
Bia Hof the atroctous dee “A will bo in o atnto of anarchy, unt the strong arm of tho suberes
‘Sih—It put Jn dispute tho existence of loyal Statcy” Resolved, Thyt whilewuch @ deed atany tine woold doveryalf ELmeNtS Wore worked day and night, corduroying . to the tru 5) .
Oe Uieglota, | eagle ction or civilised sae, wre teres eae ( ance marcbod. law is enforced by the bayovets of oor Union soldiers. oh 2H pt tho wook is bright to market, and the
2. fa feaigoatlon of civilized saeu, we terard ft as pecullarly he roads for nearly balf tho distance marche which Wich { is\bought pnd sold. In tho first
alo of W
:le all through the’country complain bitterly of
Dy every department of thol
governments avd the nev §
fortunate ined. to m The Tine CO ke A eee
he Fifteenth and Seventeenth Corps, commande: 4 Ca teuet ft em er
Sich had been recognize
United States Government. {hooloes of along coutestad strugelo in af natat the a iat
ited States Genetically. abolished tbe confsoation| int whew the prospect of abo) Peore Mite at tho iL egoeotively by Gons, Blair and Logan, and which arol{ tbclr treatment by tds class of desporadocs, of whom piace gates Lae
ps eudved Keebelw of ovary degreo eho. hd f aad whic hee ae sof aspoory Perk (enteral Gloed, | coamonly known as the right wing of the Army of they 'P°Y live in hourly dread and trepidation. MeGanner (b maké t mefchantablo; much tha
5 want diet for oarcelvea aa community, wa repadiato and pro e righ BAILEOAD COMMUNICATION. Ib Mt wasbed!s not mod thi Ralf cleansed It Is truo
be degree of caris taken in washing tho back
‘Tennessee, under Gon, Howard, toolatho oxtremo rixhty
on tho march to Raleigh, whieb, {2 consequence of the
‘ye ROTO
io from all pains and penaltica for ;
EF alos of We abecep, Xt fhe belly, the dirtiest part,
oor ehiaslon of ayengatby with sucb oulrsges
Mitiolattoa of ar moral reutimente as
slaughtered our poop!
their orlmes.
teat ugalmst
atrooitles, as
Tt x expected the rallroad vill be open through to
the Constrnotion Corps
?: Eighih—It gave terms thot had been deliberately. r Gnd clyilized poople, and destructive of the
; peatelly aud solomnly refooted by Prostdont Lincolo,H well elag of aoletye do b order/andy or cultone. route. traveled, amounted to nearly) Goldsborongh tomorrow, a TPs ry eotelal pelda whaler
peatedly and lon ile Und over aaked Lif” Rengivai Theta copy of theve nclctons hepreeated 64 mile. ‘Thi march wat sccompllahed inf Save been bard at work on {t, ‘The most ¢erlous injory allowed tofjass witht any epectal paloa whalarer
in Tugroad muffored was in tho destruction of the bridg( belvg taken. This partthen tho focco is off, 1s called
1d, and to Gon. Seuatield,
Gen, Sherman, chief {n_ eomaan edible whort ti
ost inorediblo short time ‘and when foldelt Js turned inelde, and ts ont
tho skirt,
throe days and o balf, an
mogt proxperous con
commaser of ibis a pobllaied in the oiyf
y a + the Neuse River, which wes quitoo large. str”
Inincl~Ut forme: no bole of trae, and losting peace, fon paxlment, an B a
ciiiilorod Rabols from tbe presanre of our viotoriesy| P*P.™ ‘shen Ita taken into consideration tbAt tho roads ba
Dot reed Kabola font toe Dre aford toovor.g 01 mplion of Dr. MoTeca toe vor Onan. to be AN yess I oe Te tctaiee aul of 5%: pr alght, leaving notbingit the well washed bsok and
ane Ge 3 coaaerafran gonneron’a amcef’ iQpsrtvle the[iask expoeyl Othere, wea DET) well,
Q. Busnex, Seo'y.
‘Thanks ba to God
anid lc ;
fiiow the United States Goveroment, and wubdac the] ayor, Ohm'n.
Wasi States, swhwsover thelr strength Was recruited and
Dy opportunity ebanld offer
It ls stated ox cood avtbority thas the oay ho long after shearing, thal!
dreuching rain storm which to any ordinary ormy
fox this final though lt be 8 mosth would uayg mado the reads {mpassable, buy Bhorman’ Dot allow tir saan tr
ory De
jgrool Into the market all ol
ho compels the manufacturer and
tho money market, and inoreass Its
tho ond bas to come out of bis
Joaler to go int
and tb
Tf Le wil keep
timo as It 1s wont
lof tho facroased deuaad, and c
‘own pocket which th ners obtain and
tein which speculators moke. Lf his wool is ia
Lition he need bayo no fear but Bo will obtaim
ous discrimination will ba
pia woot out of tho market till sok
vvill then have all the advantage
> have that money La
good cond
fair prion, ana that a Jodie
endo between the good and the bad. Homay bosnre
of thi ‘it wili not be funk to tho Tovel of the bd
To will find Ju this course @ botter pro«
e ean enact, Lento if
p, abonra it at gabe
teotive tariff Han nny Leglelat
to him who washes bl
Jop, bat etuffs it at lelsa it with patience, te
sore at gullop—whera ond when {t cannot bs ex
de iim whose objoot it Ja to obtain beary
knows buyers are
To does not pro
Aecces wa hove littlo to easy for he
ordered to shan bis nelg'
‘luce that kind of fleeces to Impose upon the Wool bayer,
but to tako advantage of the credulity of the farmer
and ioduce hita to pay bigh rice for bis ewes ax@
Walk About Fruit.
At the meeting of tho Club, April 13, atte
woro distriboted from Ir Hyde, Bainbridge, A. ¥.+
sae of wh(ch ho supposed to bea seedling, is/awcot
aprile which ripens about the middle of Sopteyber and
Ints about alx woeks, end bo considers it aPerier to
the Sweet Bough, It is known there as Ae Jenny
Lind. | ywrunun, Coventry, T TL. wanta t4now
Peto Wire (o the year. aboold apple trf®.a0d other
rai \rees be trimmed? Ia tho present rath of April
would Ee to kn Whether the
ahonld bo tao T hare
a aultable. tin
joao bark on graps vines
soon many remiarka in relation to rasgiries. T bara
Kind calicd the Orange, that aro note coma ie the
a kind called tye an bardy ns auy oust bush, I bara
aun ef pooee rmallor thunJ® Bugleh, hod
a kind Culdew or blast; are gream arate and rood
Yo and Green, |ia1@
# the English
Black, W
Fiartod mlldowed and dropped
Hidden Wursaide E scully Sot
now, and defer pruning the Uy ate Donal
Chace thought the latter the bésite is bape De 208
Prane pear trees wheneVeF FOC; ty reqnirany toe
Jot the Umbs grow 9758 eDGeian, pull off the loose
tool I would ony 10 120 Fils the way tho vineyard-
bark fromthe grape-vine. ocd it certainly qased
{ata In France treat thelt vig’ bark Is of no use whste
esr took better, and. the HE t nes Orbe Use
over. Mr, WILLIAXS 6010556 from tho Black Gee
spoken of fsa scodllx, PRIS desoription, but do
Dare growe wome ae !lfr, dapum anid foal
sapsider them valuslie Mr, Wulbars descriptios 3
Rink the forscbor yf Be, the only Krastworthy ve
rioty 80 KDOw Of ggton, Mass, wants to kxow
Arnold, E. 4
swipt Leth Dost time A004 33 dwarf pear trees, He
£ own
# until June,
~Wvhonever they require it, without regard {to the quince, bat {s a riotous grovar on its own took, Patir it often while rising, | Koap it in a warm place, but] ie graye benoath and sometimes {utormixed with tt.]| properly applied It will destroy tho maggot and not In- J Morris Walzal, llL......128/\V. E» Dodley, TIL.
2 cay recat te te lnow whnt Is tho best con- and uniformly on Abundant error, Ita period of f not whore it will sonld, for that would pall it ae erayer (ho roads. OFS. mach worn by water, gravel fare the arowtng planta. It fo neceassy to” apply tho f Ps Walaa, 1 43|Crom k Thoos
at Ls tho best con. Fa alige ton between the Wartist and Bearve Dich st” Cure for Polson fey.—hilas 8.0. Vorrut Lincarfilo, makes Its appearance. Tho clay subsol s of different remedy aa goon aa the enomy beglna bis, warky Af do-F D: ; i
Rreted manuro for pear t 5 ¥ y 7 beg rita
2 EEE are unign Second, peliolne enperphospate go tit Titeean comparcith tt ineizs, com [Crawford Co,, Por, recommends swoctoll ax an antidote kinds. In como places tt Isa brivk red, and whore that lay ed two or three daze tbe crop ia rolned.” Bouemyacans
7 iit peeamacing the came Kind offmends it pnrtiovlariy to the orjbardiat for tia com Wfor ivy poison, An applioation of It removes the In: thn oot M0 SO oa ing cellent for whent nftor tb pers ee; : tag,
Boar. A an angrenre quite. a number offmeretal value, Dosonné Roussocl. of large sac, and off damuiitn dlnvely. Rec Eee D Ce Ae hase. boon extnusted, or » i
j eee een ces {uff cood quality, thongh by no meanvof tho highest Maver, | Sous Ronrxsox—t havo never seon olive oll applied] rusher o poor rillges provlously mentioned os + Jusnen or Provuce iN Intt
a ae a gooh kl ae any trees Bello Lucrativo nod Flemish Beauty, soon lecaya often f with the most marked auocess to the Tey Notun tobaeee, Luough shurt crops of corn con. be grown ou XO1%—Tho following Is the legal wolght of a bushel of fie, i
" ET in that sway, with Uh Uat thos aro more ] before thoy bare re 0 nd asripen 5) alee Dacheans Nonukes In that caso it should also be taken Inter p them. tole H Siinlop oven recto farm Sugbh } tho following articles in Tijinola: J}; Beker,
nan budded trees, case with moat eccd fl ADgOUleme, Beorre Diet and Beorre d'Anjon constt: nally. \vork Innda of such inferior quality on any terms while BT!
Mu ardy {hn Inte Sitio At, Cole at ( rene fad tite unr best into Autumn pears. The Dachesee, when}! Shreptlcks—Do they Injure the Health of Sherp?—Mlss} better can bo had fr Me tert. if wok wblo to puretinse: Cc Tinea tent be WsiB. nic
SES Tor elght didiercal sorts of natnral peaches thaty well cultivated, will plvo cuttre ratisfootion na to size PorTeR toguizes. ‘This is nmootod question, Some ff Yot it is truo thatilere lands do very wellin whent@ : Diled Ponohes S. U Tshardeon, Ky 1 Cou, Dae
3 Fan ee ger ace. thei Ln. Tle snvs: fl chargetor of faut. well ns prove a moat abundant persoea advocats that thay do not, nl ieee by tae and other eroall erator, expocinliy f renowed by clover, fl Se 2 6 | Onions 3 Bs ai aalore iy ascnas 022) Sen Resen ec
4 Fore gUlte ware to Prarictice which ifoultlynted otf Wenner, This iy tho only pear. 'o for nuved. that 1B fact that lousy cbiliren aro always healthy. Thoxo le of Fraducs Hiei tho wheat and tobacco leony 2 ; : Hse toa, oROQAMMS ABQER DENY CATTEE!
a from other freer, #0 Aa not to tk the Bloat ald recom Laat gn thoqulnce. The Boarrel remeuy for. ticka gold under the nawe of Concontrated # mentioned 1 Seah re xelesaiad fo ny, whtob Is : 3 z Ys\ioo heed Test week, cud with 5.140 heed ‘averace per weal
will Invnriobly predueo thé same from seed, f Dict Is 60 rich, mugory nnd balf molting that I neverg Tobacco Juice. ivays proftuble, Bluo grass comes spontducously In ricy----- 5 h 2 and with 4,103 for the corresponding Week one yee
of I: T have co doubt 0 Fiave heard a word «ald againstit.. ‘Lhe Beare WAn-f Barren Cucumber Vine.—Mls P, saya: "Lost yonr Tp lunda which nro fenced tid:nos worked. | Applesalwayay i g 4 pbk
: eetiepend. upon fiom, later Introduced, Is ono of tho few forelgn rere esta. bat: lietl frult. orwell Ponches ore fine when not kilt, and thoro y 5 A “ee
peiiness of seedings, but Lnever enn depend, upon § [ou fow foreign # grow mammoth cacumber vines with bal iegore fing stl, and thorel] Sireot Potutocs, r 25 nay and to-day st the principal
yf. 1s pruducing thelr I MMi Case ands Tdo not#pears. whlod suceceda well iu this country. flere were plenty of blossom, bat nll falso. | I wong wo localitlea thers they hover full, Grapoviucs] Walte 2 : < 7 ak we d with 3,208
es there any alficoy att the berdieas of he DeurroChtrerot, send ear of larg lan antl the rennot aa that they wero pote hon they raaay land fa tbe veods, od ae dint the cultivate Castor a it 5 f Ot eed
atts nod buds if th Tufted from healthy tock. \Beauthful eppearnnce, hae tinprored of fata; and 6o well alin was not right, nud for remedy I niust pick off the} varieties would auceced Well in euitably choson lovali- Clover ‘i Y
of De A ma vanle Penokca dy produce thelr Jo L think of it for tiarket, purreses that’ I else ft off ialso blossows, What saya th Club 1" te H Timothy Secd..
now (hat eee Tar ee ol diierent.. Iflitge place In my orchard. The Columbia Virealicafl Te saya t his no faith In algue or the moon's influence f * inter te abnadant for ell the needs of the He ane
ke, is € y 5 lx Sect 5
os t como. aced » trem Ohio which pr 5 brings up the rear of Autumn peirs, being in good oat-fopon vegetation. w oxceyt sult wood OF Colahing, which Is. go iy Blue Grane’ q I e 5 of full a cent @
of t lived 18 senre in deascy, whore p ing condition during the heldays, when its clear, Vulue of Frosted Potatocr—A, Foornoom. Shedd's}vbiained ready eronght from the plants Pipa ar
otoriously abortelived.. Mr. Winn. smooth skin, ratiful temon yellorw, mnakes It attrac: Corners, Mudlson Conniy, N, ¥. saya’ be planted one-f Louis, Fenuimg tabi ia ko abandant that tho Vir- = = os
2 Heoue crane nnd buds In the nursiay ts becanse allan tipo Feed y iL of delicious favor. Huait ofa fetd seth potatoes from a hole that had ven p tole fouee ts alos Ustvcrsolly used; but Tare ecchl] PEL DRY GOODS BIALIKE’
Stoners want to know exnolly whot eorte ¢hey aro, Lawrence, Glout Moree frosted, ‘and another from a bole that bad. been kept f some prod hedge sago ofange, Which stands the} B
3 {tring They would Dot take sredtiors ann if Mt the Winter Goarg hiat should be Ip avers enlcetin,H warm snd des, and hai spronted conalderadly and sat olgeat Winky caag eed pa Tuts
sek canted to know If Hare-rsmon over tried to getf Lhe Lawrence ned to be tho most poplar off there wea a marked difference In tho yleldy those whlex *t Stone— Limestone fsabandant, and used for making <ee ae
n TAREE dietricta where the ireca were known to beg Winter pears, if Indeed ft te not 20 alrendy. Tye GioutPhad not been frosted preduoing mach tho best andpiime and for foundations to houscs. ‘Thero aro somel New-Yors, April 25, 1865.
Tene hove that wry bor pSforceat, by tte, knotty. gnssiod eppctironce wen shosclag more vigor of erowth all the pie [quarries of good Uunldhig, sondstono,” whlch, have b Business has beon greatly interrupted in con-f
5 a, disappoints most fut growers, but when It} potatocs wore of the sanic lio dificronce belng [ued to a limited extent, but now wood and brick areq sequo: sltkcldd SiG tk
: ito'tho tine of ripouing, tho few specimens that Palmply that the oyed of thoeo that” had Kept warm were J universally preferred. Send fe unteereally abn: uuonoe otishe spuvlicsdlexin| Hes, Gonlnestau| Akt Be
= Virginia; a they bave the yell Itwill net fair and well grown atone for the Uelccts of thephealthy nud vigorous. Axd the reason that thoy woreg tlie etreauiz,und 1 boro © bunk of pure funeral of the lamented Prealdont. During the few
ry j healthy
a rot eed tro We map got freat a0 that Tain Yon well phased with It fo. drop itpuealiby aod wigorony eal, sade the meat sigoroor witch ws ware. god tens almoet dass of rogulor bosiness, b nity
ST RmiMAeLReTG i ction. Thnve nothing to toy tu favar off crow(h, fs simply that’ they hnd thotr pabalum fu a n vealit Se eciiiie ie tho demead: aereatinat se i G
re : iifornin, Mr. E fi sey, who Hes Nella” Kastor, Mean or View of Wink: furl condition, in tuo froated tubers part ofthe atnrch ne doube, a0 toctivity Inthe demand for cotton g P rye
2 sch:orchard, Te Yo pet one Held, excopt that the last isameat excellent cooking had beon converted Into sugar, ‘This is chown by they ply vf sho county, Tee revded, for all time, E general strengthening of prices, ‘Tho reorot
arp, and thon give ap nie other purpose #PCnT 1 Nod boon converted Into sugar. | Th Me cage evrcecerd{ lena hua vor found Ii say to this rogion, <Thero. lef of prices bas Increased the demand at retail
Aout dwarf pearr, Some roots arcq Tho French caltivators, by neans of traluing, pinc! hie tae tether cocked, Wr, 1oornoost i antisGed fu authentic traditien that tond was obtained by tho To-Yexcont that the aupply 1a far bobind the domand, and
ever food Opon #t Seeessee iteding, proning, thiouing and watering, or mulching Kihat he has proved by experiivent that, the potato-rocH diane In this welts in corly thines, and n small streay : ee and §
ouies Ronne de Jarsey, ° ~allont quently obtaln pears of ecormous size. Pruning, bla caused by black bigs whioh infest the vin 1 ou which It wus Wood by tho first eettl bears thog for (ha leading lives of goods thero is quite a scromb!
ear fru Toston, 1s food on cxealjont ye aprctally, in heceannry (or the docclopmend of largep experiment wne.made by plun@ing porta of the simepnome of Lead Creck, Dut the preclao locality Ja not in tho wholesale stores. At no purlod aloce tho be
Peat Snreraber sorts, and Keeps we goraf sproimens, as he eap which roald havo Gono to thef polueo in a boxes, one ov the ground where the buxsyaow known. The shi tetream of he ceion, benta, tel gioning of the war bas the dewuvd been #0 real
four best early pear, and the Co itpped off branches, nor contibates to thelncreaso of fcould pot at-it, aud:tho other th a position they coulaf French name uf corpe:—* Cuivry "—salu to be from the j sihoartere i
Herbert Winter z thotrult, Akin to this Is tke pinching of tho shootflnot reach. fact of that welul being found opon it by the early | #0tires and when itis stated that, at tho sumo time, at
i Mr. Dopas snid—Six sears of Janted both stand. hile itis ail tonder, arreatlg the Bow of sup destined} Fiower Sceda and thore who love Flower Cutiteatto Frenoh settiers, ‘nero tt may bo snld that thet oo period bas the supply beoo ht, It way bo readily
> ener eee ee se nad have aarendy been Well ft9 oxtend the shoot, transferriag it to the evolving (cult. f From nmong the thousands of let(ers asking for Dower fle country aro Fer unknown. nagined what Js tho evadition of tho market. Brown
. Sa eae re bat bare. not yet eccn & pear upot f Che largest fruit, Uke the model Lere shown, Is nsunlls Yeceds, wo vow apd then pick out o beantiful blosso Water—There 8.0 fair supply of ving water on thof nase ants Als CoN efE iol masa Bear
Phe standards, - Oh aspur of one of the pri or the | thocicr of which must bo delighttul to angola as wellusp surface Crom spribgs, Wells aud cisterns are m leached cotton goods ore about teu per cont i othe peurrel averope
x) ‘Alderman Evy snld—T waited co twelve trunk itseltt and as tho ox thrives most nearest thof men, whlob we Le to Ee ae eee nefavithout difficnlty. Cho wator thut lias percolated tho bigher. Agents ar drones of pre s lust weer, thouel tt
a fycare fralt, and have not sel goto full erop. Thi p aastor's oribiiag ie As roppl oe ra ead AT. E 3 vata F. TianstrT, Knox. ne ing aupially pee Ponda are co natrusted wits TET duction, and general) F eect
the Columblin Virgalicu, J ian strong larger eap yess Yegetalie, phrsiologlst onder c We understand by ‘THEptittlo Iabor to retsl surface water for atuck u . p
mower. Mr. Willigtia thivks the Doyeu Hstonding the effect thot lines aud angles bave upon the: that th Pees eae e iributing eireams furniab alitcited auount of water-powor, some | the manufacturcrs
jy y
zltarcariy reau (bk J; the utter grows ff elecolutién of tho enp, facilitating or retording ths dow Hea oie eer otuelr care, tof ol which is used and soy not, ‘Lhero ta out good Lour jj must have prices very muoh ander thelr control. Should
8 with o very epreadirg top pranes eo 0s te sccurs the free and unintercupte indies and little elrla who manifest a desire to cultivate ing-inlll ou the Cais Fee eee aot ceatatta Par et he seiand wines
ot Tn answer to the qaretion, “When ehall Tent and} age of sop tothe tributed along the Athos, We are little girls, Just of an nge, and b Sthe home warlet for grain ts eonorally good, owing h yey ang o 4 5 ne 5
fet" several members exld: Cut them heforo uns ¥ Le lops off thoso thar atort nt right angles from with deep Interest Mary G. Askuv’s luiter to Me, Robln rowing of tock for distant markets, “Beside || ehecked, and a ronailon|maaagacocol
cd Dads atorilng, and ret them In Apiil, If)the trank, ‘Che overloading hranchea with fruit aon, thonking iw for bla kinduess 1a supplying her andy the Lome deinen abalypl River on ono slue, wn Sheotings are scarcely to be mong. the =
3 : ger ar je wn you reeeivo them, bury them wf orerttes to rear oir by diiing the oviors with Gower seeds, Our dear sonnger loth Ie iio NORTEL gv! Ralirval jon, Wha] other; alive @. Of the Taian Orobard brand there are anil ra
ay or two 16 the ernond, b ving In the cold grave, our Un Is too old, and our twof facilities for exporting. of a : ery | ‘
a Jo oewer to the que-tion how to make the hark Mor of aap by a cor Hag, Brathers nye too young for the serrice, bat wep" Pop =tto fobabltants are largely fom Vir. been nong on bani for sume the Appleton =
it {gees smooth, Bir, Uvoor gaye, aah wi cacao sod ebich It eireol Have ton soldier counts, tall are set lielog, and oor By tola nud eat of A quoted last weak by the dgen =
ree parade to 0 F: ce a coffnnclo who died in tuo services, We love Dower, and g wavy uf the States ».” ond BOW for leas thag S2o., aud =
A Avett planting punuein, B. NUautrAss 6 eptelmene, fur whe vp ls removed. thel desire ereatly fo bare a beautiful varlels—and If you from Germany and Thodast mentioned nn: es veh - re
took np eonie lost Falland heeled them iu loss by thefeoergics of the tree are, ex; pon a reduced] think it Is rigbt for us Co ask for some of the seeds furf tiogullts are unig. wale at. Tho Jobers aro selling th
t left standing, and now find thos amount, whicb ts developed Jato be proportions, ond fl distri Will, we lope, eood us some, aud makof vave di ated Aburo, The peoy nelly are cour-4 We quote the follow
{ng golte ellve am! fresh ond the athera dead Taos mach better in qaslite as toe diate tos oT eainipyee trovernd. frieadly as neighbors, thuugh defofent inh Yodlan Orchard 38 B,
2 - a Fiaving solected tho varietlea, aolucgualntance with “Aucther iltule girl w y artleton, Pa, appreciation of the tera The Common wealt I pisdlan Orobora ae
y. the characteristic forina bf t facilitate thf aays: "* My futhor'ls dead; 1 bare one brother In thoh Hr the war (here were a good ppleton t
; erations of caltaro and th ring of the frait | Navy, om a enrtner brother arid sla f many slaves ia the couutry. Of thesa abuut ull tho able-§ very goneral answer ns to tue cond news | ROK ENS" SALE
a 7 : 7 i . eg its ofthe treo will guldo tho ter at Notuer would vo yory ‘wugh, to ove bodledure voluotarlyerjavotuotusily to ho militrs t07-F bleached shirtings—noarly all W. HL Belden, 1d fate Gt
r's liand 20 na to arcure 188 ontural and charac- Mone yea seer the gato of our yard. tice, Tne remalier huve goverally gona to work on} ms
fared. I Enow of tro beds of Larton, bi re miadivected, not only ia his tima Tost Big Cee cens «Pale roae Hibieg helyeray as a geucral rule worth more than Wey weray and are now receiving orders for weeks abeal. The faces recoil
a = only balf-a block apr i planted on poses ind thwarts b Sho resists, con-ff otbors ns you choose 16 Ibis change Iu their elroametances. _ _ Willlaweville Mills are us yet making none, Tho last Banish tks
marti side of Ribas! cs, st Tontirels i her cucreiey to reproduce whot be bax rath-f tg eond t} phuoent our yard, and youl mukof “Chercher—In thi ronre respoctabloeditices, Hor tne Teedales aotd at Silo, ‘The prloce abow eon Stel
rie Tr, on tho gouty side of buard fever, ia guite Wy Neato the period of perfeot pmeatf onotber little gis] a8 happy ax vou have Mary C, Askue, ue tno of brs bb ERO Lee Ta bia Se P Sanhaeara rh i Set a
jonrishing. postponed, So tenncloas are wowo var thelrfyyho wrote you suob a pireet letter, ones Methodists, Preaby teriane, Baptists aud“ Chris-forablo changes. Jobbors lave raised New-York
ad E.G, Panper thoneht this might bo ering moro tof ebaracteristic form that all effits to oba q ‘letter from atwother. Mrs. Lucrsa M. or a¥ they Uenomihated by other sests, | from 374e, to 400. erariceiacnrs
ot Bex incre of e soll than anything else. Mr. Mange {are met with ike efforts te. reproduce i Ciunes writes fom i licr Falls, Bt. Lawre! r pee not ihe Siete inlet { '5) from 300. to 250. Sho, Ww
i ia; In beollng ayn earetul to Joy hut Woo destined ta becomo a giant ro:FCounty, Nu Xs: “Like the little cir who wrote a short f "Education ts goucrally hout the Stote In a sus- ia 309. 10 Rife, Ww 2
ie F s : Fe f | 5 cab th th si lowing
@beni as Mut as ver tho. Fonts. bi Tho poar tree nssuiwea almost every Niue siece for the White Lily root for her little elstor’ef reaued condition, v the upproprintion of itsp that proportion. Wa give the following J
at lightly, aed never | 1 when they wen t Nature gisey ue o pyramid to thu faves Tivould dearly Hike ooo for the grave of my Brat-p funds by sua) LagiMature, wich wus, proctloll tions: Waveutts, 350.; Witllamsvitto, 3
pet nearly upright. Wrnyasts «aids 1 ubin, a conteal in the Scckel nnd. Urhovisto, off borm a ewect little eirl of cight sears old, who bia only pdeliious and qutemporary with tho Thite Reo
~ H oye recommended Poli plauilig woill now Foun head in the Bloodgood end Dearhora Scedliag. f beon traveplanted (rom our enra to tho gurdan of God's} Jackson of fofatnous a | 3le.; Whito Rock, 29
33 Besltnte to do co In forare nN opright toweriog (orm In the Doyonng dt nod af eternal love. Lf [ know the price of ono 1 would send Lublie Instruction jor the State hes be is fipor Idem 44, 240.; Arkwright M, 270.) Boot §
Hedges ara big troge! script in the Reatlezor. Tn this ep Uty aueel dnrling whsa moat inteaso lover of Gow-f the present radical Governor, anil a begdouug ts u ‘Vhero ls moro excitement jn prints than 1a
eo gar, Pightow ivo'hublt of the pear, the men of taste nd eooye for Yuva hnrdiy dey scede ut those abe gathered to DE wade to organisa tho gobuals | Vrovtons t var dareatle goode. “Thelieieeat wee Dien
sage Orange are =f the exercise of his most disc{pllac es. before whe died, # Feo eee ice will bef Fise of Scecesiou, tLe legtstation of the Stote an the au f e . “Tho pr vo risen rap
of ° i Frans efora whe died, aud though oo Fy ite neds thee fect of education ws liberal ond would not sutler by f the macket la vory stiff. and the stock Is nearly ewep!
TY geed in Winter nnd plant itin and the p bf oireed' them axe vow folded In death's quick rst, 1f comparison wilt auy Western State. Jt Is not proba-} ons of the agente’ Lands. Allen's furorite broads were
E qv
fave fine plants to set iu Lede custing me very) Ammerfeam Enotiture Farmers? Club. still do It in remembrance of the lost,” Bi Cunt it willbe lees eral Under Cho new resitDe, Peresecd oot at 1Go., Arno’, ecling lust week ot 160 ale
ienedimokiog tbe bet chearet fered Heo*W Tuesday, April 18.—At the westing of the Chub} 3 Wasitvuns, Itandolps, Orange Co., Vt, "But this ioculty Lea enjoyed advantages veitber ual ES Stare eet i foe Day & Mur, Th owt,
gad tery ona: ten carefully trimmet Tuesday, April 18.—At the meeting of the Club I %. Randolph, Orange Co. Vi sfversal or commox or soo sears au neadomy bre were all taken ap at 12 9 aro no Richmoo! :
x Fede ing polurthe Clab suspended che talk about fru ay ‘before tho transaction ef ‘any busiuess, SOLONY in natura, have a¥er ¢ pdmirer of the beauty heon In operation, In whivh tho standard of instractienl{ prints in market; they are oply cold at value, and not ey
se a c2g the operat y's patent Ar Ropmson preacnted the (ollavtng resolution, whlob fsfyco ail mig dene ch pa aoe cbotea Kinds, ety and generdl muuarewontot the xehvol werd not Ierlis te ye sstained ander two wosks. ‘There aro no prloce
j 8 fo a ,scoonded, with a few pertinent remarks,’ by Dr. fine tang whore, Gowers aro in perpotoal bloom, my te tbe publiossheols of St. -oula ond Chicago, Wik : Teioee
Wat, oni usanimonsly adopied: In view of the (ctl tivtorg ere doubly dear, ‘Thoy stom to coufurr andystaad high Ia the cstiuation of educators guberay's unmed -for Dnooell’s and tho Providenco, while
nd ‘treated the Clu thot} realdeueiLincolagsmied apes exalted ea Fe ea ia ve or temras A f During tue war tuis sclcol bus teon dicorganied, UUs Sprague’a bold thelr broud at even etlifer rates. The
Machines are sold, of a c rom tho class that we reprecent, that f2, the labor Foe ea aa eeicbtcr Left us, she epoko off tue prineipal who jorfvoted and majotaived Its organl- Neen ae
from £3 to $20, and are ¢ Fed by fies of American farib¢rs, 16 it Just 06 ae es eae ea ae ese eso Lat It mae well 200100, atl! KasseLargo of w sunall eciou! Iu tho baildiugy, | TT Ae ae a a en for prints among
geleat oppendnges to the i momory th “Awerleat Ineituie Yakmens! Club efen care wf a8 it would be for tots when suo] *Uch ero enple tu dimensions unl fully op te she tbo Job bers; Merrimack W, © idence D, ameter
Gia ee Breara ere luxuries thot will bo appreciated by {ee li will not trassact any ordinny oe ne tosra might be proud uf, epee ae ae Seer EE cece
Paige heey eh en 7 Hess whi Je ast Fito that He eT gecomapretullo that this edifice mustafford foolll-|2e-1 Arnold's, 16fe. 1 Sprague’s Black and White, t€je} 3 a
7 thojlising ean offer to thy dead; ani tharefero in lo idea that wilot bs ueglected for the organization of af Thro aro very fom tics Inthe market, and. th
Tforticnlinral. and reverence to his exalted character, and fn erlef for dT Siy 08 oor last reports, aceda hava been sent for distri-y Boo eehasl ip the futare, only in tho bends of the Jobbers. Tho Hamilion B T's % stcare for St Joba,
E b E AE tuo boawe of a. Hoss oasassin, wed ,, i009 o0F last reports sends Nave been Fert er age fSectay Isatprescut dieiotegrated nnd awalting 9 nove} BAT 15 the anil Of Wo8 Eber eral Gea 3
At the meeting April 4, of tho American Ti aoe nljoora. “Ie was eusgested that AU would bys tie toy Sine! SMe Cav: erzstalizatea “Ulery na veen very tle Blow shed Papa alee a der TU, steers for E. Ulerted
te Hortlenltura) Soclety. Dr, I. AL Wan of Now-f Sry Proper to Hill op the asunlspace oceupled by are T ten, “Contteraville, Butler Count: Sf Cow icre during tho cin war, aud couscquontly uot eoffelino from previous rates. t ceo Te
3 Sra yeP a na aa iscaa haa tits Peer OF | ee eee ee ea ca aa coer ioriay Conlon, Sirer Mi, Af Van Volkon-g much us Iumany Plucca of tbo raukling bute of wrongey) Denims oro sory Irregular. “ Amoskeng quoted last 5 vghcxt, st
Bnei Sates Got orion avon aerte nes Fede Sexe nfftung, Handi Atoutpemary Conti, Ny. Hee Lida 2b STedR gol onearaher tot Outed Sater eC Inno pat ag
Sinre@hHolsclaiartinerherelalwared consid Minas, gaye:’ “The Club recovmenda enkeatown; ; AZT tueralgso auger acy nosd; thank God aad thelozai York recedes &
eurred lino as the live of beanty, and {n the pear trec . trouble is, how to get thom) 2118. Martha G, Ito Fort Atkinson, Towra; Mrs. § PeOb's of fe Te ioe fo idiucuse, Slavery.) He} Manchester advances from 250, to m1
le | or tte} om tos pf Ba, Aor NG eee adntree, Vis Airs, Hurlor Af Uriel decogptlon, of wuich t boilers Weeloy was they oisains the same, and Moncdnock ¥ x
; natore hon exerted bersclf to beautlfy the orchord. But year tho birda levted a tax Ee) rlapevilio, Wrowing County, N. ¥ Suthor, * Aue auto of ail villautos,” ia Just. Sill, (ca woth nod loves 31M tesey pa
: If Co'vome at ovcs to tho practionl, Jot us examine tho soil °F 80 oF 50 per cent on Huot, X stretched toring i Be chufies, AVinona Gousty, Attn; | Be eetordeconomy of Vrosidence to permit a greut 270. Fr My Halton, 45, Obto stecr,
: r rand Gkfivas condlijokuerith=verererisa io ita: crowih at PAerc nommawt hubeball'La at abrough 3E1R8 fxg fan’ Rodina, Jeiforson County, N.Y. welkta a fabliganatigated hy goody hers areca tithe agente, hold delatnes| mach stifer, thas do the Taugeeera
W thopear. If thetand ve of a tenncions. clayos, or wet 3 h Letters ask lan Tor ecole Dana eeapabed, In Ti Peptey dao ge evil ur ware woich, bysjeara age PObb|rs. ‘The Intter quote them almost exactly tho same ofS fez urna Ae Tasman
nature, a thorough system of underdralning must pa spread over the whole? Dy givo us a remed Sg ER OPE hee a te Peer ocerde lag the parent of tnlachief ouly.— Savery fan lost week, whillo the agents advance Pacific from 25e,
0 i frag p frown over 7,000 persons.
Bdopted to secure the reqrtalte warmth in the nnder-fus it ie a question of fruit or no frult piers F 7000 DOTEODA: | ato, g, Nash lf uot a1 exception tu tke great law, aud suvtely tn these fro 27e,; and Puolfio cballies froin S7e, to 290.
Aying spbsoll. A gravelly or syvdy loan #0 Woshonid think stated cats would answer a food} ht PS nae le & Noah: regions which Luve Dave felt its biighting (nduenceyh Tye. ing goueral breaking up of the trade |
Rnderiying shay enbstrncture is one af th Toce, parucularly if tuey were allve and stuffed with rile; Lenn: “Tom ono of Uncle Sawa lave. MeveH ius wavy gets of excelleuce jieeullar to tts nero ia goneral breaking up of the trade in army
bolls or trait eultore,” ts depth avontd b pases nek eae eo eee ren cegpuudern tew asatom muy bo preserred aud developed, woolens, The Government suspends Its contracts, the
‘ es nd trench plow. To these {=o ind E ax Aledyarrnnes ta uote Thats Fl Ce ng Fblo oriny, under the direc. 44d contdbate tothe ureat compensation wich fa dued contractors do the eaide with tho mapufuctarere, and
Ble conditions, depth ond drenese, should be added mol-f 8 any Yreveotive for bona eatiug eggs In tho west t CO eS a 0-H) Gunkiud trom the greatest evil kuowa to history. i
: Jowness and richness. Nearly.all the eolto are hene-f The best romedy 1s probably feeding them liberall Foo era eran abcd uuvieo ov uso 0) come here; every euo should dacidey 1Po% Tm they v ;
flied for pears by manuring. Upon poor rail with meat. Ifans of uur outside mew! : f ia rad sito chat for Linselt after seciug the clewents of the easel known boose—long fied with army contracts—
Coe cad eater cradenelene OA wonderful eh Thing better ler then Jeon to haviug Mat bumo rendered sucreasingly f that Cor FE ee ee a eiling nae Rar pitaeae Haoere
nd qnality are,deficle fronderful cho hing b et them speak [ieaotifal and attractive, and shall, thereto ‘ott a own eyes But whi otues willing Wo cu aye tho businesa {a dead, and overybedy {a getting out
| ofrait is otterly unlike the fruit grown 2 Fe Teo eviding (or a, tery eceda; follay] @xPeHonco tuad Uo who cowes nesuwing thot all thin s best they can. tions, of conran, ¥ the bl inetd
elente. Tiny crent atreas apon 2-pth of vall, Will sou confer a silll {rather obligaton on theff | Nowtax 3 is ig Cony alae 3 Ox Lee i Jo net cunforin to uo country ho bus! In certain fine lincs of cassimeres, adapted for thoh satel el lee end Love es 1 Se
t gontined dronth, euddonly broken ond the orchard te reports of the * Formers Club,” the addre ef County, TU. "Krom, <i gralus of Roland Retsx}] [00> cen oteealieelato re low: Many former olftsone SPTINE Ta Resctntet itl, SHEER 8 aes
Selnged with wouter, oid the air for. snccceding weeks} rollable acedawan to whom we can eend our inaletter, Libs arg gone, was Wish to go, atl L thiuk TF might state y Bots Mis Qvoran sis ot sheep
4 Se tere fecbaufel wn we tow qanelion ( that we abst pot jsta Unalee Tho product of 31 gratis of hulloes bar [EF Evivige yas ol farilauds which are for eal atcassiuerce at @l 73282 25 Tho drs goods excite be, by several 9 pn on
during the i y Lady Slippera, ele. Soripturl tnJunotion to thof ty: three yoors, Was 102} bushels. | The product of ened giz orsi6 per gers, Muuy good farms can nor a welll civ ec head ths week, 1B=
- | CF-rceie in euuntiy Neves © great deal more than p Patent Oulce) the thind yeas, was 2 Cuslela, T grow Hig, Suman same vet tea, AL Aven PIGet| Tho trade fo forcign goods bas been very mach eon- fer Shucn sheved i
th fe snidenly. encecedeid by dren is creditable to my corutoa ¢: itablo to ny Patrawberrles, regpberries, blackberries ani grapes by HT ES Glia will mauy cases, pay tor tue land inf ved to private sale, the ouctionecrs haviug done Dat Yai cuppiy ou Aonday sorting ower ibliiweeh ane
r Hh Tegal waaogs sean ely in go gon ot on at cere UERIBESS Seto Cumeth Cay Pa, gua emo fnRaa® Hee Seeley gai Tere ban, of cure, bee so imneoss demead fr al setae
of ant, cepocially afier a deficiency, the exp vessel: vor Iuterestiog Fop Infheritelter what women ae aR greed ty oe 'Ig aeres ovly hud been clearcd, aud § fabrics adapted for mourning decorntlons; but tha trans Nepeine
rue eerned In the formation and development of the fruity We think i€ Afrs. Brown hos read tho olnborate arti. #rAyn! wouty sears ago I pnd a younger sister {. Tho first year after the parchaso, be nections in ordinwy 4 have beco limited. Prices ateo Sf that
en Sannot dispose of that excess, and the frolt ornoks or in sle# ayox Bow Tublisued tn uve g Nerited the half ofa sumall fertile fare, containing ‘nods fence, ead but a whseeo bari z
jeannob disor siot Hick cxonssien a thay Blestanon Aewerzwuliva iy yublisued in Lute here's Or talhor was end, wud our brotlers gono go gated fand, mady fauces eal Linit, Hovcen Otro: [aro geaorally firm and stocks low. ‘Tho prospeot fovars wets three ots
| Dep whont we consider reliable. Wo cou ume sey. ptie Weel; but, belng unwilling to loare the howe off yo yecoud yest was a guod orop Fear, aud Lo mavey on active ranewal of business so ko0n us tho -pabllof fe: of ted b
ang phere ero we to f question, eral atlipren pumas nau depace omn ore vind Pee Ea ee eo trom ent about G1.4A-wore thn pasivg for tho lund. ‘Tbie laf solemutios aro past, palgn Counts, Obio. whe hae the best lato
sin) Pioy tors of forcivi ovieivof rreaticacelleace have Plinting Peach Trces.—JonN CLawY, Sonrooritle, PFind nelebhurs, to buy and slock the firm. the dem tuoe gtoicd és. eamplo-of whut othermen willdo utd Owing to thopartil anspenslon of business at thoy iit St Ties Ti} 4 wtniGi hed, averaging 121 1, wed
2) Aisappointed the expectatin of tho American borll-§ Huron Cunnty, Oblo, enye: “11 want to stato one faut yas tll Pall Utes Ten a ci monoy Ino Nag og of tho extremes that ar possible with great iudus-f ras ren : sold at Tgatits. B 7d M, end sell ot came
| ovlturist. for the benellt of the mill Five years ogo d oot af tional Bao! euree ye tryond fortune, combiued, perbaps, With uuuduulfCustom-Lonso, the entries of dry gooda at tho port) price per pound a
eed, ev. Ibs To, snd wal
Nd oy-brnde to sri, outllng pana an Good OA a ene he git during Ist eck were very ligtt, to total hoports bes Ecei ar tem and ell etic. i vag
‘igor flour, It any berenved widow or daupbtord (OF u swaller rice. | When peace is fully eetabilatcd I Hing ooly 425,924, agninet 81,340,504 for tho aame porfod f that wold wore resdiy at to7 07h saiaery alien
f arts Bosein. srasbed the soll off the rect below the ‘crow, nud thof (ns tho war will make tans) will We em EO eee ae Tree rlvoteenn cuptiuul of 1864, gold at 6f72l0e- B Tos and at Uh bare
Head ta cot, for eceh out af? which is plained romeerub bua not worked at the root at all, aud tho trees paucecss) I will bo omply rewarded for my roe fats nO ax’ as Loan learn teus : G total Imports at Now-York from Decem oe eS
greased to 1000, for exch ome of which ts clotmed come H Hirivo equully ua well aa theugh (ey sworo sol deeper tina; Dut o lady that fa nfrald of « hoo or ako is not fh eerie fa0ts WOW, Bs Hoa us Lua loaru Wow in aries The total fmporte at Now-York from December 1, fade, thar the very fat ones,
F : Sipe : f 1864, to April 20, 1865, were 615,704,092 agniust €59,- he market f
Seer Alo of the beat le net an easy Ones Soma Intelit-Ain the ground. Would baak eand roniereuck sol! mora} for a fomalo furmer—sbo must have courage and en ae ; price, Iho price of av
3,095 for the samo time of last your; suowing o do-floaridered sitll eatiof:
ent cultivators huro reduced the number of good pears Wablet™ hye deta ih
a dozen, snying that was sui tn ‘To tho Inst qnestion wo answer, Yee, decidedly, Land Sold for Tases in Missouri —O. TL. AI Agricultural Htems, a the Spring importation of €2622,653, aa com-ferihors.we Tage
Giiher for juurket or for fully nsec Hero. too we find WILUAM'T. Panken, Biraunghaw, ‘Erie Uo, Oblo, } B Horigon Co. Mo., saya: "Lunda and lots olf ques WerouT op AN INO OF DEPTH OF RAIN.# pared with that of last your, Rad eiit ecccee
SUintcuty: for the pent la ne exception to tho weneral grecommends tho following us a protection agalost chef vo old forfeited lst sold nt auch (Sheriff's) sale to nny t ed writh aceceas. IC eben
{no excep ton 10 the genera er re erate. daly: n.elow erowth ofp Person oF poreons may be redenmed aL any tino ofore—A Londos sotetit Journal give the w#ight of orale. poe ei pb thy mune elag ouGibe Tet
Wood. after trees aro tells the orchard cultivate oneg tho iret Monday of November, 1855," Tua + old. fo fll an juch deep, at nearly ono-bundred-and-one tuns aa = oe Nontescra re ere
fortwo yeara, or mulch them with conrao . ed of lanile Uivice forfilted to the Stat ‘The folowing is the calculatic NEW-KORK caTTLE manger. fsnd i Sehr tally Dalf of them,
Tn. selecting varlet nf, we aro at once4 fow pouch trees: one row caine in a dead furrow. Soll,
embarruseéd by tho tn er to chrivso from. fet clay, though underdraine?. I nade a wound 10 a
Lome o the L Horel Suelety catn Hack the Irecs on, but Got them too high, aud the roicaq barrls 4
Dkr Its cliarneteristic range pres t
sand becamea'a discarded. variety... Che fatter that let them prow ing sod. In thie country thus
ean fs cqnully capicions, and abile theferovn they will list Mftcen or twonty years; whi
YWinkfeld is tur tu the vieuley of T tig hit woll euldvated, they wil be. all gona fn el
peta Vicar ut oll nbout New-York, ‘1a come nt once scars, Never mind tho theory. It may or
fothe selection. of varieties, I propose. to. ume what, pootisfactorily explulued, It {sa fuot, aocordiig to my
With wy oxporlence with pears ‘for the pust 20 veare, ipexperience dnd that of others, Perhaps the borer
ould plant were T now to hopin anew. Pcvinning fiers tho succulent bark of 4 vigorous tree to the dryer
with the Suromor varieties my selecrlou would he Do-fbirk of a slow grovwor, oa the calllolppor of tho Alisuix
en WEG, Isondgood, Beurre Giffard” and Rosticzer, fsippi takes more delight In perforating tho thin and
ha Rottieser fa too fine 8 pear to bo omitted in uny ool-4{stey bado of a Northerner thea, bo does, tu boriug, for
lection. though confined, a4 it over will be to the prouride f boot in the dry oud loatbery cpldermiy of a native.”
ofthe mmatenr, Its porlod ofripeniny bring ro nearly with IPHU Peach Pite Produce the Sine Kir of Bruit f—Up.
hot popular market peor, the Borilett, with which noon this qucation Mr. Pankey aye: “ According to my
pear how known will ocmpete. bxperiones thoro {8 no cortam rule, but conerally the!
“At the bead of the llet of Autumn pears I place that fruit of a primary raco of trocs will’ produce its
Gntripeaing, viz, the Buruett, too well kuown apd wbilo a bybrid will net. ‘Tho best perolica are w
Ruivcuoally oppreciated for io size bennty nod exook-f bybride, "But the pits of ths ydlow-deehed peaches wilig sug obangod Lis mid, bus conoluad to give the infor Average, weekly Te
Hence to need any commendation. I p ly vesume fRenerally bring frult closely ywcmbling tho parent—ae bialued for the benefit of others. He thinked {816 148 1,454 15.087 3,410)
cting In eying the seokel 3th icra orn mort ox ie MaMestoad! ahd Craworde’ But tho 3h stor inveatvent utes tbs Goverots PoraToEs — To Prevent SprouTina. — A Bis tea Vane 7.679 ids SNe Webit a
bisitely davored peor yrown, and beluf on Americnogred-Heahed pits will geueraly full to produce goo than Missonrilanda. Hig letter is. written cali wAuwr TH THEE | ¥rom New-York Crittenden k
tomb to be ut-bomolinteréry part of our ‘country. pfrult Sate b soudp irom Troy, Liseolu Cuanty, Missourl. Hosaya [Scitech paper aya that one ounce. of ammoniacal Ila ; [2t poubs upon 6 AS Tanph bt Re Arkles, 11
Jivers, of Popland, accepts it cs in full return for thee! Girdling Apple Trees to mate dem Bear.—Svéax SHE ‘Tile county Borders on tho Mlsslasippt River, Jef pte. battshorn} diluted with a pint of water, for a, Pee i Ware. 1) ¥. Quine
pi ofihe Bartoli, aad wall he mos, for fo ity aml naauses, Surnedl id, Logrusze Couuby Lid elves thelfravoraedl by avin eousiderablo atreaaa, aud extcndsg bat for potatas, destrose the power to regetate, bot te $
own bave concenteated all tho spiciners and honledy following dircetioon how to make a birren upplo-treog west to tho tablelands, whith, lying more remote from fait crete mile x
a oa ee iene ee teiriaf{trulttulee*-Cut. a ring out of tie bark of « lorgo treo nfatreomm, ore destitute of timber, exoopt the mote fiom ayes uot In)ure thele quality for eating. The tubo ees atl Vay
srreotness contained In nny peor though quadruple tt lay ertey of au luoh wide, atd H(y tho Uark out with af tho amoll Hroman by WhlOW thoy are drained: Wining seou!d be Immersed jn the, bath four or fivo days and} The sex Se rio Railroad, di : Rueanies
rove ia sie, Tho Sterling, thong deeldedly terior [aay Koi | Bo cureful ot te burt the aap under the} theo Lote there tx qalteg variety of got, and expo then dried. "This exporlmont. 1a easily fried upon af Tat generally rated Gra eesajerie Ha ireat 2 tay
SWeuness of charneter, I esteem very. hieldy. Tt fcf tik. and tho noxt year thotves wlll bung full of apples. Haures, adapted to a.yarlety of cxops. ‘Tho prairies a i sali belextende tum of 400d. alr quali ero ne eter aR agen cork
Town on a bowatiful upright trev, Js iUself so dolleated| For n sipall lib, eirvle-the lark vot moro SEE nS a eee TU ea Hrtes are} sinall scale, and If successful can bo extended at small That oC ordinary, thin Sirety: Uze0 ei : agers i, ise’ sper Hee
Nn with a becuditel yedeveieh white sk! aid ef eighth of no uel wide. Lknya mado a Ihb not Jargerf{ crove well ou tho same kind of aoil ex theso eleorwhere, f Coste Tie denerel average of Duo markel to-day, evtlinated Di
Hope eg Ted covoriug ita check, making it ove of thep dian a plpo-atem bear two apps. T made a lorge treo} Tho timber or wood lands grow oak, (rbita and blagk,}f ‘Tho best Way that potatoes were ever cooked fs eel } Extreme rence of pression. TS 4. ee
most attractive pens, snfilclentiy melting aud of epbear every year that Lore ony every other sear. It hickory, redbud, elm, black walnut, a ra | iced It tab Ing In the asbea of a wood Tbe Moat of the wales are trom 3 peued at Fertletb-at on Monday momlag
onary flayor. The Belle Luerativo or Fondante d'An-{{ hod two Vodies; I girdled ono of the Goulies the Spring other vconsional trea and strub3. ‘Thero are som dom practiced. It is by roasting In tho Bs)! WHEW THK CATTLE ANG KOM. h ply Hroum
sagary flavor, The Delle Lucralive or Epudante eA [tio treo.bore aid uo next year: tbat buif of tho (reef{ ridges which lave Hitgeleo than post onk, Judges vif Gre, They-arenot only. delicious, but healthy food. fhe Ballerks soldat Aerio Teporied izom the follow Piast werk. Op the report of laut He dayy
Bighest Davored pears “Vileand the Flemish, Beauty bung fll the other ball ae deg, wot nu apole on H-Hiand will bow, without Lelng Iaturmed, that 0 Bre Wea potatece aro boiled, they will be mach improved '™F Sisters amid jou of the matket, abd sales could uot be eUlected at ovar 4a
among the for peora that ore probably sa good with Lt must be done wlien the bods are awel ady toffdescription of timber indicates rob, and the kecon eee t22tt E95 | lawaves Ne. @ Mo reduction from prices the day bafores yet
tus os in thelr native locality, Th Jriod In which busst in the Spring, Fe a atRey REAM TREE a clsee oR aage ceoy | Mecaten from tte pol aw] ncom av eafk and wrapped Une hae Cera, se etetrtrsnes 3 aaer tue teller bat hopl were going. all Tower, «few tow
Doth those pears may be eald to be In good cuting coo-g Yeast—how to start it,—Mrg., SUEPARDEON saya: tT Tiare geen, both in wood and pratric, {@ suilloiontly f cloth of paper nd placed in a yory hot posltion, where! Rilebiganccsieese 91] New-Jeresyeee [changed hands, and eu r Proved the correctness
ition, very quickly cowmencing to decuy—the Flemish can toll Mr, McGraw bow to gako yetst without a nest sandy to make it warm, and also, what is vers Susport- the fire will extract the molsture, Indiapa..:s 124|Canada serene of such salen for at ewarno farther decilue, there
Beauty at {ts coro—that while they aro pears of bigh ex- Boil on Monday moralig two ounces of the best auc in rich Western lands, to admit of worktig much nae ay oraat Foon) Bala Halide of is
Sellenzo, they will never be very deeiroble for -comwer-{Uope tn four quarts of water for bal an hour; atrain it, fuconer after a rain thao lands which la6k this eloment. HERO, ne OY Ihe (olor ata ead Amboy Railroad, 14: PACs unc tL heaton bas tueen the laipe ter
lal oF family une, though HigLiy regarded ty the atua.f#aH Ie tho liquor cool 0 uew gitk wert; doen pul ny Sony times this charactor in Ysod sores a orop whic REMEDY FOR sion Maagors.—A correspond-9 (itp Release Mi iiroad. 1e71 bp ladon Liver Boats. Iirivep beyond the donseuplire dcumand, aud ‘consequeatt
fear. The Onondaga, Americun all over, of good izo, ap.) ewall Lund{ul of enlt and half a pound of sugar; boatd requires enrly plowing, that otherwise would fall. The The Boston Cultis tyes tho following as bis 658: About 2,6S0were In the yards op Monday. hey Mad te borold at prices whic would justify cating the
Pearanconnd quality, following the Tarilottinthe period Pup one pound of the best tour with some of the rich uplanda aro cooh'used for tobacco, a crop which f Pt ot jcaior gives the e raael eo ROrEa Late ll seriico roid Jasyiy coulng the
Gf le ripentog, ills a gop that woold ofterigo bo leftg Haver, ton put in tho rt of th liqaor nnd heat Jt well. ylolds a good deal of mony. ‘The practice is to lear J Practlos: The following are ihe vases of drovers, owners, or coa-lwas gall an improvement in the average quality of the am
fil the Duchesso d'Anguuleme, Lense Dicl ond Beurro Ox Wednesday peel and ball enough pgtators to make fn few aores of new land, plant in tobacco, and the nex‘ Aw soon #8 slens of tho maggots are lecorered, ap- |] deners of tbe principal droves, end where the caltle are re- rivals, and tome Improvement in prices, la consequence off
@Anjoumake thelrappearanco, After ten wore yenrs'{ three pounds of petatoca afler they oF poundott Une, f year dovoto this to eome other crop and olenr wore for ply bolling water with the addition of a quart of ealt to} $a, W. J. Warner, Mich rbich ubeurmeyerity.of (he neck: en sale wy closed oaty eF tbe
zpevience X feo} iho repenting with emphasis shot TH mis them with typ yeas liquor, fot Kestoud UU Thure-fvebaceo. In (hid way large cropa aro seourcd without f six cellove of Water, poured through n cullender on tof & P- . aWV. J. Warner, Mic Flowing range of press from which thers te bo. ghan
in my coinmendation of thin pear hi 1eS0, Ile fuirf doy, then strain it through wajeve. and pot it into bot-ffmnnare. and gradually the Land ia brought into general the onions a8 they stud tn owes Nold the oullenaer inf S° oeten, NI TaD: Melotodb, Canada, 3, cieery ow, nok tn demand prime i ae lota TY)
tooth skin of palo yellow, aud when fully rips, aftlus’ or, if you avo: thow, gluss preecrye Jars are thoffoultivation. one bond anda bucket of het water in tho other aod wero iivon, todcss.. 47|8t Joho, tis. Tyo e eet ary grades, oo
Mek ganien color mov belitting: theexpresston, “mng-p best to'keep Itin, Shicke it yp well beforo ualng. Tt} ‘Some bad managers take repented arops of tobnocof walk over the plece, porting om enough to wet the Wilson Le dspsee tala: Gillerrtas lion ECT CSS
Diflcent.” Ita feeb. in modorately fn pained, with af will keep in @ cool place for two mouths, and is better otf from the same land und thus exhaust tho soil Thesub-f onion nud the top of the greand, but not enongh tof Sictaht & Downing, lowa.. £9|Schaester k Elsner, Can... 28 Core toadle re eh eter
Bok pine Bad arumutioevor, Leis uot at all adupted Miko last,” Sot itu aa earthen bowl oF orock to riae and Muail ao (sr ad Chuye son. of ali ho lands, ls clay, whiohMstaad 12 poola ou tho ground around the qnlons 1(AG. Wells, lows, 10i| Virgin & Schyles, Lsvsssss OP — Cotrerbondins week precvalag year,
for nonpoy ment of taxes, Linda forfered subsequent POF 8 rt gids
Tovees way be redeemed ai any thoa within two yours “An Bo Taner ree ren pve rough Kase McPhorton, Joke
from the dato of tho sale by paylig donble costs nud 154 and oa i RECEIPTS Kore jrcjoad k Bock hvac Wert pase}
por contelnterest." Mr. ALDOTT says: "To praront Fou rie Ween Expine Toray. Apri ines i
{hog who especially dexerve var sywpathy from suffer: E & s Sit; td 9.
ing. lose, you ure at liberty to pablish thut from no i Sone lnziba bred Slu'per heady, wool sheop,
Ul the time for redemptton expires (the first Monduy « fete wero aold at tho following Market-Places: ., and ellpyed sheep 9a aint .
oromber nexv), 1 propose to spend all of the thin 0, ere rod r epand, uf se mer yes BRowsixa's
Dustness will permit in ossisting crippled eoldfera nnd 100,. , Vv From Tndfans—L. U- Clapp & & E, Ballay, 332
widows of soldiora to redeem thelr lands Jo F Ab Allerton’a, 44theat. 2.92: Frow Canads—Johcvon & Terry, 19; Caleb Wheeler, 148.
Sivan 8g From New-York—John Elliott, Mosher. 18; Ba
this Stato, without charge, except for oxpens A fhrowntn
Jocurred.” Address WLU ctamped ouvelupe redirected lll seo by this Low fatilo wo ALOBrlens Gib. BS 310 tiny Coon 194 Joi Sheldon i
iveloseil.” \ S Sree New Juroy—D. Kent. 21; Aadrow Rubbiny, 63) Rte
Decription of Missourl Lands—Dr, Tenax Wino, f tompt to water land cqual to one-fourth Inch of ralu-fall, ig : b ard Bellie, 38; Jobn Cornel Se: Ee
inavilly, IU., baying made ao carefel examinntton o ‘Tho avoual fall of raia In this country bas been ea-F oot Tots the rrets Oboe y riea , Wes me
Missoord Innda, with a view to tuyeatment, but yet bav-f timated from twenty to forty tuche rectto Butchers, ‘Joba W. Hatnes, 201: ‘Boanctt, 400.
ion Iilincis—U_ A Fl
Frow Michigao—N-
Cents per pound. eer
ha lSe atiilery-fed
~ . e
- _— Pe Sia = 5
Fe pd mn We ene naira Weoweabar, Apr rece New Publications. New Wnblications, Watches and Fewelr Medical.
} Pe omiog ro tho oarreit ratce of artiolos tu good f= —— “rub oH NEEL Ga ING me | ai SU NAT ON = < = a
Re tallowtog are thocarrent raven of articles In “THE HUA ; iNeed SRN DISILTE —— aI RONGENT
gezaldon, ax puid hy eongminion Kowwes at wholes. WEL AVOSTLE AND MARTIAN PAE, Boman TE a ee GOLD AND SILVER RAWBE TALBOTS CONC ATED
RA intr percent cal [Sirens yee epee Eline Moatb, Head, tei, Eychtowe, Hands, Fest Skio, Come WATO : Meninktrimekerte cine
nnd the markets nro rUli ina W p LEsae fconsaralon Lkalzoan th Jrouanused jC later a eelean in TE pear ae Graal Mor ree
Soe een oe ae err eacars, by 0. Js Viele etay wo oetmat thatoe | EER LUSTTLAT + us \imacutarsy Uxigne Sera op Lannea’ Jewatn, L
. Gepatd Yor ans log else, and it fa wdifigult altar tof eovplets ard sdoiinbly wrliten te of abe Creat Man yet # NCO Bistory of 2 1.00%, Heart, Laban Cuan, Weary Saas, Kisan, Onosam Sraroerra, Nog erigocd fora) clayey
‘other coum on tle mark Laan prepared expreeely for que Stomech and Nervous Systow.—PHRENOLOGY, end the rooches; Dlawionds, Rolie alda, Pearls aod Opals cot ATG pall sen
= SAND PHAR. of He wee prepared exprenaly for out tosporamoata=CHYSIOGNONY, with all tio “Bizus off in Plas, Wags, Chore, he Sliver Cruct Stand Bottn will na well per
Deano arg not avn Ubi thereduas fa preparation, to tho beads of and Chaizcler’—PUXCHOLOGY, Wo Sctengn ofthe Soul, etc. Butter Coolers; Dinuer and Toa Borvicos; Plauce, Sewn lo of dortering: nevertlie
nee Re EE se ee TT ee ge AL 828 your, oF20 coats w unmber, Aadrns Menu FOW-(|Mactiuos, wer ke. valuedat.- : : eetbr alah: rt
I Ore qnete iWorwhosarepulstioa on a bistcriza.wenld if {tat one 44 Zoar oF canta a aaber “Addr Mi en dat ;
Beans, eo. and mediam prime, % bush GOlfrbove the category of portinan docuineata It ty, therefore Wet, fall at carte ey tee verbs Ue BAe ONE MILLION DOLLARS,
bth, PFIDO.-----ns Pach» work-an thn poblie, et thle tims, will particatarly ap A paint efor cesta caute, Penelse,Inferntton en almost every IE om aun By rma ondettahy
Bonns, Kigney, %
jeuns, 1 Cy Erectiteecry, oll jy legates pplilfad In Lta'narmnllvas dlscpte Bot elt ee chal waroa: FNEW-YORK JEWELERS! MANU-}3
Ser b 13, COf looting in fey eetiwates, and eoupielonsive in te applicatiou anand vi¥ecity FAOTURING ASSOCIATION
cant haudlan, ® bash: 2.00@ 2 10fo¢ tho moral of tho man'e Ife Sayatho author: win. ie ae ieee at $ oa BU per i
1 “Ty the dla ght of tho ploncer'e beaath, by the nic maotlon, sipld ete . ONE DOLLAR EACH ARTICLE, m4 Soke eras
® Nearly al of the old but “Tog isnt fe anetpyomon aid this widen NAL Wilhionl"salaclion andVaig' arffalet feat palltor unless pa ra vattotia aro nein ty wwho bea made o therouh
a. imparting to
lel Will oftan be» trial. He
grade Weetorn,
fectly eatlafact!
jontifully, and ts in eu thoy obiala From tho echo: J aid ry bens
Dotter, in half firklue—in whtob : from men—fro« ey erie Wreks. fro = HE NATION IN TEARS. Or Mion axo Vatvanun Antiocrs Uks oseigenttored ne
aomes—ie worth s3a40o., and pr anon Sian E Momotiuuy of A. LINCOLN, elike; peantiful portratt | 100 Elon Oold Cliconometer Watches, exch. dbatwh I Cher souslcetiy’ for teak
allio very fino at 4s. ' Tho a qgwntund menial prozrose aud ie would faudanpeogtiate words. “Muslo very imprendive, avd atanged 200 Flup Gold Hostlsb Loser Wa:ches. +5 once are j te
Iargely Incrensod supply fn 0 nh wd by te ight of eucersding evento. Glo, Duct. Trio. or full Ch ‘iugedex Grand 220 Lailes' Gold fuamoled Dijon Watckes, Ue aes a will Insinags the
rreaed biltlor iy now alilppod to E periones aa a echioal off aco to ht bin Masch. | Published by WAL JENNINON DEMOREST, No. ggg gltNOteDesscriineisassaccessaeasssssatscecs CARPENTER, ti yaad result de
range CO, new, PD. ralghty strugglo whleb is Was to direct 19 Hlorkinayea. “sud acl by all thn Ajons aud Ferledleaif| 0 Scild SUver tioning Bogist Patent Lover caivich-aty New:Yor ine ofall Kinde tion
Btoro pnoked. < Mente the econo. of tho, work: It embracen fevers _Aalitd tiro obrrecrint of pen Seewate Hoag meet iscsi sees Sa ina tn the Chery
Pavoy Delaware We snOw of ite Great Buh fonoor, Hooter, FYUE MAY NUMBER of DEMOREST® LL-] 3000 Heavy Guard N SE th ‘and qaietiog
Btato, half rkiod and | Platboatman, St var, Merchant fe, LUSTHATED SONTHILY end sage DEsORE e,up abo
‘Western Reserve, gvoll to obolee.- aterman, and President sf thy Un s PMIRHOT OF FASHIONS, with extaoniiags allretions ad
Central Ohio... Thoee eceking for euch n record, will find n this biography aff day riginal Buia, Btocins, full sise Patterns,
itats Tubs, Weleh, good to choiea, Yolome of atandard interest aud roortt ko ‘ly fall
Benuesirania tube and yl, fair to A Meciorlal edition ls now really, pr slates IY USTO OMNIBI =
Ron Better old by all Nawsdealera or cen pt ort L Canthbe Noot canttiny ne gous Sliver Tea Srlsyesss 7PO ALD WANTI
Poor Batter, nearly grea: TEX CASTS. Dances 3000 Sih Froit Uros. RIVING:
BEAD COMPANY, Pobttat ato a alta: 2,000 Stiver Butter C d WHE coes to hightea
carly used up, bat what fa left 2 129 Sn aes eer ope
quutatlonss New hecae teelael 18 Woiiaw-et York. Fea ear a ate Eco betsy Geld’ Lined’. ea , and briliancy to
tellinge_at AC — - ess states Reed ite ne, SUver Poncll Gas
c i} : 4 TORT B00 Dozen Sliver es Spoon ablovalietand shen!
Farm Dairies \HAM LINCO! {OBJECT LESSONS INE Bis Uite aves Betaveae “ so ral, and bond
] © 8 : ton apie Seine ecko nid
tabs mor: alned bs Jovi { NEW CLASS BOOK Of BOTANY, Pricof Sewing Macht WEiry may adopt 1)
grocors. Oar table quotations are for old . ae ‘ Dulesbles, Toots is'of count Bent lo
oan wep fet melts recente ent Deak ha Nea, Tooth “t ; :
State, fae good to choico, # B. ebessena tetera was fsyoed fy 1631, and © -*
Penta realty Bon loon ¥ Picet Lensais tata ore anil guually ia thls Rated ie (ULL QUART)
ft dairica, chatoo. BARNES & , rk Jeyeeloral 4 U h
English dairy Conn.)
English dairy (Ohi
| Pincapplo....
TTS DONB,” ot ees
Lineota's Tist
Nr op to bis Gre
Comment chooser Gnbling “Eapoved Tle her Staiea_ a0 a pnIr A
Bmbodles the erenta of tho int (iree years of Fortyee Teflon! Ve - 4, Site £08 frog Ear B. WANBITT, Solo Acent
gga are in quick Fee Pe HATCT HIIWl contain tho bistory of the Inst_year of bl Whbters In 42 days Pplicat ae : N.Y
Sa Met are , Baio Just aot FAMILY USE OR} FOL tobe veld at
3 avec Foneth Aadoes i Citesgon Muy am, 18. V ,
Mo WV. eB, polis ta Ui ito genau ti READY and CONCLUSIVE THST of
oe ae properiics of HELMBOLD'S FLUID. E
Mi tn
rison with hot set forth in thi
Dey FOOL vse eee
Dried Apples sell very
4 naiked with the name
od euable you to
Agents wonted
pe na tan eas
sa oF CHansoren.” cwbreous Can
with the prosp
ear. Rbubarb
red by elrawberries ond
t that
t nad fecesrant do
dy and the pabl
vobialu opon th
0 of the. As
rticlvs too Jarge to b
eu touat be formarded, together wit
RADWAY'S REAPY MELIER.—Thls remedy ia the mon
CERTIFICATES, 25 CENTS HACH, Now-Jervey. pear bl
runs obtain you a Gold Watch, Sarvico of
ror Plate, oF any valaable article
useful aod lmperiant medicine fn the world; It Lie proventire.
eloknees, a8 we
an ready relief in alP esses of pain, echee,
} SCL pear Fung conatly day ard nih het Saveur : fnfimltien tnd ditease, Every (ally should Keep tla. tho
Plaiae, @ Deve. ceeseees soe fendioes Gita Le RIUFICATES Home. ‘The moment you expcricnce pain or noeasiness nang
1 ab tho following] iy
Faun io Be Chant iat = partot tha RADWAY'S READY RELIEIy
Whortle 3 - Durauraent— portraits Unguestio by mail, on receipt 3 DUST FOR SALE ternally, of aa tho nstara of tho
TES. Sold by RAD
Lin the bigueat etsfo of art, from Brady's Lo
on - rt 4 7 3 TO $40 PE
eS 7 hwnd pritted ou plate-pser iB By 24 chica EC fond by drageleta
ete a H aseat fre of ebarzo oa receipe at pricn yy et t SCHWARTZ tea nd by a
J LARD ASD TALLO\ vorumltatam 3. C, BUTTRE, Poblisber, Po pee = — {TS and ui
Lerd. Country, # © a The Negro Daj Lprromaia—Incor No. 44 Franklinat, New-York City. f plowing tho lastes or fsncy of our customers will r aclonite a tlisined by HELE
é j Bouch Fat, 2b H porated, Annezation; Southward Ho! Gurreusereds a = ey er |p flossing the. tastes oF fenoy ditusical Inairnments te reputation aitained by HELM
Tallow, PD "Ap egcoflent onmuber for Nay. Now ready. Dy Grst post] ALSO, A FULL-LENGTH PORTRAIT ON STEEL, ‘Agente and others will bo allowed 10 cents on eae ALE = = a ak
j idm Se Dceniy, ote vest for &2. “Newagen bare tt Papor, 2 hea, Sent for $3 ordered by tha, providing not Iees than fv are NEW PIANO. (JANCERS CURED.—Cancers and Tumors of
‘AMI kinda of sieala ora dowafitiatweck, emying tol ER k WELLS, No, 223 hroodway, N. ¥ BRAHAM LINCOLN. TY tins, Ageuta wl collect 33 couts for each eer A ee | 1a descrip 4 anil cared withont pala ort
Large supply both of live wid dressed. Veal is yers} [2 HAD WHAT ABRAHAM LINCOLN LAA nove and beautiful PORTRAIT of our late Prowdent, ee 4 n USTEMAN REASONS fetys Genes De BCU Sete
ebandunt, calves, dressed, are aclling of thef LW WEAD WHAT Wat. I. S AND. Win beck'csuPiIG eres gerd) Boca ces sents e PATENT OYCLOID PIANO-FORTES plies Wo. 21 Boulet NewYork Cle
Boats at ite. Light fat hogs briag le. 4” , moroh TONAL ART ASSOCIATION OF NEW- : Bie ie, Rela Dosserpenl hearts r an r oval ofthe most axacting for = Sen Xs
hon heavy onex We quote i } tocnbseribers their superb Steel Engraving, A 'tce #1, acat by mall or express, ERESIDENTJOHNSOD SUPERIONITY OF ACTUAL MELODIO LMBOLD® EXTRACT BUCHU and AD
Ber siden P Bo ua INGTON RECEIVING A SALUTE ON THEpesmo style ond price. BATTLES of MISSION RIDGE A PURITY AND VOCALATY OF D WASH can 4 dellcata diee
Beet, Fore Quarter, © uo D OF TRENTON,” at Five Dollars cach eopy (tieslf and LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN, In cil colors, Hx2% Priced SEW-YORK JEWELERS: Shcbeuiest sepstecetion, truich eousblawe (a ltsahene ot
Motion, Careases, ¥ B. Fo ea Piko's Opera House, Cindoatt, Oblo,_ ff Your a Bee Oe terror as properti
Pork, Carcacea, & fb : eanecre IN—CARD PHOTOORAPHS ALFRED KEIGHTELY, and whlch {nvorea that the iestn WOR NO
STH ee sry of Sato anid, inbialeter to tho Hof J. WILKES BOOTH, the murderer of Preeldent Presldeot Board of Directors WILL STAND IN TUN one
Brreseed poultry of all kin pe pon the patti by Bredricks) = benntr end mons gurtbetly than e kids
Duels irae ae aSonfal Geek SSEYNOUR, Hellas, © REAT GIFT SALE ¥ OTHER FORM bbe lsd
| Ducka drossed. * ‘ nee des ae are under all elreaustancea of chang BOLD's FL
4 onis Mra ® par Hen. Bapera Been AIEEE TES DAN DED EDR COINCOLN. 1 fap WATCH nano ‘*ADare tivited t rs sb TCH. ITCH. S ratch, WDA.
3 owls live, PD. fons ce drary, vrata 4,000,000. mare Lovited etesiziog es reeatianis tatrneate: CH. eaGral Tee
M Borie. divs, FW eeneak oti ln toeeerae tae diukeompleted the dng STEEL ENORAVINO andthe xe ek AREROONS TONS OINTMENT Uch in 48 boare—aieo
: erse, live, pair-... Eugreving will bo BEST LIKENESS, " Siuo 19x24 Inches. Vrice $1 Sent by Now Lit and 173 Metoerats_ ffcures Salt Rheum, t pl Erapiiens sf tee
Tarkers, live, & ib. Prive DoLLan: ail prepsid for For terms to Deer wd Agents. certigesten of the various articles are tat pot into env RICE LIS bean prepared sin. ont SR er
‘ Pare nak dee fee kaos spy to te eescineiat cael aie teneaie vas ute PRIGE-DIST haahnecen Prepared sae Grae eo
"S, BELNA Guleraon application JOHN, C MOREA, | Pwiiiott nvgasd' choice, nod sant. by ually thuv gi a Drngghas ee ets Seen
q : orien... too » oa PRESIDENT LINCOLA ead Bae ie Cae fe trove So amide i APEEAOLD' FLUID PSTRAGT BOOM
9 75) Morton.......81 100 Wo have Juct pllshedan excellent pletarn of the latef = Tike the orclercre mony thus oblate a Guiaff xeCe#» Coropanles, at ae 3 ts pleasant in tacte and odor, feee fem all Iojariona
i i Po prerepeieaeeans eet Fe ned Gh tivavy Uated paver Bie beet eel i Sinancial. Distoond Ring er any eat of Jewelry p Lor pelcelit > properties, oud immediate to He acon.
Oo/Maskrat.<c22. | dam © agp Tce O10 ver 10. Lae gel eee Tor wl Dives fos @2: = 5] PULMONARY AND NERVOUS DISEASES.
20|Oposanm: co ALSO, 0 with o Premium Gold Pen, for #5 VPOPLOSP Rites Oe Lite AND BC
4 suloster, Novia. 4 0 ABRAHAM LixcoLNS HiGcLAMATION OF FRE FPREE acssounr Soe a NSilver Waiebs for GIS Hw thelr new SETS i peotoama aes OneeMtara tte
75) do., Southern. 2 00 DON, : : with 6 Prealum Silver Wateb, for S15. Yeon eoa Uulca Syoare and Ievli cons OS, and. with os BED nYvi
; oaartscat omttanie 2 008 4 OO Seat vesnltlly engraved. Rca framed ft will fora’ et certoumenas aree omaent tin lis exter tod ica eae and I Erato riches
* hides, } 1. 6ba fo,, Southern, 25. epicome cmamaut fr the por of lice. — there are po any "yo are tore fo bet the worth of You SERVO a ty, Dyaenpsig
er Wath a cope Lambs, 1 ee PE ANERIG RT NEWS CONES , EA ek por SO ee a Bperepe "They (eereans
Ber [Sted ee SU NCA taat THE MISSOURE LAND COMPANY. — f*¥°3i penled to whem ns otis beet peaeemert Nike Saree
fo, Gr0} 85 [o., Black ana a Sea P.O: Bor, No.4 ee MONG Dechinanest, N.Y. rs)
: ‘Fox, Silver. a do., White... HesXOES _ im = — aise =a ean
Fain cere eae esis CERI MARCH—With Ithogropile jkeness of our Tantect x — ero Bratt fr PUDDINGS Se
} Onions are lower; many of them poor, having | Funeral Mareh, plain, ec. Wo Moura Our OFFICE, NO. 12 NORTH FIFTH-ST., ST, LOUIS, MO, $650,000 WORTH OF WATCHES, CHAINS and FINES = ane Per se bee HB Sold by all ro
with the bope that prices would improve. *A Nation sony, anar JEWELRY! Alltobo wold for ONE DOLLAR each, with-] : ‘Trex eave tm pd not the tia ory, JiWINGH ES
err atop pert toccce ts tS > = = - E p what you aro to get, Send 20 cents for a cert a iz abouts ba adres =
| paragus, Oyster Bay, busch. NHE LIFE OP PRESIDE DIRECTORS: — ar 7 — =DME : PRACT BUCHU gives
{ ok ANOTHER GOOD ROOK FOR AGENTS E. W. FOX, of Pratt & For. ae eee areca lave fer $1, Then tiset soar] FY OWARD HOTEL, Broadway, Now So eee emote sa
cis pater AVE eee pO FOR AGENTS. om Hoo option to vend the dollar and take the article or not. Purchas On and after Apel 6/1063, the pricy fj boa Ib and slgor to (co ea
Garlic, ¥ 100 bonches SOP OE SER W. H. MAURICE, lato Colloctor St Loala Ca remy thus obtain a Gold Watch, Diamond Ring. of any act 84 59 PER DAY.’ Tho pepeelors, Gouvinced that Mvaeti sobs eo, Lasenity of
Dajons red and yelo ae 2 MADISON MILLER, Fund Commlstloner Puelio RT fof erviry eo onr let for one dollar, and in no, case can They Erices cauuot rote are ot tt pica cf Gaara bla Rare es acre) é
F Galore, P 1w strings art ANDREW JOHNSON, WM. H. BENTON, lato Pomeroy & Beaton. flticates wil bo gent for 81, Thirteen for $2, Thirty-five for 2 SLMBOLD'S CONCENTRATED E
otatoes, Prince Albert, © bil..... PRES: of the UNITED STAT r site ser 5, Ooo boodred for $12, “Great induced ACT BUCAU (athe Great Diumtfe.
Boeninees cruneelADbere W.bbli=s TH PRESIDENT of, the UNITED STAT . H. HOWLAND, Stato Senator, rho act ag Agents Coluloruee cotalning aie ATED EXTRACT SARSA,
I Potatocs, Peachblow, # bbl. =... Editor of The New-Orlesns Tuer, al ar male (roe. Add ee, agsoctAtic eaaes ii Greet Blood ander ats
‘Tho great desiro lo read everything couceruing the new® BOLD'S G: JiNE PREP MG a
coendent halen #0 suddenly obtained en elovation nn-f eae a
[yond ia"tho Worlds apytrants Tbe waters es
writs tts blography twprepared, caine frou wctoceed ary
leza, ard wll bo relieve an
Ove bandrome l?mo., with Portrait. Price G1
Sprots wanted fe gecey toes
Alto toibs Pabliabed Iromediatel
otatoes, Buckeyo, seed ® bbls. s--
otatoes, Tackain White, eced & Hb
otatooz, Delaware, Sweet, # bbl.
ps, Rutabagas, & bbl
ubarb, #100 bunches
here ta lttte deen ee OE
ero is little dewand for Lecawax. Hops are callin,
nlowly, Maple Sugar is doing well, with alight cree
goming forward; somo clean, light-colored cakes bring.
No, 225 Riverat., Troy, N. Y.
CHAS, 1, HOWLAND, President. Post Office Drawer, No. 12,
W. H. MAORIGE, Vice-President.
MADISON MILLER, Land Commlssloe-r
FELIX COSTE, Treasurer,
HKUL, VIGOR are repulned bz
bas restored by WELMBOLD'S 2X
ala frome
naulectared by T. G. ARNOLD, Nos. 224 aad 220
Srenty-Grtat, Newer F
rated to onde
LL REAL ESTATE OF ALL! N Sesled proposals for fornieling the State of lowa with}
fn, ae. and a ttle has been told even higher, Hoop-f| THE LIFE AND STATE Ps PURCHASE AND ey ek ans
Boles nllof sale. We quote: ‘OF 233 Stallouery, as owing schedule, Will ba received at fl to bate qulel boven:
BEESWAX, pure, @ I. bs DESCRIPTIONS, por ofiea of 8 ‘Dos aPSicn tn wall Terfeot in its operstion in’ avery way
arue without spoling t Y OASS
Beeswax. impare, 4 1. Ry ANC
Gwen 9 gal LATE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED W Atcad to PAYMENT OF TANKS for Non-Resdsals, analf the ald day, euch propo ob, end hae a aifg wand’ d :
4 Hixcuopiva rin nLceNT HOUANPCL AND Tuagic roves] Attend to PAYS Lh A CS! fl fi Fegolaton that cantrety perfeely ly consumption of Mel; ‘orf AL
ees i is sont as yuure Hiwertsttoliueltowsh fis'beu ce W2uing Glorteaed Fespiace Heated Lesa NOTICE TO CLOSE BUYERS
BY THE 110}
H tue Development oF Solo of Mineral Lands awarded to the lowest repo q
i parties contracting on the part of the Stato roserviog the({ the marke Pio Cuaalat,,a fowe doory east of ir who want
te bis voluce will eontali an accurate Stoel Port at | 3 a ot Bp
Pe Tet cae seul gonial on accurate Stoel Portrait, and will Hlavo extra foclitic for placiog capital eaeking lavertment pitt let the coctract “kd parte, diferent bidders, Lf way : a SE SUNSET ;OIOK GOODS AT LOW FIGURES
Hors, prime, Octavo, price S Agents wanted in avery town. Addross{ io Westora Lands. Tropotsle mune be accompanied by samples of the aritea FYAKE NO MORE UNPLEASANT and. wn} Oar Large and Varled Steck of
Hors, B.. DEKBY E MILLER, Publishers, to bo furnished, which sald articles aro to be delivered at ‘tafe romedina for unpesiant and daugerona discasce | CLOTH: *
Tribune Bulldlugs, New-York,
Svoan Maple, # i. Will Joan moneys on productive real estate ascariiy, to clty Wottice of tho Secretary of State, at the Cepitel, ou or before h
Hoope—Hickory and oak. per 1,600; the 8b day of October next, without claima (or freight, boxes, RUSE. WASH,
rota ; : Sant Fabled Bessel aster bs ane Pa ete ; meee ;
BA feck Hoop seteseeeten HE GREAT WEST: EMIGRANTS’, SET. Bran Bor RTA cate over EO EDULE. WOOL COMM-[ nes been eurked to meetthe market, and wo exe ernrtanty
feot Hoops... H TLERS', ond TRAVELERS' GUIDE AND'HAND-| EMIGRANTS SEEKING HOMES, er AGENTS OF 1,600 reams Book Paper, 21x53 fochos, adding “ =
Y BOOK to tho ‘States of Caztromsia and Onnuos. and Une 2 "60 tea Cosh oa " FRESH GOODS,
SSS JTemitories of Nunnanka, Uran, Covonsvo, Ivauia, ton {{COLONTES desiring to locato largo bodies of lands, will And 50 sraima Commerctal Note. ton. Cash edranoce me: in at Oreatly Redeced Rates
Ait ot which wo o'er Very Low FOR CASH
1 5A Murcay-at
rasa, Nevapa eal Wasirsoto%, with ofl and carat a
coout of thelr CLIMATE. SOIL, RESOURCES, andl
ERODUCTS, accompanicd by n Map sbowing ‘CHE SERS
EMAL HOU'TES to the GOLD FIELDS, and o com
Latest Buropran Markets,
LiayEnoon, April 15.—Our markets hi 201
e2zeed alco the 13s for the Good Fridsy holldnyee? OCR
ito thelr advantage to apply to thls Compasy.
155 reams L, per.
) reazos Pooket Pot (not ruled).
1 Enveloping Ba
eaten and recommendary leltera have been tecel rd.
atlesting tho werils of HELUBOLD'S GENUINE REPAY
HaTIONS, wany of which +0 foi the Ligbost 4c!
AU commantcations promptly answered withoat chirre
Crake Ordeop ema emo Mem S
sTORFS.—Thery has been no Corn me: Hinbls of distances WAL 1 y Le
‘ Bey ef lagen ted Bice te gal tl dd ee Wea ie car Wipe eat at ; pamakteoe re reeragel aaa
except Flour, whichis beary. lace on receipt of prire. Orders may be addrassrd toy | AWRENCE, BALDWIN & CO. 15,000 S-inch Envelope, jadkess Ke =
sohoinose quiet and eady, except Lard, which tendaf THE, TRIMUNE OFFICE, Now-York, of to News Ageatall NO! 70 WALL-ST., N. ¥ 201cb0 E-luch Envelopes, MBERICAN ROOMING COMPANY. eal ett
rouuaa=Avticy quiet endl Leet ale a BANKERS AND BROKERS 25,000 Sanch Eavelopes GREEDS PATENT. >ORTANT. NOTICE.—
etroleum Brim ot 2/1 for Refined. Other articles uschaseck ho Should Go, and How to Get Thore. 7: ETAT is 0 O-inah Envelopes, articles of ROOFING over ntrodnoed ng ca S H call, aru requested to call ot tho United Stal
ionpos Mankirce “Barings cheaarrapocetapegiees | ueTlentey’ 0” How to Get Tan GONE RNMEND YE SEOURITIUS. tdoten Gad Feas{aulver cave), HATER AT me WATE EROOH Oy a COMTOUND eat hist pooupiy canbe refunded
SH, gber, on tends upward. lice ell advancing, Fearing end Ontilting Polat BANKS, BANKERS AND DEALERS 3 dozen Letter Pade FSDEN RUBUEE, tardenot bt sent of LOTALLIO PAINT, BOTT oethy ain cal Vetter
| eigimin Moser pers tbs bulion ta ts Bank of abe of Deane om Leaveamorth to For Keazony, Sar aeoan Wp dosen Clays Aantal Wilke ERGO an ctecten Bpehatgea at won Wants
= NOD, a m Atel tae, nae mW 7-5 AN 8 dozen Maps of = f] Ie rolla op and anotla lik«a pleco of Oil Clot L
t H Scene cnc ot NG Bobls eC ltenra tbe Atchison to Donor pepe ei IPL N See ern cle Wiking FLL Iepols op ang efrols ftca pees 3 OH Cla kale Le ae
on] e « From Ni 0% ap ee P Gs > 24 ml tre ten BOATS, DWELLINGS, 3 a and SHEDS. A SEN TS WANTED, A
Dat lie P Y 4 = i 2 dozen bottles Mucilaga. laid down by any sensible vorking man. fo wich to engus vo and enterprisings
7 = Foo pearuey. hy ROLL EAug Be, dozen Mucilego Bottles, with Brasbas, Iischeaper than any kuin reodiog of equal darability. 4GEAwS ewstarbore te toteedace Ui ortictew ils
E. & 0, Wany,. Tho Boutb WoiXo Rou Fort Kearoy. and all other STOCKS, BONDS, ke., BOUGHT aad SOLD A Z dozen Mucilaro Brasbey. | It can bo teen in use and simplos Lad by applying st th From 85
thi Paonvon Cousitsios Ta—(Established 1845)—| gan y on COMMISSION. 2douin speale Hed Teper Ejach H Oitico of tho Companys ot WVALT-ST Send an ad
W Ete Hectiver so em, NT Wasblagtont. Nass TENRY SMITH. PRIPP & CO.,. No
niet Brstony Bek, ATW NUSICCPUNERAL MAWOI, to tha
atmory of Abratinga Liccale, the, Bartyx President, By f Dae ee EA
HA. Pazwmonsn, Author ‘ol. " Rie Ssond ta Oars f SEMEON DALDVIN: Jr
HEMP, FLAX and COTTON. day, to una iat
in Skefns and Balle
hire EA.
1857, Co....1885. “The Soldier's Dring Farwell," "Ob, tend me ono Floworfl cynUS J. LAW! odor
! Eerapusuny Ermicrer Vuonven Commscion hizwouasr j Om hie Grgred | No Sora beneath thet Starry lagi etc. Wal, A. HALSTED, i is boses By
ive. Heo 5) s, casorted Lo.
per onx, April 19, 100s, seater, With Vianette of the Preaigent, 80 conte Tint —=—_—_——>—————— Cerrar TWIN CORDAGE a
Aa baile Wh one ona a evant en en Publisher, NORACE W et oak Broadway, N.Y. Go Business Hilen and Others Dale - a. A. SARVE 1 SA Malden-lane, es
eur ont National lors, wa resolvo to wanat in fowaedioe to LVR'® NEW POULTRY BOOK.—Jual——-— ell SSASSIN N.— Medal Mementoes off :
Bruce fvvelbe grincigs tor whieh he Yel a martyr, | LV ER NEW POULTRY BOOK Jai ee cUMER COM 23 bores Gautlee Re Ne Cr Se :
Bbippers of Batter Chivege, Woo) eu, wlaiig the ‘bighect |) Cubliaued, Tella bow to beve (eab eggs every week Inj TYE oR ‘INO. A, ELLIOTT, Auditor of Btats, a a reap EM
ecieeat A cca es fa
¥ well Ieoso thelr Machines at Gy conta pet day Des Moluer, Tows, April 10, 1885.
1 do the work of thirty men. | :
Hale. Tmyperieuablo ax tian Sead envelope and two
Faample, ta T. B, Wesbiroak & Cay G3) BE
ow inthe time to doy your goods, while prices aroll ir,”
Swis ought to have a copy. Agents wanted. Sent tree (orf toe labor
Olito, They ¥
Se ee = as — Descriptive Puanptista sent fe
7 IW MUSIC.—IN MEMORIAM, a Pane emanoat tone
Wew Publications eR er terrtertarer eae [ry :
1.8, SILV Be TREAT, ai
1,000 S55, CNP. at ae
ying te the Mching shonlabesddressed Hardware.
to the Cowpany at Te
= und the
. tecine can bo Bad
Mra B.A. Parkhurst,
Very solemn an:
Ney euter natn "Eiies 36 sente| mauled freee’ Peviiey —= — det z Be Rites
i ENRY WARD BEECHER” FORT SUAL-|HOkAce Wavens, N Ocean Steamers, |FPARDWARD aod CUTLERY, « good osifoows. PYLE'S Sone, sLenatus, CREAM TARTAR [cts 7 ine
By r Palpit aud Rostrom, N = 7 Ee 5s Ga AND SODA ag the articles that tell. Housekeepers want ihe SeoeaEcee
i TEN, ORATION, ta Polplt oud Rostrum, No, 5a TANO STUDIE x oi =a ae vortmont forthe Counter Trades” 9 cy ncaeere ;
CRAIN P U, MAM CALIFORNIA STEAMSHIP] /0HNEBHOWER A Tri chatenaty Rowiete [ott Gece va - rT
] Eobiisbers, No, 190 Grand-et, New-York. P Un 9 peem ns sera ES 2 COA rest reduction a Sleerage Fares. N i — pats SNS RSs HRT 7 5 A MONTHL.—Azents want
Arverican News Co, supply tha trade. Ops 128, NEW 8C LIN VELOG commencing MAY 1, 1853. “A Pirst-chuas 3 = a BS, P ri TCOLI = SGE coraa eee ates Ay era LI prota tenes
| TSHFULNESS, How to Ovorone ie Boel Ch it tinvrcisateita tract Fee er Medi eet |B Uaoama ice Gua, onta Paar red Lisa aertet et ogo alma ty rey enya woth
\ ENOLOGICAL JOURNAL, Jan, Nov 20 cts SPECIAL STUDI ion and delay by applying to D, He ALLEW, Awvuly No, 6 SALE. by JOUN 1. URO SON, No. $68 Grveawich- J AGENTS WANTED. S.A. OGDEN. | Hye SE UMENTON Con Detrclt, Mist
i! FERENOLOQIOAL JO WALLS, Ne. 39 proaliray. Mowing Grey Now. Loree ALLEN, Age nt, near Chambere-s}., New-York No, 09 Chatham-yt., New-York. 2B.
| 4 ;
ee ae
iy opportunity sbanld oflae Bo Dhankes ng to God sor rm puns une ey a miVEER A vee my oy
ie a . Te Ce , " |